Recent content by Victorious

  1. Victorious

    Cell Games gaps

    The Cell Games SSJ2 Gohan : 725 Cell Super Perfect : 700 Cell Full Power : 440 Cell @ Gohan/speed up : 133 MSSJ Gohan : 133 Cell @ Goku : 110 100% MSSJ Goku : 100 Cell Junior : 70 SSJ Vegeta : 66 SSJ Future Trunks: 64 Kamiccolo : 56 Warm Up Cell : 25 Warm Up MSSJ Goku : 25 10 days peace 50%...
  2. Victorious

    19 post vs 20 post

    I think #19 post has got this. Vegeta is >> Piccolo. #19 post made Vegeta's lip bleed, AND was able to rebound against Vegeta. #19 is more than 2 shot material for Vegeta. You'd figure with the way #20 got his ass kicked by Piccolo that Vegeta might be able to 2 shot #20 post.
  3. Victorious

    SSJ Goku [3,000 Kiri] vs Boo arc Piccolo

    Considering base Goku seems to be only around 750-850 kilis id say Kamiccolo wins. I think SSJ Goku's full output should be more like 35,000-40,000 kilis
  4. Victorious

    How strong was Super Perfect Cell?

    I'd say 94-97% of Gohan. Gohan overwhelming Cell so quickly at the end of the beam struggle because Vegeta distracted Cell. I also dont believe Dodoria is over 90% of 24k Vegeta. 83% is a much better placing
  5. Victorious

    Theory on how Cell came back at full power

    So we know Cell's regeneration costs him the Nameks. He is not like Buu who's ki is instantly and always is regenerated within mere seconds along with his physical body. Like when Cell regenerates after Goku's warp KHH he lost a lot of ki when he regerated. So if he's 100 after he...
  6. Victorious

    TOEI Punch Goku vs SSJ2 Kid Gohan

    Does Gohan have any chance here?
  7. Victorious

    Cell's ki sensing ability a mess

    Well lets see. Cell's ki sensing ability seems to be a mess. Sometimes he's totally incompetent and other times he's very accurate. In 2nd form He got trashed by Super Vegeta..then does a power up..only to get pseudo tanked and shocked by his ineffectiveness against Vegeta. Surely he should...
  8. Victorious

    Is Dragon Ball Super actually any good?

    So I admit I have not watched a single episode yet. I know the beginning is just Battle of The God with far shittier animation. I'm of the opinion BoG itself was kinda meh. Nothing terrible but nothing great either. Also I think bringing Freeza back is kinda lame and unoriginal. So is the show...
  9. Victorious

    Freeza's age.

    So I was old exactly is Freeza? What we know, is that he was fully matured when Vegeta was still a child, and had a huge legacy and military empire behind him already...which controlled large sections of the Galaxy. Vegeta is something like 30-32 year old at the Saiyan-Freeza...
  10. Victorious

    Superman [Man of Steel] vs Apocalypse [X Men Apocalypse]

    Fight to the Death, on Earth...who wins? VS
  11. Victorious

    Godzilla (2014) runs the gauntlet

    The King of the monsters runs the gauntlet. The rules are he gets fully healed after every fight, that's it. 1. vs King Kong [2005] 2. vs 10 King Kongs at the same time [2005] 3. vs Smaug [from 2012-2014 Hobbit movies] 4. vs 5 Smaugs at the same time [from 2012-2014 Hobbit films] 5. vs...
  12. Victorious

    So is Freeza's powerup official?

    I haven't watched but bits and pieces of Super. It looks like shit to me. I just want to know if the Freeza going from fodder of Trunks arc Future Trunks to more powerful than Super Vegetto just from training for 4 months is official now?
  13. Victorious

    Cell timeline discussion - Trunks kills Freeza in Cell's timeline

    This is an old topic discussion we had from Shinden Reborn. But anyway, yeah it appears Trunks killed Freeza in Cell's timeline. Bad picture with unofficial translations, [if anyone has a better picture with better translations direct me to them or post them pleast] but you get the point...
  14. Victorious

    Do AT's numbers for BOGs still hold up?

    So in an interview AT said SSJGod Goku was a 6, Beers at full power is a 10, and Whiss..the strongest in the universe, would be about a 15. However with Dragon Ball Super out, i hear Goku has been getting huge power ups and is still below Beers and Whiss. So do the 6, 10, 15 numbers hold up...
  15. Victorious


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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
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