But I'm wrong Chaozu. The truth is I have both ak Krilin and Yamcha (TB23) very slightly on Goku (Post Water), because Krilin (TB23) gave some fighting to Piccolo (Initial). The latter according to Goku, was stronger than his father. Also Shen speaking better of Yamcha, of which I speak Mr. Popo of Goku.
The only reason why Krillin (TB23) was impressed by Goku (Heavy Clothes), was because Goku according to Tenshinhan, his speed had not increased much, but if at least a little. In fact Krilin was impressed by Goku, after Yamcha said that possibly Goku is equal to or even faster than Tenshinhan.
I also believe that all those selected by Kamisama should be at least> ChiChi. Therefore Yayirobe and Chaozu (BoZ) must be tremendously more powerful than before.
Redgic vs. Mr. Boo (Exhibition Tournament)?