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  1. Pyro

    Erratas in the Anime

    It's not a huge issue in the original show, but it became noticeable in GX when card effects started changing to more suit the OCG/TCG in real life (as well as the rules and ban lists, like the lack of Pot of Greed in later GX). One example that always springs to mind is my favorite trap, Crush...
  2. Pyro

    Seto Kaiba (BC) vs. Joey Wheeler (GC)

    Kaiba from Battle City battles Joey from the Grand Championship. Who wins?
  3. Pyro

    DBZ Character Elimination Game

    If this doesn't fit the Battle criteria, it can be moved. The game is fairly simple. I provide a list of characters that start out with a set amount of points. Then I subtract or add points to a character(s), and the next person does the same, and so on. When a character has 0 points, they're...
  4. Pyro

    Most Broken Cards in the Anime

    The anime is quite clearly a different beast than the game we know, so what are some of the cards that you thought were incredibly broken even for anime standards? I'd say:
  5. Pyro

    Plot or Skill?

    Aside from plot shenanigans, do you believe Yugi truly was the most skilled duelist out of the group? I'd say he's more skilled than Joey, who relies more on luck than anything else, but I can't place him above Kaiba. Yugi himself (separate from Atem) at the Ceremonial Duel, yes, I could see...
  6. Pyro

    Trunks During his Debut

    Someone on Neo pointed this out, but Trunks doesn't have an aura during most of his confrontation with Freeza and Cold. He has it when initially transforming, loses it when he blasts the ship to bits, doesn't have it when he assaults Freeza until slicing him up and blowing the pieces away, loses...
  7. Pyro

    DBZ: Fall of Men

    <object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width="250" height="250" data=''> <param name='AllowScriptAccess' value='never' /> <param name='wmode' value='transparent' /> <param name='movie' value=''...
  8. Pyro

    Cocky Character Logic

    Can anyone explain to me this logic: "Douchebag is cocky, therefore he disproves anything he says." :shit I really don't understand how this can even work in an argument. How does one's personality trait act as a contradiction to something he says? That seems like a complete mindfuck to me...
  9. Pyro

    Random Pickle Thought

    I'm watching ROF more closely than I did previously, specifically the big battle with Freeza's army. I've seen on Neoseeker particular people claiming the battle showed Tenshinhan was superior to Krillin, and I'm wondering where they got that from. What I'm watching doesn't show this at all. We...
  10. Pyro

    Goku's POV on Gohan post-ritual

    Chapter: 496 (DBZ 302), P7.2-3 Context: after Gohan transforms into the ‘mightiest of warriors’ Goku: “It re-really is incredible…It’s super-duper…! Absolutely unbelievable…Your appearance has hardly changed…And you ain’t even a Super Saiyan…Yet you’ve been taken to su-such...
  11. Pyro

    Debunking of Gohan & Gotenksism

  12. Pyro

    "I can take over the entire world!"

    Is anyone else pulled out of a captivating show when the idea of taking over the world is pitched? For instance, YGO is pretty lolworthy with characters thinking they can take over the world because they're the best at a children's card game. I love the show, but I can't take any of that...
  13. Pyro

    Michael Myers VS Mr. Satan

    Round 1: Composite Myers* vs. Mr. Satan (manga) Round 2: Composite Myers* vs. Mr. Satan (anime) Setting: Tenkaichi Budokai ring, though the ring-out rule is not in place *does not include Rob Zombie's movies or any comics. Who wins?
  14. Pyro

    The Final Duel

    Watching this episode again (English dub) and I'm starting to think Yugi isn't as great as I thought, or Atem was nerfed a bit. Right away it's established that Atem is taken by surprise by Yugi's new deck. Of course, it's always a surprise fighting someone, but it seems Atem expected Yugi to...
  15. Pyro

    The Orichalcos Warriors

    I've been rewatching some of the duels from the Orichalcos arc, and it's been occurring to me that the three fighters on Dartz's side weren't as tough as I thought. I'll start with Alister. During his first on-screen duel with Kaiba, he did seem like a credible threat and would've beaten Kaiba...
  16. Pyro

    Seto Kaiba (POL) vs. Yami Yugi (WTD)

    <big><big>Seto Kaiba (Pyramid of Light) vs. Yami Yugi (Waking the Dragons)</big></big> <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Deck List</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Seto Kaiba Deck Monsters – 21 1x Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon 3x Blue-Eyes White Dragon 1x Des Feral Imp 1x Familiar Knight...
  17. Pyro

    Egyptian Gods vs. Sacred Beasts vs. Wicked Gods

    Which set do you like the most? Which set do you think is the strongest? <big>Egyptian Gods</big> Slifer the Sky Dragon: He was easily my favorite when I first watched the anime, despite Kaiba being my favorite character. A giant red dragon with two mouths? Bitchin'. He also had a cooler...
  18. Pyro

    Seto Kaiba (BOBC) vs. Yami Bakura (BC)

    This is the first one I've done in months, since being on KaibaCorp actually, so it was a bit difficult to get into the swing of things. I think this one turned out decent. <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Yami Bakura Deck...
  19. Pyro

    New User Group: Advertiser

    You may or may not have noticed the new user group entitled Advertiser. This group is, for the most part, just advertising. Those who advertise on a consistent and prolonged basis will have the option of being put in this group. For the moment, there aren't any rewards or special privileges...
  20. Pyro

    Psycho Rangers Run the Gauntlet

    The Psycho Rangers from Power Rangers In Space (because Lost Galaxy nerfed them IMO) take on a gauntlet of various Power Ranger heroes and villains. How far do they get? 1. Divatox 2. Magna Defender 3. Diabolico 4. Thunder Rangers 5. A-Squad Rangers 6. Shadow Ranger 7. Astronema...

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.