Captain Cadaver challenged
Do you think Buff Cell power had rivialed or surpassed Gohan power but couldnt used his power effectively due to him being slow or that Gohan still outclassed cell in power even in his buffed up state?
SuperSaiyan2 challenge. So in this scenario King Kai actually decides to teach the kaioken technique to the earthlings and piccolo while their were at his place. How do things change?
Captain Cadaver challenge :CC I wondering whats your opinion on it? I remember it had some sort of Hype when season 1 first came out. I watched a few clips here and their but thats it.
Captain Cadaver :CC challenge(Sorry I was late was really busy/lazy :p123 ) This is Episode One Maul btw. Bonus if Maul loses have it be his Clone Wars counterpart.
So I've been thinking about how strong the hypothetical fusion would be. And I got some questions for it too. Would Gokhan be able to stack SSJ on top of his ultimate form? Would he be stronger than Vegito or be weaker because of the whole rivals boost? Just in general how strong is he?