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  1. Ultimate Cell

    Kibito went SS3 against Gohan at the world tournament?

    Discuss :giraffe :donovan3
  2. Ultimate Cell

    Anyone else think SSB is a underwhelming form?

    SSB to me is a underwhelming form. It doesn't help that it's just a generic recolor and the fact that the form itself hasn't gotten any villain kills. :shc Against Frieza, Goku was beaten back by Frieza and got lucky that Frieza didn't master the Golden Form, but then Sorbet hax laser got him...
  3. Ultimate Cell

    Donovan Vs Kid Krillin(Start of DB)

    Serious match up for reals. :donovan1 Who wins. :donovan2
  4. Ultimate Cell

    Kibito Shin vs SS2 Gohan

    :mikey Round 1 Buu Saga Gohan. Round 2 Cell Saga Gohan. :giraffe
  5. Ultimate Cell

    Kibito Shin vs SS2 Gohan

    :mikey Round 1 Buu Saga Gohan. Round 2 Cell Saga Gohan. :giraffe
  6. Ultimate Cell

    How strong would a Goku and Tien fusion be?

    In the Buu Saga manga, Goku had considered Tien to be a Potarra partner but Tien was knocked out. If Tien wasn't knocked out by Buu, and Goku handed the Potarra earrings to him and fused, how strong would Tienku be and could he have beaten Buuhan?
  7. Ultimate Cell

    Vegeta had sex with Bulma's mom instead of Bulma?

    :donovan1 Discuss :rape1
  8. Ultimate Cell

    What if Vegeta became immortal?

    So let's say in this alternate timeline, Dende manages to grant the third wish from Porunga to Vegeta, resulting in Vegeta obtaining immortality. How would this change events?
  9. Ultimate Cell

    Pikkon Vs Dabura

    Pikkon is facing off against Dabura. Pikkon has full knowledge of Daburas spit technique. Who would win?
  10. Ultimate Cell

    Gohkan's Saiyan Saga Powerlevels

    Tien 1800, Tri Beam 3000Chaozu 800,Self Destruct 1600 Yamcha 1450Krillin 1650, Saibamen Blast 2100Saibamen 1200Piccolo 2300Gohan 1350, Enraged Manseko 2800Nappa(Against Z Fighters)4,500. Full Power 7,000Goku 5,000. Full Power 8200, KK2 16400, KK3 24600, KK4 32,800. Vegeta 16000,Full Power...
  11. Ultimate Cell

    Raditz vs Chaozu(Saiyan Saga)

    :donovan Who would win?
  12. Ultimate Cell

    DBS Chapter 37(Viz Translated) :giraffe Here's it is this time translated and in order. Once again Female Broly is :trash as usual.
  13. Ultimate Cell

    DBS Manga Chapter 37 images. Here's the URL that has the images. The page is in French tho. All I can say is :shc
  14. Ultimate Cell

    What if Android 18 killed Vegeta?

    So let's that Android 18 attack that crippled Vegeta's arm was aimed higher(accidently or not :troll ) and managed to snap Vegeta's neck like with :Krillin or completely decapitated him like 17 did with Gero, killing him. How would events play out if Vegeta was killed by 18?
  15. Ultimate Cell

    Goku became a Super Saiyan during the Saiyan Saga?

    So let's say that Goku became so pissed and angry that Nappa killed off his friends that he manages to get so mad that he becomes a Super Saiyan like when Freiza killed :Krillin . How would this effect things?
  16. Ultimate Cell

    What if Goku had arrived in time during the Saiyan Saga?

    Let's say that Goku managed to make it on time and arrives on the battlefield just as Vegeta and Nappa showed up? How would this change things?
  17. Ultimate Cell

    Semi-Perfect Cell(Full Power) Vs SS Vegeta and Trunks(1st Rosat)

    In an alternate timeline, Vegeta and Trunks never learned the existence of the grade forms while in the Rosat, so they're stuck with basic Super Saiyan. They face off against :boy . Who wins? :idk
  18. Ultimate Cell

    If Vegeta was gay.

    Scenario 1: He's gay but he's not gay for Goku :galu . Scenario 2 He's gay for Goku :galu :donovan This might be a shit post but :idk
  19. Ultimate Cell

    How big was Semi-Perfect Cell power up to full power?

    :idk What do you guys think?

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