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  1. Pyro

    That is one speedy vegetable!

    In the Super manga, Vegeta stated he could reach Satan City/Herculopolis from Capsule Corporation (located in West City) in five seconds. We know he was talking about his Base speed since we saw him arrive there in Base. This is a map of the Dragon Ball Earth from Daizenshuu 4: Notice how far...
  2. Pyro

    Beginning of GT powers

    Can someone give me a rundown of all the powers from the start of GT up to Baby getting to Earth? I've never watched all of those episodes to completion, and I kind of don't want to TBH. A simple tier list or powerscale would be fine. No need for elaborate power levels unless you want to give...
  3. Pyro

    "Multiplier battles" should be put in this section.

    What I mean by multiplier battles is something like "LSSJ Broly vs SSJ2 Broly" – stuff like that. It boils down to a debate over multipliers and potential multipliers rather than who would win between the two combatants. A normal versus thread has established battle parameters and is about the...
  4. Pyro

    How strong is Anilaza in the manga?

    He showed up and got one-shotted almost immediately by Kale. No epic beam struggle with the Universe 7 team like in the anime. So anybody got an idea of his power?
  5. Pyro

    CSSjB Goku vs. BSSj Kale

    Manga versions obviously. Kale will not continuously power-up past when she one-shotted Anilaza, and will not run out of steam/kill herself. Goku cannot use the pseudo Kaio-Ken. Who wins this one? Bonus round: CSSjB Goku & CSSjB Vegeta vs. SSj Kefla
  6. Pyro

    Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan VS Base Future Trunks

    Everybody is from the arrival of Mecha Freeza. Trunks cannot transform. Round 1: In-character. Round 2: Vegeta is being a team player.
  7. Pyro

    Do you think each villain was stronger than the last?

    In more words than the title, do you believe Marik was stronger than Pegasus, Dartz was stronger than Marik, Zigfried was stronger than Dartz, and Zorc/Balakakura was stronger than Zigfried?
  8. Pyro

    Who would you rather have as a tag partner?

    The basic scenario is that you're forced to enter a dueling tournament or your family will be sent to the Shadow Realm. You have to win the entire tag team tournament with your partner, and everybody else on the list will be randomly paired up and fighting against you (meaning Yugi might get...
  9. Pyro

    Anime: Slifer vs. Obelisk

    Which card do you think is more versatile and effective in the anime? :mikey
  10. Pyro

    Kefla vs Toppo - Let's settle this once and for all!

    Who do you think is stronger, and why?
  11. Pyro

    Yami Bakura Runs the Gauntlet

    vs. Seeker vs. Strings vs. Arkana vs. Noah Kaiba vs. Gozaburo Kaiba vs. Mai Valentine vs. Joey Wheeler vs. Odion Ishtar vs. Seto Kaiba vs. Yami Yugi vs. Yami Marik - No Egyptian Gods. - Rematch mentality, meaning Yugi and Bakura will know they've dueled before and so on. - Battle City era...
  12. Pyro

    Base Goku vs. SSJ2 Caulifla

    Both at the start of the Survival Tournament (anime). No further transformations allowed, but Kaio-Ken x2-4 is fine. Go.
  13. Pyro

    Destroyer Toppo vs. U7 & U6 Warriors

    Destroyer Toppo takes on: - Super Saiyan Kefla - Hit (post-Jiren) - Super Saiyan 2 Cabba - Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta (not "Beyond Blue") - Super Saiyan Blue Goku (current vs Jiren) - Golden Freeza - Ultimate Gohan - Android #17 - Android #18 - Krillin No Kaio-Ken, fusing, or further...
  14. Pyro

    Toei staff

    If anyone has the Twitter handles for the Toei staff working on Super, lemme have 'em. I'm going to keep asking questions regarding the series until they're answered (6/10/15 scale, God absorbed into Base, that shit). I have toshio916, but I don't know of any others.
  15. Pyro

    Android Saga Powerscale

    I can't find the old topic where a lot of this was addressed, so have at thee. What do you think about this chain? Android 16 > Android 17 = Kamiccolo > Kamiccolo (suppressed) >=< Android 18 > Imperfect Cell > Future 17 = Future 18 = SSJ Vegeta >= SSJ Goku >= SSJ Trunks > Piccolo > SSJ Goku...
  16. Pyro

    Barnacles, help me out with this.

    I've been trying to construct a battle power list for the Future Trunks arc (in the manga, obviously), but I can't seem to get it to work. The transformation boosts are the most troublesome aspect, because the powerscale cannot work with the boosts implied in the Universe 6 tournament. Base...
  17. Pyro


    :diebitch I'll start this off nice and sweet like a standard hardcore porno these days. Kale, or Female Broly, or Brale, is NOT stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Goku—at least not from what I witnessed. Let me lay it out for you cucks. What does Goku do when Kale first turns into her Berseker...
  18. Pyro

    Base Vegetto (Super manga) runs the glove

    Base Vegetto from the DBS manga has a go at the almighty glove. How far can he make it? 1. SSJ3 Goku & SSJ2 Trunks (both from Black arc) 2. SSG Goku (U6 tournament) 3. SSG Goku & Hit (U6 tournament) 4. SSB Goku (Black arc) & SSB Vegeta (pre-RoSaT, Black arc) 5. SSB Goku (Black arc) & SSB Vegeta...
  19. Pyro

    Could SSG3 Trunks initially be faster than SSG2 Vegeta?

    Rereading the fight for a different topic, I noticed Trunks really didn't do too poorly against Cell at first. It's after he pumped up to full power that Cell began to nonchalantly dodge his attacks. When he initially transformed to Grade 3, Trunks was able to dodge one kick from Cell point...
  20. Pyro

    Should we really base gaps off of the Namek arc?

    Going by the officially released numbers, either through the guidebooks or the manga, Kui, Dodoria, Zarbon, and Vegeta (pre-zenkai) are all within the 18,000 to 24,000 range. Vegeta: 24,000 Zarbon: 23,000 Dodoria: 22,000 Kui: 18,000 That's a fairly small range of only 6,000 units, yet Vegeta...

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.