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  1. Pyro

    What do you think is the gap between Ginger Town Cell and Suppressed Kamiccolo?

    Their fight in the manga was brief but Piccolo was the superior one as confirmed by their actions and Android 16. But just how superior was this suppressed Piccolo? He was able to bum rush Cell and keep Cell on the defensive. Cell never was able to get a hit in and even his Kamehameha was...
  2. Pyro

    How strong is Tenshinhan in the anime?

    Honestly can't remember a single thing he did besides getting shitstomped by Gohan in the tag team battle before the Toilet Paper Tournament.
  3. Pyro

    Help finding a Toriyama interview

    So I remember there was an interview with Toriyama somewhat recently where he said something like he doesn't care about retconning/contradicting his past material. I can't find it on Kanzenshuu, though. Does anyone else remember something like this being said?
  4. Pyro

    Who would fair best against Mastered Ultra-Instinct: Broly, Beerus or Jiren

    Broly would eventually get too powerful/adapt too much for UI to be effective against. Jiren may be able to do that, but it'd be at a slower pace. I'm not sure how well Beerus would do.
  5. Pyro

    Broly, Beerus, and the U7 Saiyans

    Let's assume Base Gogeta is stronger than or at the very least equal to SSJB Goku and Vegeta, for simplicity's sake. Let's also assume that LSSJ Broly is somewhat stronger than or at the very least equal to Beerus, and that SSJB Gogeta had a moderate stomping gap over this Broly. How big does...
  6. Pyro

    Did Super do anything for battle powers that Z didn't do?

    People complain about Super being horrible with inconsistent battle powers and stupid power-ups that come from nowhere only when the plot demands it, but is it worse than anything Z previously did? Discuss...
  7. Pyro

    Kefla (ToP) vs Gogeta (DBS:B)

    Who wins? - Gogeta cannot use SSG or SSB or Kaio-ken.
  8. Pyro

    SS3 Caulifla & SS3 Kale vs. SS3 Goku

    - Tournament of Power. - No fusing. WHO WINS?
  9. Pyro

    SSB Ultimate Gohan (ToP) vs. Jiren

    R1: Gohan pre-Kefla fight. R2: Gohan post-Kefla fight. Who wins? - This is manga scaling.
  10. Pyro

    3rd Form Freeza (RoF) vs. SS2 Rageta (BoG)

    Who wins? - Freeza cannot transform.
  11. Pyro

    Base Gokhan (Boo Saga) vs. Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta (BoG)

    Who wins? - Gokhan cannot transform or use Kaio-ken. - Vegeta and Gohan cannot get rage boosts.
  12. Pyro

    Vegetto (BoG) vs. Super Saiyan God Piccolo (DBS)

    Round 1: Vegetto vs SSG Piccolo (BoG) Round 2: Vegetto vs SSG Piccolo (RoF) Round 3: Vegetto vs SSG Piccolo (ToP) Bonus Round: Vegetto vs SSB Piccolo (U6) - Vegetto can use any transformation he would normally have access to in the BoG saga. - Vegetto can stack Kaio-ken up to x10 if needed...
  13. Pyro

    DBS Heroes

    Do you think Dragon Ball Super Heroes is relevant or canon to Dragon Ball Super? Give your reasoning below.
  14. Pyro

    Would Broly make a difference in the current saga?

    If Broly was with Goku and Vegeta against Moro, would the results be any different?
  15. Pyro

    Base Goku-Baby vs. SS2 Vegeta (GT)

    Assume Baby managed to infect Goku in space before coming to Earth, and Vegeta was the one to oppose him. - No transformations for Goku-Baby, and no absorbing power from anyone else. - 1v1. - Baby cannot switch hosts or infect Vegeta. - Both fighters are from the Baby Saga. Who wins?
  16. Pyro

    Your definitive Part 1 ranking

    I'd like to know everyone's definitive Dragon Ball rankings beginning with Goku's meeting with X-rated Bulma to the end of the 23rd Budokai. You can put it in tier lists or use the "> < = ~" system, either is fine. I'm just curious where everyone stands on this.
  17. Pyro

    SSG Vegeta vs. Base Kefla

    As the description noted, these are the manga characters since obviously Base Kefla would stomp SSG Vegeta in the anime.
  18. Pyro

    Difference between what Vegeta and Goku did against Zamasu?

    What do you think the difference between their methods was? Were they both able to use 100% of Super Saiyan Blue's power? If so, how come Vegeta couldn't imitate Goku's performance against Merged Zamasu?
  19. Pyro

    Theoretical Android Saga Powers

    Freeza’s Vengeance Goku - Base: 5,000,000 - Super Saiyan: 250,000,000 Trunks - Base: 4,000,000 - Super Saiyan: 200,000,000 Vegeta - Full power: 3,000,000 Piccolo - Weighted: 2,200,000 - Full power: 2,750,000 Gohan - Full power: 2,000,000 Krillin - Full power: 500,000 Tenshinhan - Full...
  20. Pyro

    SS Broly (DBS: Broly) vs. SS2 Kefla (anime)

    Who wins? Broly cannot transform further.

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.