Since the bandwagon for this has appeared...

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
@Wǒ dǒngle I can't help noticing how much is communicated by Booker-T's pecs :alex2. It is pretty funny how controversial it was treat back in the day and shows far more equality than nowadays where it'd only be considered controversial if a white man had said it. Yet more proof of how words only have power if you give them it (or put those they have power over in charge).

@Kenshi Honestly not too ironic or surprising when the quality of the league he won made the Orange League look top tier if James can get far in Alola and Ash losing the Kalos League and releasing Greninja made it apparent to anyone that hoped he'd have permanent character development that he's just a marketing tool and has been since no later than the Hoenn League.

@Fantastische Hure Ai yo Kienaide is a good song (par for the course with City Hunter music). I wouldn't say it's quite the top tier of City Hunter openings though with the 3 succeeding it (Go Go Heaven, Angel Night and Sara) being even better.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Did you mean 1991? There was no '93 anime. If so, it's quite average. There's a few okay parts (mainly those that explore elements of Ryo's past), but the good storylines are few and far between compared to the earlier series.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I've seen a few clips of it such as the Street Fighter scene. The comedy can be hit or miss with some parts capturing the zaniness of the original manga well whereas others go a bit too overboard with the comedy, particularly with the tonal balance the original manga had for dramatic elements. Still seems like an entertaining popocorn flick though.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Finishing Season 5a of Breaking Bad and I’m starting to see the quality going downhill. Mike’s demise specially was incredibly stupid.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
So this is the incriminating evidence in the bathroom you talked about :punk

I like Walter keeping that letter, shows he at least respected Gale, BUT IN THE VISIT’S BATHROOM?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Top ten most over powered stands in your opinion?
There's so many with various functions or scenarios to make them overpowered that trying to make a top ten would be incredibly difficult beyond Gold Experience Requiem obviously being the most powerful of canon Stands. I will say some notable examples I'd list amongst the most overpowered though would be:

Death 13 - Unless you're lucky enough to not be killed within the first dream and have enough preparation for the next one like Kakyoin did, there's no way of countering it without knowing the user before you sleep,

The World - Time stop is obviously overpowered, particularly in vampiric hands where its timestop can be extended beyond the typical maximum of 5 seconds. Compared to other time related Stands, it's also easier to activate and has less restrictions in its ability.

Cream/The Hand - This is taking the Stands as they are without factoring in their users. Under more competent Stand Users, they'd be top tier and are only held back by their users' own intelligence.

Metallica - Can just tear someone apart with the iron inside their body. If not for plot armour, Doppio would be dead.

Jail House Lock - Traps one in a perpetual loop. Under most circumstances, it'd be a sure win.

Bohemian Rhapsody - It can bring the most overpowered characters in fiction to life as long as it's someone's favourite.

All of Pucci's Stands - Whitesnake can steal abilities and is only held back by its speed, C-Moon controlling gravity is extremely disorientating and Made in Heaven is very overpowered in the sense that it's the only (canon) Stand that can reset the universe.

D4C - All it takes to kill an opponent is bring an alternate timeline version of them in and cause a paradox. If you die somehow, D4C can just bring in an alternate version of you to take over.

There's a few others that could be included such as Tusk Act 4, Notorious B.I.G., etc. depending on what metric we're using, but those are far more situational or aren't overpowered in the sense of helping their user.

@GreatSaiyaman123 Yeah, Season 5 is definitely nowhere near as consistent as the previous ones, though still fairly good overall with it featuring some of the absolute best episodes in BB (Ozymandias being a contender for best tv episode in general).
I wouldn't say Mike's death was stupid though when considering Walt getting the better of him makes sense with Mike admitting he doesn't work well against unpredictability such as Walt stealing his revolver and Walt's fit of rage was more of a calculated move merged with his impulsive nature as getting rid of Mike was always something he planned to do if necessary.

Mr. Popo Fan

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 30, 2015
Were you aware that a fat commie was assassinated in 1960 by a teenager with a stolen Wakizashi?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd vaguely heard about it, but not in detail before looking into it now. Good to know there was a time post WWII where Japan was still willing to combat communist infiltration. Based Yamaguchi.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Yeah, Season 5 is definitely nowhere near as consistent as the previous ones, though still fairly good overall with it featuring some of the absolute best episodes in BB (Ozymandias being a contender for best tv episode in general).
I wouldn't say Mike's death was stupid though when considering Walt getting the better of him makes sense with Mike admitting he doesn't work well against unpredictability such as Walt stealing his revolver and Walt's fit of rage was more of a calculated move merged with his impulsive nature as getting rid of Mike was always something he planned to do if necessary.

It was pretty in character for Walter, but not Mike. Even if he didn't want to risk Jesse getting caught, trusting Walt is something he'd never do. Would've made more sense if Mike asked Jesse to come, then Walt talked Jesse into letting him go without Mike's consent.

Ozymandias is definitely the best episode in the show. What are your thoughts on the finale?


Dec 13, 2016
Are you aware that there's a canon Clementine Lives story in the first issue of Skybound X? Before reading it, how do you feel about this frankly unnecessary continuation of her story? What's your opinion after actually reading it (spoiler alert: I hated it)?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
@Wǒ dǒngle Ghosts of Tsuishima is one that instantly comes to mind. As far as major franchises, the Legend of Zelda franchise also seems pretty good if I had the consoles most of the main games are available on or a decent emulator, though I've heard the timeline for the series can be a bit confusing.

@GreatSaiyaman123 From Mike's perspective though, he and Walt would have some understanding in putting business first and wouldn't consider Walt to needlessly try and murder him, especially when all previous rash actions on Walt's part were ones that involved Jesse making clumsy mistakes (eg. the entirety of Season 3's finale), so it would still come out of left-field for Mike.

For the finale, I'd say it's kind of a mixed bag with it trying to have a bittersweet ending in Walt gaining some form of redemption despite a major part of the show being his tragedy that led to a downfall, with it wanting to have it's cake and eat it in many ways. It did have some necessary payoffs though such as Walt admitting "I did it for me". I'm currently rewatching the series (now on S5E2), so I may have a different perspective when taking a second look at it.

@Keedounan Wasn't aware of it, so I'll read it when I find a good source. My initial thoughts would be continuing the story further being highly unnecessary when a major point of The Final Season was a sense of closure and the Telltale saga coming full circle.

@Fantastische Hure It's an alright track, though far from as memorable as other gems from the original Pokemon ost.


Dec 13, 2016
@Wǒ dǒngle Ghosts of Tsuishima is one that instantly comes to mind. As far as major franchises, the Legend of Zelda franchise also seems pretty good if I had the consoles most of the main games are available on or a decent emulator, though I've heard the timeline for the series can be a bit confusing.

@GreatSaiyaman123 From Mike's perspective though, he and Walt would have some understanding in putting business first and wouldn't consider Walt to needlessly try and murder him, especially when all previous rash actions on Walt's part were ones that involved Jesse making clumsy mistakes (eg. the entirety of Season 3's finale), so it would still come out of left-field for Mike.

For the finale, I'd say it's kind of a mixed bag with it trying to have a bittersweet ending in Walt gaining some form of redemption despite a major part of the show being his tragedy that led to a downfall, with it wanting to have it's cake and eat it in many ways. It did have some necessary payoffs though such as Walt admitting "I did it for me". I'm currently rewatching the series (now on S5E2), so I may have a different perspective when taking a second look at it.

@Keedounan Wasn't aware of it, so I'll read it when I find a good source. My initial thoughts would be continuing the story further being highly unnecessary when a major point of The Final Season was a sense of closure and the Telltale saga coming full circle.

@Fantastische Hure It's an alright track, though far from as memorable as other gems from the original Pokemon ost.
I actually just gave you a link in my post (put the link inside the "Clementine Lives" bit). The forum is pretty bad in making it obvious, so here we go:

Hopefully, you won't hate it as much as I do...

Mr. Popo Fan

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 30, 2015
I'll say the Zelda timeline and it's respective branches isn't very important. A few games are direct sequels, but they can really be enjoyed standalone as well.

You've said before Ashita no Joe is your favourite manga. Why is that?