Search results

  1. Pyro

    Vegeta: Super Saiyan God or not? (Manga)

    Do you think Vegeta had Super Saiyan God/Red before training in the Room of Spirit and Time at the end of chapter 22? Personally, I find it a bit too convenient that Vegeta's transformation was given the spotlight both visually and the narrative was teasing it at first before Vegeta finally...
  2. Pyro

    Useful Links/Tools

    General Information Kanzenshuu Strength Checker Kanzentai Translations How do I use Google? Debating Tips 101 Raw HQ Scans Image Sharing Websites Imgur Postimage Flickr This is for valid, objective information websites and tools to use in discussions (not opinion threads or the like). There...
  3. Pyro

    KP's No Scouter No BS Power Level List

    Multipliers: SSJ: 50x ASSJ: 1.5x SSJ USSJ: 1.75x SSJ SSJ 2: 2 x SSJ SSJ 3: 4x SSJ 2 Saiyan Saga: Battle With Raditz: Farmer: 5 Raditz: 1200 Piccolo (Weighted): 320 Piccolo (Not Weighted): 400 Goku (Weighted): 335 Goku (Not Weighted): 415 Gohan: 1300 Piccolo 1st Special Beam Cannon: 1,300...
  4. Pyro

    Super Saiyan Blue multiplier

    What the fuck do you think it is? This shit is fizzling my mind. It's obviously stronger than Super Saiyan God because Goku chose to use it to gain the edge over Hit when Super Saiyan God apparently wasn't quite enough, and Vegeta also says it's the strongest form yet. It should be a gigantic...
  5. Pyro

    Chapter 20 Leaks (Spoilers Obviously) :brother Shit's getting intense with the introduction of Super Saiyan Rose and Trunks seemingly sacrificing himself for Goku and Vegeta to go back in time and (presumably, can't confirm without translations) get the Mafuba.
  6. Pyro

    DBS Manga Levels (Suck Shit)

    These are shitty, but I ran through them somewhat quickly. Live long and prosper, faggots. Dragon Ball Super Powerscale Battle of Gods Vegetto (Boo Saga) (reference) ~Base – 30,000,000,000,000 ~Super Saiyan – 150,000,000,000,000 ~Super Saiyan 2 – 300,000,000,000,000 ~Super Saiyan 3 –...
  7. Pyro

    Did Trunks power up in Grade 3?

    When Trunks was using Grade 3 to fight Cell, did he undergo a power-up at one point? I'm reading over the fight again and it appears that way. At first, Trunks is merely stalling so Krillin can get Vegeta away from the battlefield. Once Cell figures that out, Trunks says he's going to unleash...
  8. Pyro

    Manga Powerscale

    UNIVERSE 6 TOURNAMENT Does this seem about right? I've started to forget the fight with Frost, so I shoved him in there. Vados > Whis > Beerus > Champa > SSB Goku = SSB Vegeta > SSG Goku ~ Hit (full power) > Hit (suppressed) >= SSj Goku = SSj Vegeta > SSB Vegeta (10%)* > Frost (Final Form) >...
  9. Pyro

    Dragon Ball Super Strength Checker (Viz Manga)

    This will be updated as they release their translations. As always, if there's something you think is incorrect or missing, feel free to let me know. DRAGON BALL SUPER: STRENGTH CHECKER VIZ MANGA "Battle of Gods" Saga Beerus Chi-Chi Garana Genki-Dama (in general) Majin Boo (evil)...
  10. Pyro

    If you could "fix" the anime's powerscaling...

    How would you do it? Be sure to explain your reasoning, you dirty neckbeards.
  11. Pyro

    Request An Emoticon

    Since I couldn't find one (although I only searched this section), I figured we could use a thread like this. Pretty basic. Just request an emoticon/emoji/smiley, and if it's feasible, one of the staff members should be able to implement it. These are my first two: :brother :panties
  12. Pyro

    Lake Placid vs. Jaws 3

    Male Croc vs. Brucetta - Battle takes place in the open ocean, no land mass for miles. - No 3D effects. - No outside interference. - Random encounter. Who fucking wins this death battle?
  13. Pyro

    Pokemon GO!

    If there's a thread in another section, I didn't see it. Figured we should have one. What do you guys think of this so far? I think it's a bit addicting trying to go all over and catch the different Pokes, but also really time consuming and you really have to be aware of what you're doing or...
  14. Pyro

    Big ol' Z Sword

    Could've sworn I made this topic the other day, but whatever... :cage2 What do you think of this? Disregard? Consider a new opinion now?
  15. Pyro

    Jungle Hunter vs. City Hunter

    Battle of the Predators! :cage2 Battle takes place in an abandoned warehouse, one floor. Participants start on opposite ends of the building. Fight to the death. No nuking. Who lives?
  16. Pyro

    Marik vs. Joey

    I rewatched their duel to get a better understanding of the power rankings in the Battle City arc, and I figured I'd jot down some broad observations. Maybe it'll help convince some that Joey never really stood a chance, or maybe it won't. Either way. Episode 125: This was all Marik. He never...
  17. Pyro

    Staying logged in

    I've been having this issue of being logged out frequently on Google Chrome, despite checking the box that says "Remember Me". I'm not closing out of Chrome either, just closing the tab. It doesn't happen on Firefox as far as I've seen, so what's going on?
  18. Pyro

    Brock Lesnar Runs the Bodybuilder Gauntlet

    Round 1: Arnold Schwarzenegger Round 2: Jay Cutler Round 3: Ronnie Coleman Round 4: Cutler and Coleman Round 5: Schwarzenegger, Cutler, and Coleman Everyone is in their primes. The fight is in a UFC octagon. Win by KO or kill. Lesnar heals between rounds.
  19. Pyro

    Kaioken Yajirobe vs. Piccolo Daimao

    Which level of Kaioken does Yajirobe (debut) need to decimate Piccolo Daimao? Round 1: Kaioken Round 2: Kaioken x3 Round 3: Kaioken x4 Round 4: Kaioken x10 Round 5: Kaioken x20 Round 6: Kaioken x50
  20. Pyro

    GT Battle Power List

    First GT list I've actually tried a bit on, though admittedly I sampled from Mike's list more often than I'd have liked. I may head into the Evil Dragon arc depending on if I can stomach this list after a while. KEY Super Saiyan = 2.5x base Super Saiyan 2 = 3.75x base Super Saiyan 3 = 7.5x base...

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.