Well, with the rules becoming stricter now, I think now's an appropriate time for me to leave. I might come back someday, but eh.
I just want to say I hope to God I'm not still on forums in 10 years.
Toriyama: I hope I have a cute daughter.
Toriyama: I'd like to spy on my daughter when she's bathing.
Toriyama: I'm gonna draw a father molesting his daughter.
I like how Super Saiyan 4 isn't tied to Golden Oh-zaru in Daima. It never made sense how Golden Oh-zaru gaining control of themselves results in them becoming Super Saiyan 4. It's not like regular Oh-zaru gaining control of themselves results in them turning into a man monkey form.
One theory...
>Anime Gokuu Black gets stronger from damage for no reason
>Anime Gokuu Black randomly creates a giant portal that produces clones of himself and says "Even I don't know what I'm doing"
That's true, but there's nothing in DBS as iconic as Gokuu turning Super Saiyan for the first time or Gohan turning Super Saiyan 2 for the first time.
In the Zamasu arc alone, the grand climax was Vegett vs. Zamasu. That's nowhere near as iconic as stuff like Gokuu vs. Vegeeta, Gokuu vs...
When Gokuu says he's 12 in at the 21st Budoh-kai, a year has passed since the Pilaf arc. So, that means he's 11 at the start of the series.
Daima also says that Saiyans experience a growth spurt at around 15 and clearly Gokuu was being used as the reference. He was 15 in the Daimaoh arc; in the...
He's popular because he's an evil knockoff of Gokuu who was given wide exposure to the masses. That's all there is to it. You would have gotten the same result by canonizing Turless and devoting an entire arc to him instead.
If it was literally just Zamasu by himself, then nobody would have...
Nobody said they're good villains. They're just better than the dog shit that is Gokuu Black
That was the whole basis to Gokuu Black. Toriyama was inspired by evil knockoffs of characters from other franchises like "Kamen Rider Black" and "Fake Ultraman". Gokuu Black was his own take on that...
Btw, the only reason I sent that PM to @GSM123 was because he called me a nigger.
Yeah I called him an incel but to call me a nigger over that was an overreaction
As requested by @Sovran Nila . Not counting any Room of Spirit & Time bullshit where characters aged faster or any afterlife bullshit where they stopped aging. Or any of DBS's retcons, shit is confusing
Pilaf arc:
Son Gokuu: 11
Chichi: 11
Oolong: 13
Pu'er: Pretty sure he's about the same age...