Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd say Vegeta's Final Flash would be stronger, given Toppo being concerned for Jiren about it when he wasn't for the Genki-Dama, though I don't think it'd be by quite enough to kill Kefla. Maybe injure her badly, but not enough to bring death before Vegeta falls.

SS3 Goku (Cell Games) VS Good Boo


High Class Warrior
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Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
The agonising strain that Goku would soon suffer, combined with the lack of intel he has on his opponent's dangerous special moves (e.g. Candy Beam, Absorption), places the odds in Buu's favour.

Kaioken x8 Goku (Arrival on Namek) vs Vegeta, 1st Form Frieza, Gohan, and Krillin

- Goku has no Kaioken strain
- The team is bloodlusted, but no rage boosts for Gohan


High Class Warrior
Aug 18, 2016
Goku with kkx8 has the power level of 720,000 while the strongest one in the enemy team is frieza at 530,000. Goku stomps


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Team wins through their combined power and the fact that being bloodlusted means Kuririn won't ignore launching a Kienzan.

Nappa VS Dodoria's Henchmen (the ones who killed Bardock's friends)


Dec 13, 2016
I'd say Nappa wins with his large power and durability advantage.

Current Vegeta VS Current Hit


High Class Warrior
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Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
Vegeta from the latest episode would probably still be done in by Hit's Cage of Time, going off of how much Jiren struggled to resist it. The preview for the next episode implies Vegeta has gotten quite a boost, but I'd rather wait and see what he's capable of before factoring this version of him into battles.

ASSJ Vegeta Final Flash (CG) vs MSSJ Goku (CG)

- Vegeta charges the blast for as long as he did against Cell, and launches from the same range
- Goku braces himself for the impact
- All of Goku's durability feats are considered

Scenario 2: USSJ Vegeta launches the blast


High Class Warrior
Aug 18, 2016
This is Goku Spite matchup.CG Vegeta is comfortably above 50% CG goku and i tend to view Assj as a 2x boost.Vegeta wont even need final flash to secure the victory

Ssj4 goku (z) vs SSj3 Gotenks.
Gotenks is bloodlusted


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Is ASSJ the same as SSJG2? If so, I'd say such boost would already put Vegeta on par with Cell Games SSJ Goku, only slightly below. So I'd say Goku would be in trouble if he standed by and got hit by the Final Flash directly, considering the Perfect Cell scene implies it has quite a very big amplification behind it. As for USSJ, assuming it's SSJG3, then Goku would probably get vaporized, considering such a boost would probably be already enough to put Vegeta considerably stronger than Cell Games Goku... a FF on top of it is overkill, but maybe Goku could pull off a survival à la Piccolo Junior in the 23rd Budokai or Vegeta in the Saiyajins saga... who knows.

Goku (post Kaio training/Saiyajin saga) vs Zarbon

--> Zarbon can't transform.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Damn, be slower plz. Considering SSJ4 is a potential unlock and that Gohan having his potential unlocked far above its natural limits didn't end up outclassing Gotenks by A LOT (i.e many times), I'd say SSJ4 Goku is going to be stomped here. Maybe SSJ3 won't even be needed, dunno.

Same matchup as I did before (Goku post Kaio vs Zarbon without his transformation)


High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
KyuubiAhri said:
This is Goku Spite matchup
I wasn't trying to be spiteful. Goku is portrayed to be unimaginably durable sometimes. For examples, in the Saiyan Arc he managed to stay alive when an angry Oozaru Vegeta was crushing his body, in the Frieza Arc Goku (Base) managed to stay alive when a pissed off Final Form Frieza was attacking him, and in the Shadow Dragons Arc Goku (Base) managed to somewhat temporarily resist Omega Shenron's Negative Karma Ball. I just wanted to see if anyone had Goku surviving this considering what has been shown before.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I think Goku would maybe survive it considering he already survived hits from beings many times stronger than him (e.g final form Freeza), but he surely would be rather injured, even more so by the FF on top of SSJG3. Vegeta is over half Goku's battle power, so even though Goku is way stronger than Vegeta the gap still has a cap on it. We don't have a precise accuracy on the SSJG2's amp despite the fact that Piccolo stated "his chi is quickly increasing" and then "it's still increasing more and more", denoting a pretty big power up, I'd say. It's true that even a 1.3x power up can be seen as a pretty big increase considering Vegeta vs Cui, but I tend to see it as a 1.4~1.5x increase considering that not even Cell's power up, said by Vegeta to be "quite a power up" was enough to turn the battle into a competitive one, and Vegeta still tanked Cell in a similar way he did #19. A 1.4x increase also fits my theory that Freeza powering up from 70% to 100%, Cell powering up to FP and Vegeta SSJG2 are all similar increases. So, to illustrate:

Vegeta [CG] : 66
Vegeta grade 2 : ~ 92
Goku [CG] : 100

As for the Final Flash, Cell was completely stomping Vegeta, to the point him tanking Super Vegeta's kick was one of the most impressive tanks next to Freeza tanking Nail and Cell tanking #16. Yet, the Final Flash was in all likelihood considerably above that Cell, who'd be screwed if not for his regeneration. Considering that Cell was way above Vegeta and that the Final Flash was considerably above Cell, I think we can safely say that the FF amplification was at least 2x.

Vegeta SSJG2 + FF : ~180
Goku [CG] : 100

So Goku would be already in a rather big disadvantage. As for the Grade 3 amplification, we know Trunks with such power was labeled as "quite above" or "easily surpassing" Cell, to the point Trunks seemed sure about his victory when not knowing about the speed weakness. So, considering that power-wise Trunks is considerably above someone that could easily tank his 'lesser' form, I could easily see that as a ~2x power up on top of the SSJG2 as well, making Goku multifolds weaker than a hypothetical SSJG3 + FF Vegeta:

Vegeta SSJG3 + FF : ~360
Goku [CG] : 100

That would be it as far as my estimations go, in which Goku would be already rather outclassed by a SSJG2 + FF, nevermind a grade 3 + FF. But yeah, considering base Goku was already enough to take some hits from Freeza and that Goku is known for his brutal durability, I have my doubts if he'd be killed by such an attack. Injured of course, but it's possible he is still breathing after that, of course. May be also worth noting that Goku's durability might be seen sometimes as plot based and when the plot calls for it he can survive attacks from someone he normally wouldn't.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
ahill1 said:
Damn, be slower plz. Considering SSJ4 is a potential unlock and that Gohan having his potential unlocked far above its natural limits didn't end up outclassing Gotenks by A LOT (i.e many times), I'd say SSJ4 Goku is going to be stomped here. Maybe SSJ3 won't even be needed, dunno.

Same matchup as I did before (Goku post Kaio vs Zarbon without his transformation)

Considering Goku would probably go right for the Kaioken x3 instead of trying Kaioken x2 like he did with Vegeta, i'm willing to give it to Goku here, even more if Goku fires a Kamehameha on the top of it. Not to mention Zarbon's rustiness on fighting.

Chaozu (Peak, Manga) runs the Namek Gauntlet

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
I don't think Chaotzu has anything going for him to even be put higher than Recoome.

#17 (Current) vs Mastered Berserker Kale

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Assuming #17's strength is the same in both mediums, he gets stomped since Kale could fight fairly well against SSG Goku when having a far weaker ally as her only backup. If assuming Anime #17 >> Manga #17, things could be different, but I have yet to get that impression of him. #17's durability feats against Anilaza weren't much different from his sister's and the only reason he wasn't swatted away when facing his blast head on like before were the 4 SSB tier characters' power cushioning the blast. If he does something significant against Toppo though, my opinion will change.

Elite Saiyans VS Freeza
- Battle conditions: King Vegeta is attempting to free his son from Freeza's ship as in filler with 10 of his most elite warriors. The victory condition for the Saiyans is if at least one of them flees alive with Prince Vegeta.
- King Vegeta's strategy is to have 5 of his men invade the ship with him whilst the other 5 attempt to blast the door to Prince Vegeta's room from the inside, whilst avoiding Freeza's detection as much as possible.
- Assault takes place at the point when Bardock is fighting Freeza's soldiers. Freeza, Dodoria and Zarbon, as well as 10 average Freeza soldiers are inside the ship, but none are wearing scouters.


Dec 13, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
Assuming #17's strength is the same in both mediums, he gets stomped since Kale could fight fairly well against SSG Goku when having a far weaker ally as her only backup. If assuming Anime #17 >> Manga #17, things could be different, but I have yet to get that impression of him. #17's durability feats against Anilaza weren't much different from his sister's and the only reason he wasn't swatted away when facing his blast head on like before were the 4 SSB tier characters' power cushioning the blast. If he does something significant against Toppo though, my opinion will change.

Fairly well ? Perhaps initially, but Goku took zero damage from a point-blank ki blast, then easily destroyed their ki blasts with his own ki blasts, which Kale could only repell with significant effort. Shin even says that he's in a different class from them. That said, I would put Kale to SSJ3-tier at least.

Besides, from I have heard recently, 17 is just as powerful as Gohan.

Elite Saiyans VS Freeza
- Battle conditions: King Vegeta is attempting to free his son from Freeza's ship as in filler with 10 of his most elite warriors. The victory condition for the Saiyans is if at least one of them flees alive with Prince Vegeta.
- King Vegeta's strategy is to have 5 of his men invade the ship with him whilst the other 5 attempt to blast the door to Prince Vegeta's room from the inside, whilst avoiding Freeza's detection as much as possible.
- Assault takes place at the point when Bardock is fighting Freeza's soldiers. Freeza, Dodoria and Zarbon, as well as 10 average Freeza soldiers are inside the ship, but none are wearing scouters.

I can see them pulling it off if the 4 others distract Freeza, while the last free Vegeta.

Perfect Cell VS Boo VS Hit
-Equal battle powers

Who wins ?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Boo wins due to better regeneration than Cell and Hit's more precise and focused techniques not having the range to counter the durability of either combatant. I don't believe his power progression would be a factor here either, seeing as how it seems to only allow him to match his opponent and not outright surpass them.

Taopaipai VS Muten Roshi
- Equal battle powers
- Taopaipai is aware of all of Roshi's techniques through his brother's teachings.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Seeing how Goku and Tenshinhan were in equal terms during their fight it seems like Turtle school and Crane school are equaly skilled. I think Tao wind after a hard fight thanks to prior knowledge om Roshi, not to mention his tricks like the grenade thing.

M10 :pakl vs Fat Boo (1st power up)
~ Boo cannot power up further and cannot use candy beam or absorbtion.


High Class Warrior
Aug 18, 2016
Is this the version of buu that goku and vegeta can take down by working together? Then i have buu winning this battle.He and broly are close in strength but buu has infinte stamina and i don't think it's ever stated that broly's power increases like in M8

Dabura and SSJ2 Gohan vs SPC
-Assume that Gohan was ssj2 vs Dabura


High Class Warrior
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Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
Probably the team due to Stone Spit.

Hit vs Jiren

- Equal BPs
- No Cage of Time or improvements for Hit


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Hit wins IMO. Jiren never did anything impressive skill wise that outperforms the Time Skip or Hit's assassin techniques

Toppo vs Merged Zamasu
~ Manga scaling for both
~ No imortality/clones bullshit for Zamas, nor regeneration.

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