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  1. SIAD

    My theory about Cooler's power

    @GreatSaiyaman123 Cooler en ese momento sabia que Goku tenia Kaioken?
  2. SIAD

    Higher levels Arc Moro

    Something like this is fine: IU Goku (Vs Granolah) = 140.25 Angel Merus = 125 UI Goku (Start Arc Granolah) = 112.5 UI Goku (Arc Moro) = 100 Merus Human Form = 100 Angel Moro = 100 What do you think?
  3. SIAD

    The different levels of effort Kid Buu used (Personal theory)

    So Kid Boo gave his 100% effort in hitting Base Vegeta? If so, shouldn't Vegeta die in an instant?
  4. SIAD

    Which would be a better spouse for Goku?

    Suno always cared about Goku and loved him
  5. SIAD

    The different levels of effort Kid Buu used (Personal theory)

    @MikaelHarding What do you think?
  6. SIAD

    PLG Power Level List

    What level do you give Humans in BoZ?
  7. SIAD

    Which was a better parent to Gohan?

    @GreatSaiyaman123 @Animelover5487 @MikaelHarding
  8. SIAD

    1st Form Freeza must be > Vegetto

    I have: Goku SSJ4 (Initial) >>>>> Vegetto SSJ3 (Arc Boo).
  9. SIAD

    1st Form Freeza must be > Vegetto

    @Cirno777 What is the first DBGT character to surpass a hypothetical SSJ3 Vegetto (Arc Boo)?
  10. SIAD

    1st Form Freeza must be > Vegetto

    I have: Ultimate Gokhan (Matamoru) >>> Gokhan SSJ3 (Matamoru) = Gogeta SSJ3 And: Vegetto SSJ3 > Ultimate Gokhan (Potara) >>> Vegetto SSJ > Gokhan SSJ3 (Potara) >>> Gokhan Base > Gohan Boo >= Vegetto Base.
  11. SIAD

    1st Form Freeza must be > Vegetto

    @Cirno777 What you say is true, perhaps Gokhan Base is the result of Goku Base and Gohan Base (Post Espada Z). The difference in power is not that great and the rival's momentum must be greater. I'm willing to believe that Vegetto > Gokhan (Potara). However, I have Ultimate Gokhan (Dance...
  12. SIAD

    1st Form Freeza must be > Vegetto

    @Cirno777 I have the following questions: 1.- Would Gokhan have access to the Ultimate state? 2.- When it is said that Vegetto is the strongest fusion, since the most powerful thing Vegetto showed was SSJ, would that mean that: Vegetto SSJ > Ultimate Gokhan or Gokhan SSJ3? Or is he just...
  13. SIAD

    1st Form Freeza must be > Vegetto

    @Cirno777 So: Vegetto SSJ3 (Arc Boo) > Ultimate Gokhan Potara (Arc Boo)?
  14. SIAD

    How strong is Broly SSJFP (Current)? Will it be a little stronger than in DBS Broly?

    Also in DBS Broly: Goku/Vegeta PSSJB were only a little more than 10x Broly Base. On the other hand, in DBS Hero: Broly SSJFP he would be stronger than True UI Goku and Mega Instinct Vegeta, even though Broly Base is only a little stronger than Goku and Base Vegeta. The SSJFP multiplier is...
  15. SIAD

    How strong is Broly SSJFP (Current)? Will it be a little stronger than in DBS Broly?

    So: Broly SSJFP (DBS Hero) >>> Buff Zombie Gas? By the way, do you think Broly's SSJFP multiplier increased even more?
  16. SIAD

    Merus in his Angel form is even stronger?

    Because that fight between UI Goku vs Whis was some time after the Moro Arc, it means that UI Goku is stronger than Merus, but Merus has an advantage in abilities. Furthermore, UI Goku loses effectiveness after a while, as demonstrated against Granolah. I think that in a hypothetical fight...
  17. SIAD

    Merus in his Angel form is even stronger?

    @GreatSaiyaman123 @Animelover5487 @Kenshi However, when Whis fights UI Goku, some time had passed since the Moro Arc and Goku had gotten stronger. I see 2 paths: 1.-) Angel Merus > UI Goku (Vs Whis) > UI Goku (Moro) = Merus = Ángel Moro 2.-) Merus (Angel's abilities) >= UI Goku (Vs Whis)...
  18. SIAD

    Merus in his Angel form is even stronger?

    And do you think that maybe Merus couldn't use his 100% Angel, being in his normal form? @Kenshi @Animelover5487 Look: