2023 DBZeta Fitness Challenge

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
Let's partake in an interesting challenge, that may result with a prize, or two. For 2023, challenge yourself to become fit. It could be as simple as losing weight and leaning out, or it could be as complex as burning fat and building as much muscle naturally as possible.

Whoever has the most drastic change by the final day of this year, would win a prize. We can either have one winner, or split it up between contestants based on the results.

I've already purchased, prepared, and am ready for my challenge, which was separate from this forum. With this idea, I can actually just incorporate it here with whoever wants to participate. My goal is to get in the best shape of my life. It's going to be a brutal 6 month transformation of actual physical lifting and endurance. I want to discover what's possible in terms of a 6 month natural transformation of true 100% hard work and dedication. I believe that the mainstream perception of what's possible in 6 months is false. With my experiences and results with only fasting, I have to believe building muscle in my fashion will not be difficult. I've never had a six pack before, and this will be the first time I ever achieve it. I'm waiting for the temperature to level out in the 50's, at the minimum, before I begin going to the gym. It's too much of a hassle not to just go directly in active wear at the gym, and I need this to be a simple of a process as possible in order to maximize my free time.

I imagine that I'll be starting towards the end of March. I'll update when that moment nears.

Height: 6'7"
Current weight on 2/9/23: 224 lb
Fattest I've ever been was around 2010/2011: 280 lb (SAD diet)
Leanest I've ever been was around 2020: 186 lb (After a 17 day water fast)

I've worked out for 2 or 3 different periods of time in my life and it was the brutality of peak gains. I'll never forget how to truly become strong. It's been ~7 years since the last time and my dietary lifestyle is completely different now. With all of the information that I've gained, and proven to be true through my own experience, I firmly believe that building muscle will be even faster now, than it was back then.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Awesome idea. I'm 100% in.

Height: 5'6
Weight: 128lbs
Bench Press: 135lbs x5
Barbell row: 125lbs x5
Squat (full depth): 185lbs x3
Overhead press: 85lbs x5
Deadlift: 285lbs x1 (late 2021)
Cardio: 6/10

Weight: 140lbs
Bench Press: 155lbs x5
Barbell row: 150lbs x5
Squat (full depth): ?
Overhead press: 105lbs x5
Deadlift: ?
Cardio: 8/10

I'd say I'm in pretty good shape right now but it can always improve. I'm currently having difficulty gaining weight even though I'm trying to bulk, so 140 feels like a big ask when I'll be back at work in a few months. Gonna really load up on calories to see if I can break out of this plateau. I won't be able to lift at all in April due to getting surgery, so I'll try to use that month to bulk a bit. I left squat and deadlift blank as I may not be able to return to them given my anterior pelvic tilt is not improving. One of my goals is to see improvement on that which has been next to impossible so far. I've also long been held back by shoulder impingement, which has improved enough recently to make gains on bench and OHP, but I need it to keep improving. Cardio I gave myself an arbitrary 6/10 by my standards. My distance cardio is solid but my short interval cardio is lacking. I'll need to start doing HIIT again to get close to my peak in 2020.

Again, this will become difficult once I start working full time with a job that burns thousands of calories, but I'll do my best to stay consistent this year. Really great thread, I wouldn't have considered any of these things had you not made it (aside from trying to gain weight obv).

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
It shouldn't even be called a "fitness challenge." For anyone is overweight, all you have to do are two simple tasks.

1) Change what you eat.
2) Limit when you eat.

By changing those two aspects, you will instantly begin burning fat.

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
Height: 5'7"
Weight (as of 1/20): 151lb.
Fattest I've ever been: 215lb. (2017)
Leanest I've ever been: 147lb. (2022)

Don't care too much about my weight on the scale as long as I'm happy with how I look. I imagine with a more ideal physique I'd end up somewhere in the 145-155 range. Don't really care about my lift numbers either as long as I manage to progress them. If anything I'll use periodic progress pics for tracking.

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
I have all of my athletic wear purchased, and ready to go. I ended up purchasing a special set of athletic trainers.



High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
I'm in. Sounds fun.

I really want to get rid of the fat around my midsection and chest and get strong. Right now I'm trying to eat around maintenance/at a slight deficit to gradually achieve the former without completely forgoing the latter. Improving my midsection is the short term goal. My weight is not a problem on its own and most people, if they saw me with a shirt on, would assume that I need to gain weight, but I'm vain enough to care that my gut sticks out so I want to get rid of that first. I don't care about abs per se, but having a gut is just plain unattractive in my opinion and it also feels uncomfortable.

The long term goal is ultimately more important. I've been weak as fuck my entire life and it's only recently that I've begun taking that seriously. I used to have pretty good cardio as a silver lining, but that's gone down the drain as well, so I'd like to not be gassed going up the stairs quite so easily if at all possible. More of a secondary goal though. No clue how I'd quantify it exactly.

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 174lbs
Fattest I've ever been (2022): 185lbs
Leanest I've ever been (as an adult, circa 2015ish): ~130lbs or something
Bench: 125lbs x1
Squat: 185lbs x1
Deadlift: 225lbs x1
Overhead press: 70lbs x4
Pushups: 16
Pullups: 0

Weight: ?
Bench: bodyweight*1 x1
Squat: bodyweight*1.5 x1
Deadlift: bodyweight*2 x1
Overhead press: bodyweight/2 x3~5
Pushups: 20+
Pullups: 5~10


May 30, 2015
Can you target fat like you can target muscle? I would like to get rid of some of my belly fat but not my chest fat. LOL.

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
Can you target fat like you can target muscle? I would like to get rid of some of my belly fat but not my chest fat. LOL.
From everything that I've gathered, it's impossible to target specific sections. It's a process that occurs altogether as a whole. There are certain areas that tend to have priority, though.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Spot reducing fat is a long disproven myth. Q is right about genetics, but as a general rule of thumb, in most men, the body feels most inclined to store fat around the midsection and is therefore least willing to burn that fat as well. That’s why lots of guys struggle with stubborn fat around the belly and low back. Chances are you’ll burn fat everywhere else before you do there but maybe you’re different.

IMO, just bench press. You can have big muscular pecs instead of fat man tits.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
I know you do, I was just offering an alternative given that you can’t do targeted fat loss.
Try it out of course, just start losing weight and see what happens. Maybe it’ll work out.


Zeta Elite
Global Moderator
May 30, 2015
Looks like Steve Austin if he was 120lbs, metrosexual and diabetic.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 23, 2022
That's awesome brother, definitely keep us posted!

Also, 6'7"? You should be balling.

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.