Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Loby said:
Doctor Uiru runs the gauntlet.

Uiru vs Dodoria
Uiru vs Zarbon
Uiru vs Monster Zarbon
Movie 2 would logically have to take place 1 year after the Saiyan Arc in this timeline due to the use of the DBs, so Goku ought to be far stronger than his Saiyan Arc self. That said, someone capable of going up against this version of Kaioken x3 Goku and taking a Kamehameha from KKx4 definitely clears.

theallpowerfulpuipui said:
1st form Bojack vs Dabura
Bojack's best feat was stomping a version of Vegeta not much different from his Cell Games self and Gohan's "Your Ki is incredible" doesn't really mean much when considering Goku made a similar comment about the Ginyu mid tier trio, not to mention Gohan's later feats against Bojack contradicting the idea of Base Bojack > MSSJ Gohan. Dabura would be more or less on par with him and would win via spit.

Tenshinhan & Chaozu VS Kuririn & Yamcha
- Equal battle powers.
- Saiyan Arc versions of all.
- All in character, so Kikoho, direct hits with the Kienzan and self-destruction obviously aren't an option.
- Round 1 is a 2 on 2 brawl. Round 2 is a tag team match with Tenshinhan VS Kuririn to start off and either fighter being able to switch with their partner whenever necessary. Win via KO for both.


Low Class Warrior
Feb 19, 2019
Captain Cadaver said:
Loby said:
Doctor Uiru runs the gauntlet.

Uiru vs Dodoria
Uiru vs Zarbon
Uiru vs Monster Zarbon
Movie 2 would logically have to take place 1 year after the Saiyan Arc in this timeline due to the use of the DBs, so Goku ought to be far stronger than his Saiyan Arc self. That said, someone capable of going up against this version of Kaioken x3 Goku and taking a Kamehameha from KKx4 definitely clears.

theallpowerfulpuipui said:
1st form Bojack vs Dabura
Bojack's best feat was stomping a version of Vegeta not much different from his Cell Games self and Gohan's "Your Ki is incredible" doesn't really mean much when considering Goku made a similar comment about the Ginyu mid tier trio, not to mention Gohan's later feats against Bojack contradicting the idea of Base Bojack > MSSJ Gohan. Dabura would be more or less on par with him and would win via spit.

Tenshinhan & Chaozu VS Kuririn & Yamcha
- Equal battle powers.
- Saiyan Arc versions of all.
- All in character, so Kikoho, direct hits with the Kienzan and self-destruction obviously aren't an option.
- Round 1 is a 2 on 2 brawl. Round 2 is a tag team match with Tenshinhan VS Kuririn to start off and either fighter being able to switch with their partner whenever necessary. Win via KO for both.

Movies are alternative universe so taking place one year after the fight with the saiyans should not even be a thought. Movie 4 follows movie 3 and both movies had the DBs activated. Just wanted to clear it up.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Loby said:
Movies are alternative universe so taking place one year after the fight with the saiyans should not even be a thought. Movie 4 follows movie 3 and both movies had the DBs activated. Just wanted to clear it up.
Being in an alternate timeline makes no difference when the movie makes it clear most of the canon Saiyan Arc events still occurred and the DBs were still active. Being a non-canon movie doesn't mean it should be exempt from some level of internal logic.


Low Class Warrior
Feb 19, 2019
Captain Cadaver said:
Loby said:
Movies are alternative universe so taking place one year after the fight with the saiyans should not even be a thought. Movie 4 follows movie 3 and both movies had the DBs activated. Just wanted to clear it up.
Being in an alternate timeline makes no difference when the movie makes it clear most of the canon Saiyan Arc events still occurred and the DBs were still active. Being a non-canon movie doesn't mean it should be exempt from some level of internal logic.

Movie 4 is not one year after Movie 3 right? Piccolo was also shown dying in movie 2 by Nappa in Gohan's flashback. The point is that movies do not follow canon events.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Loby said:
Movie 4 is not one year after Movie 3 right?
If they take place in the same timeline, then it'd have to.

Piccolo was also shown dying in movie 2 by Nappa in Gohan's flashback.
He wasn't shown explicitly dying, only taking Nappa's attack. The main change in this timeline would be that Piccolo survived Nappa's blast and thus made the trip to Namek pointless.

The point is that movies do not follow canon events.
Irrelevant when that still doesn't excuse throwing away internal logic.

Also, I'd advise continuing this in a separate thread if necessary as to not draw away from the focus of this one.


Jan 27, 2016
Tenshinhan & Chaozu VS Kuririn & Yamcha
- Equal battle powers.
- Saiyan Arc versions of all.
- All in character, so Kikoho, direct hits with the Kienzan and self-destruction obviously aren't an option.
- Round 1 is a 2 on 2 brawl. Round 2 is a tag team match with Tenshinhan VS Kuririn to start off and either fighter being able to switch with their partner whenever necessary. Win via KO for both.

In the first round Chaozu would be pretty helpful with his psychic abilities thanks to being on par with everyone else. I'm not sure if he can paralyze two people at once or not though, he could just paralyze Krillin while Tien takes out Yamcha and then he can just take out Krillin who's still paralyzed. As for round two I feel like Tien outskills both Yamcha and Krillin so he could probably beat both of them without switching with Chaozu, alternatively Chaozu could likely win on his own as well once again thanks to his abilities.

Super Vegeta and Trunks (Vs Semi Cell) vs Dabura

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
The father-son duo get absolutely stomped. Even after the Rosat, they were :trash to the Cell Dabura is comparable to and somewhat implied to not being able to take him on together. Make it the versions who were flabbergasted at 50% MSSJ Galu, factor in the spit and this is an easy win for Dabura.

Shin runs a Cell Arc gauntlet
- In this scenario, Shin's paralysis is as effective against a stronger opponent as Manga Zamasu's was. He can also use an energy shield as he did in the FT Arc anime with Gowasu and assume it has equivalent defensive properties to his paralysis' potency. He can also use Katchin blocks as projectiles as in the Budokai games.
- Gets healed after each match.
- No intel for his opponents. Shin's knowledge on his opponents is equal to what it was in the Boo Arc, so he has minor knowledge of Goku and perhaps Piccolo's capabilities.
- Mindset: Shin is aiming to win as efficiently as possible. Everyone else is in-character.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
With paralysis, :shin stomps everyone up to Galu (post rosat) but possibly loses if Galu distracts Shin like Kuririn did Chaozu to achieve victory. If Galu doesn't think of this, like he didn't against :gay (although against :gay he was only in SSJ mode and therefore weaker than Zamasu), he gets rekt but Cell pulls off a win with his regen and various abilities.

Present Zamasu (manga) vs. Initial Hit

Zamasu has intrl.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Zamasu stomps given the implications of him being around Current SS3 tier and the gap between SSG and SSB already being enough to make Time Skip irrelevant.

MUI Goku (Boo Arc) runs the Boo Arc gauntlet
- No stamina issues. Gets a Senzu after each fight as well.
- Manga scaling for the MUI boost.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
If going by the V-Jump scale, he one-shots everyone

If you go by the MUI boost not being that much greater than the stamina Jiren lost from fighting MUI Galu, then Galu ends up even weaker than his original SSJ3 form and therefore loses. If you just apply the difference from dividing his MUI boost by his SSJ3 boost ToP arc, he probably gets up to Gohan-Boo or SSJ Vegetto and loses imo.

base Vegetto (DBS) vs. initial Ikari mode :pakl

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Via anime scaling, Broly probably wrecks due to the bullshit plot haxes of the ToP. Manga-wise, Vegetto stomps given how Ikari Broly was still below SSB tier iirc and Goku/Vegeta haven't really gotten any major power ups since achieving SSB.

SSJ Grade 3 Goku (Cell Games) VS Power-Weighted Perfect Cell
- Speed equalised
- DBS Anime can be taken into account on how Grade 3 compares to SS2.
- If Goku wins, he faces SPC with the same conditions.


Dec 13, 2016
Likely Cell due to his great power advantage over Goku. His speed loss was implied to be the reason why his fight against Gohan was this one-sided as well.

SSJ Broly (DBS) vs SSJ2 Kefla

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Probably Kefla anime-wise. Considering the advantage over SS2 Goku Berserk Kale had and the Broly movie seeming to debunk the idea of Goku having become far stronger anime-wise as just mere plot armour, I doubt someone who could only stalemate SSJ Gogeta is going to win there. Manga-wise, Kefla would definitely win since we only saw her SSJ self who was implied to be superior to Initial Jiren. SSJ Broly was shown to be able to go up against two PSSBs, likely overpowering them the same as Goku/Vegeta's movie counterparts, which isn't any better than what Initial Jiren could already do.

SSJ Vegetto (FT Arc) VS Gohan (End of ToP)
- Manga versions of both.
- Gohan can't use his adaption plot hax to gain an advantage out of nowhere.


Jan 27, 2016
Doesn't seem like anyone knows the answer to this one. I have no idea what's up in the manga so this is just a guess but I'll go with Vegito.

Giant Lord Slug vs Vegeta

Vegeta is at his strongest from the namek arc.


Low Class Warrior
Mar 27, 2019
I'm gonna go with Vegeta. IIRC It took until Slug transformed for him to be stronger than Frieza, but given the time the movie was released, he would have been superior only to 2nd Form Frieza.

Movie 6 SSJ Goku and SSJ Vegeta vs Present Android 17 and 18


May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Probably Kefla anime-wise. Considering the advantage over SS2 Goku Berserk Kale had and the Broly movie seeming to debunk the idea of Goku having become far stronger anime-wise as just mere plot armour, I doubt someone who could only stalemate SSJ Gogeta is going to win there. Manga-wise, Kefla would definitely win since we only saw her SSJ self who was implied to be superior to Initial Jiren. SSJ Broly was shown to be able to go up against two PSSBs, likely overpowering them the same as Goku/Vegeta's movie counterparts, which isn't any better than what Initial Jiren could already do.

SSJ Vegetto (FT Arc) VS Gohan (End of ToP)
- Manga versions of both.
- Gohan can't use his adaption plot hax to gain an advantage out of nowhere.

According to my numbers, I have Ultimate Gohan (ToP) between Vegetto SSJ2 (FT) and Vegetto SSJ3 (FT) in the Manga, so Gohan crushes.

I have the Z Warriors on M6 equal to their Arc Android counterparts. Therefore, the Androids tread.

  Vegeta Base (ToP) vs Android # 18 (ToP)?

  Both are from Anime.

  Note: Remember that Vegeta SSJB (ToP) = Toppo = Goku SSJB Kaioken. Therefore Vegeta was twice as powerful as Goku at the start of ToP in equal ways. Surely Goku at some point in ToP, doubled his power in equal ways.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
SIAD said:
  Vegeta Base (ToP) vs Android # 18 (ToP)?

  Both are from Anime.

  Note: Remember that Vegeta SSJB (ToP) = Toppo = Goku SSJB Kaioken. Therefore Vegeta was twice as powerful as Goku at the start of ToP in equal ways. Surely Goku at some point in ToP, doubled his power in equal ways.
It seems most likely that Toppo musn't have been able to sense Goky's power whilst using Kaioken or only took into account his performance as a SSB, given how Caulifla > Cabba and the latter wasn't too far from Vegeta's level, whereas the former was overpowered by Goku in equal forms and it didn't seem Goku had any real catalyst to become over 2x stronger.

That said, #18 still wins. When removing plot armour, there's not much to suggest Goku/Vegeta became far stronger throughout the ToP, especially when scaling in the Broly movie directly contradicts that notion.

Current Boo (SSBE Vegeta absorbed) VS FP Jiren
- Manga versions of both.
- Jiren can't break his limits like against UI Goku.
- Win by death.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Jiren has shitty stamina and seems to have aversion to killing so he loses.

Current Boo (Oob absorbed) vs. Kaioken x 10 Beerus

Assume absorbing Oob has the same effect as Evil Gray Boo absorbing fatty.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Even assuming Galu's base power won't be retconned and that Oob would be leagues above Pure Boo, I'd say Beerus still stomps since the route of making Evil Boo hundreds of times weaker than fatty seems like an unnecessary bloat. Boo would probably surpass Beerus without Kaioken through this though.

Kaioken x100 Kaio VS Gohan (During 1st form Freeza's arrival)
- No Kaioken strain.
- If Kaio wins, have him fight Pre-Nail Piccolo.


May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
SIAD said:
  Vegeta Base (ToP) vs Android # 18 (ToP)?

  Both are from Anime.

  Note: Remember that Vegeta SSJB (ToP) = Toppo = Goku SSJB Kaioken. Therefore Vegeta was twice as powerful as Goku at the start of ToP in equal ways. Surely Goku at some point in ToP, doubled his power in equal ways.
It seems most likely that Toppo musn't have been able to sense Goky's power whilst using Kaioken or only took into account his performance as a SSB, given how Caulifla > Cabba and the latter wasn't too far from Vegeta's level, whereas the former was overpowered by Goku in equal forms and it didn't seem Goku had any real catalyst to become over 2x stronger.

That said, #18 still wins. When removing plot armour, there's not much to suggest Goku/Vegeta became far stronger throughout the ToP, especially when scaling in the Broly movie directly contradicts that notion.

Current Boo (SSBE Vegeta absorbed) VS FP Jiren
- Manga versions of both.
- Jiren can't break his limits like against UI Goku.
- Win by death.

But Toppo who seemed at the same level of Goku SSJB, still made a great ignition. Not necessarily double, but a significant increase.

  The truth I saw Vegeta (ToP) far superior to Cabba (ToP) in equal ways. Vegeta Base (ToP) did not seem very far from Cabba SSJ (ToP), seeing his performance against Super Mona.

  Also, Toppo Base proved to be far superior to Golden Freezer, Gohan Ultimate and Android # 17. The first 2 seemed to be at the level of Goku SSJB (Start of ToP).

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