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  1. Ultimate Cell

    Where does buff cell stand in comparison to SS2 Gohan?

    Captain Cadaver challenged Do you think Buff Cell power had rivialed or surpassed Gohan power but couldnt used his power effectively due to him being slow or that Gohan still outclassed cell in power even in his buffed up state?
  2. Ultimate Cell

    Android Saga Yamcha vs Namek Frieza

    Round 1 1st form frieza .Round 2 2nd form frieza . Round 3 3rd form frieza. Round 4 inital final form frieza.
  3. Ultimate Cell

    Base Vegeta(Mecha Frieza arc) Vs Namek Goku(Vs Frieza)

    Who wins? No kaioken for goku
  4. Ultimate Cell

    Pikkon vs Bojack

    Who wins? Round 1 is blue Bojack. Round 2 is Green Bojack
  5. Ultimate Cell

    Future Gohan survived?

    In this scenario, Gohan somehow manages to survive his fight with the future androids. What happens next?
  6. Ultimate Cell

    Humans and Piccolo had learned Kaio-Ken?

    SuperSaiyan2 challenge. So in this scenario King Kai actually decides to teach the kaioken technique to the earthlings and piccolo while their were at his place. How do things change?
  7. Ultimate Cell

    Why were the Present Androids different from the future androids?

    Captain Cadaver :CC Why was the future androids much more different than the present? Not just in terms of strength but in personality aswell?
  8. Ultimate Cell

    Kars(JoJo) runs DB gauntlet

    How far can go make it in DB? Round 1 Base Kars Round 2 Ultimate Kars. Bonus Jorge Joestar light novel kars :troll
  9. Ultimate Cell

    Attack on Titan

    Captain Cadaver challenge :CC I wondering whats your opinion on it? I remember it had some sort of Hype when season 1 first came out. I watched a few clips here and their but thats it.
  10. Ultimate Cell

    Bardock escaped with Goku to Earth?

    In this timeline, Bardock has another future vision that foresee him losing to Frieza. He then decides to escape to earth. How would things change?
  11. Ultimate Cell

    Darth Maul Vs Kylo Ren

    Captain Cadaver :CC challenge(Sorry I was late was really busy/lazy :p123 ) This is Episode One Maul btw. Bonus if Maul loses have it be his Clone Wars counterpart.
  12. Ultimate Cell

    How strong would Gokhan be and other questions

    So I've been thinking about how strong the hypothetical fusion would be. And I got some questions for it too. Would Gokhan be able to stack SSJ on top of his ultimate form? Would he be stronger than Vegito or be weaker because of the whole rivals boost? Just in general how strong is he?
  13. Ultimate Cell

    Yajirobe Vs Raditz

    Saiyan Saga Yajirobe vs Raditz. SuperSaiyan2 challenge
  14. Ultimate Cell

    Kaioken SP Cell runs Buu saga gauntlet

    SSJ2 :giraffe challenge Round 1 Kaioken X2, Round 2 Kaioken X5, Round 3 Kaioken X10, Round 4 Kaioken X20.
  15. Ultimate Cell

    Darth Maul (Ep1) Vs Anakin (Ep2)

    Part of Captain Cadaver challenge. Bonus if Anakin loses have it be his Episode 3 self.
  16. Ultimate Cell

    Cell Games ASSJ Gohan Vs Perfect Cell

    Grade 2 Gohan from the Cell Games vs Perfect Cell. Whom would win? SSJ2 challenge
  17. Ultimate Cell

    Movie 10 SS Broly vs Bojack

    Round 1 Blue Bojack Round 2 Green Bojack. Who would win?
  18. Ultimate Cell

    DBS Broly vs Jiren

    R1 SSJ Broly Vs Regular Jiren, R2 LSSJ Broly Vs Regular Jiren. R3 Limits Broken Jiren vs LSSJ Broly Supreme challenge
  19. Ultimate Cell

    Beerus and Shin were good at their jobs?

    How would things be if :shin and Beerus didn't suck completely at their jobs and were actually good at it?
  20. Ultimate Cell

    Hit Vs DIO Vs Guldo

    All of their stats(speed, strength, durability,) are equalized and they start off 100m away from each other. Whom would win? :kenshi

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸