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  1. Papasmurf

    Galu, Piccolo, Gohan and the earthlings all trained with Kaio for the androids?

    Let's say that Galu teleported them all to the Kaio planet to train for 3 years instead of doing their own training on Earth. How does this change the course of events in the Cell, Boo arcs and Super?
  2. Papasmurf

    Popular series you dropped and where you dropped them?

    Since a fair few users here have read dozens of series I thought this might be worth a topic. Technically I have like a hundred series on "dropped" because I read some of them but never read all of them nor do I plan to finish them... so I'll just list ones I started with the intention of...
  3. Papasmurf

    Dabura were to be brought back instead of Freeza?

    Let's say that a few of Dabura's former demon realm lackeys realized the demon realm is in absolute shambles without their leader. They then go to Earth, which they know through viewing it through a crystal ball during the Boo conflict that it was wished back through the Dragon Balls. Knowing...
  4. Papasmurf

    Did The Existence of the Namekian Dragon Balls Ruin the Evil Dragons Arc?

    I honestly never saw any tension in the Evil Dragons arc what with there being another, more powerful set of Dragon Balls just one Kai Kai away. Considering they wished back the Earth for the second time after the Baby arc, exactly where is the tension, especially when only Si Xing Long and Yi...
  5. Papasmurf

    SSJB's ki drain

    Do you think it's greater than the ki drain/strain of SSJ3? It's worth noting that SSJB is the only form that's shown to require a huge amount of ki to even transform into twice, and it was shown that when completed, its power is significantly greater than when Vegeta was transforming into it in...
  6. Papasmurf

    Kid Ultimate Gohan vs. SSJ Gotenks Post

    Kid Gohan from the Cell Games gets the same Ultimate multiplier boost that his post-Z sword training got. How does he fare against SSJ Gotenks? If Gotenks loses, make it SSJ2 Gotenks.
  7. Papasmurf

    If You Were to Write a Shonen Battle Manga?

    Let's say you either got the chance to write or write and illustrate a Shonen battle manga. What would be the premise of the manga, and what would be your main characters, their motivations, and their endgame? My story would be centered around the life of a Japanese-American boy in the US in...
  8. Papasmurf

    When Do You Think They Hit Their Zenkai Limit?

    The Daizenshuu states that Zenkais became small after the Freeza arc and Super confirmed that Galu and Vegina became unable to get zenkais by the Future Trunks arc, but when do you think Zenkais became virtually nonexistent? For Galu, I'd assume he reached his zenkai limit either around his...
  9. Papasmurf

    DB Kai/Super: Dub vs. Sub

    Which version do you prefer of the new animes? I vastly preferred the sub for Z and GT (and to lesser extent, OG DB) but Kai and Super are dubbed well enough that almost nothing from the sub is lost to line changes and the actors don't sound nearly as wooden as they did in the Freeza or Cell...
  10. Papasmurf

    Did Vegeta Physically Age During the Time He Was In Space?

    It seemed like during the time he was in space, he physically shut down all life functions - he was in space for 11 months in the Saiyan arc for example, yet didn't seem even the slightest bit fatigued or hungry from not eating for nearly a year. So do you think similarly to Goku not aging...
  11. Papasmurf

    Pokemon Game Tier List

  12. Papasmurf

    Anyone Have the Full Color Freeza arc volumes?

    I wanted to know if this page in the full color manga also has a yellow aura for Dodoria (this particular scan is from the Kanzenban volume).
  13. Papasmurf

    Weakest Remakes/Third Versions in the Pokemon Franchise?

    I'd honestly say OR/AS were by far the weakest. The lack of Battle Frontier, the main quest having even less differences from the original Hoenn games than Ultra SM compared to the original SM games, all very lackluster in my opinion. Even the Delta Episode was nowhere near as good or moving as...
  14. Papasmurf

    Figuring Out The Toei-Toyotaro Additions to Super

    Right, so we know Super is "canon" seeing as Toriyama describes the canon Broly movie as a story falling into the broader Super series (and he describes it as a story continuing on from the Boo arc), but the actual products we see in the anime and manga are heavily altered/interpreted by Toei...
  15. Papasmurf

    Fixing the Dragon Ball Super Movie

    I personally believe that this is still one of the better things to come of recent DB material (it at least didn't make me facepalm nearly as much as Fukkatsu no F, which was literally a mountain load of horrendous asspulls/contrivances ranging from Shisami getting thousands of times stronger...
  16. Papasmurf

    Rank All the DB/Z/Super Movies

    With there now being 20 DB films as of DBS: Broly, I think it's safe to do a tier list of the films. I will usually use the dub names for the films as most of the Japanese titles are hella long and hard to memorize (like 100 billion power warriors or some shit like that) 1. Tree of Might (DBZ...
  17. Papasmurf

    Trunks became Ultimate?

    Let's say that Trunks' Z sword training session goes uninterrupted and he becomes Ultimate as Gohan did. How does this change his battle with Black and Zamasu? (Assume that he can get asspull power boosts similar to ToP Gohan)
  18. Papasmurf

    Broly vs. Jiren - the thread

    So since this debate seems to come up quite often, how about we make a thread for it so we can keep the discussion from bleeding into other threads where it's not really relevant? I personally give the edge to Jiren because the only evidence in favor of Broly is that promotional statement...
  19. Papasmurf

    Favorite Game Protagonist Design

    As per Captain Cadaver's challenge I was going to start a thread on what you want out of the new Pocket Monsters anime, but seeing as we know so little about it other than that it will cover the existing regions, I thought that is a thread better reserved for after the next announcement is...
  20. Papasmurf

    100% Toguro vs. Jaganshi Hiei (DT), Yoko Kurama (DT) and pre-rage boost Yusuke (DT)

    Toguro vs. the triple threat of non-Kuwabara DT members. Who wins? As per Supreme 's challenge.

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸