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  1. Ultimate Cell

    What if Vegeta killed Perfect Cell with his Final Flash? How would it effect the Timeline?(Youtube Video is a fan made vid of Vegeta killing Cell to help with imagination.)
  2. Ultimate Cell

    Movie 8 Broly Vs Bio Broly

    Round 1 Movie 8 SS Broly. Round 2 LSSJ Broly
  3. Ultimate Cell

    Farmer with Shotgun Vs Trunks( Surpressed against Freiza Soldier)

    Who would win? :donovan3 :donovan3 :donovan3
  4. Ultimate Cell

    Hit(Post Jiren Fight) Vs Anilanza

    Whom wins. :idk
  5. Ultimate Cell

    What if Dr.Gero never created the Androids and Cell?

    Let's say that Dr.Gero died along with the rest of the red ribbon army so he never created the Androids or Cell? How would that affect the timeline?
  6. Ultimate Cell

    SS3 Gohan(Buu Saga) Vs Skinny Buu

    Who would win? This is Evil Buu also known as Grey Buu.
  7. Ultimate Cell

    Jiren vs Merged Zamaus(Fan Made)

    Here's a DBS fan made Battle made by a Dbz channel. It looks pretty cool :galu
  8. Ultimate Cell

    End of Z Gogeta runs a GT Gauntlet

    This is Gogeta made up of End of Z Goku and Vegeta. How far does he go in Gt? :idk No time limit for him. Round 1 Base Form. Round 2 Super Saiyan. Round 3 Super Saiyan 2. Round 4 Super Saiyan 3 .
  9. Ultimate Cell

    Ultimate Gohan vs Buutenks with a twist

    Gohan is fighting buutenks however, Gotenks powered down to a regular Super Saiyan before being absorbed by Buu. So who wins?
  10. Ultimate Cell

    Cell Games SSJ2 Goku vs LSSJ Broly (Movie 10)

    Who do you think would win and which one do you think is stronger? :idk :idk :idk
  11. Ultimate Cell

    Mecha Freiza and 5th Form Cooler Vs Android 19 and 20

    Freiza and Cooler has returned earth for Freiza Revenge agaisnt Goku. They instead find 19 and 20 rampaging shortly after Gokus heart virus death. 19 and 20 has decided to kill the Frost Demons to control Freiza empire. Who would win? Round 1 Its Pre Energy 19 and and 20 Absorption. Round 2 its...
  12. Ultimate Cell

    Monaka vs 10 Farmers with Shotguns

    10 farmers with Shotguns decide to ambush monaka because monaka has trespassing on their land. Can the 10 farmers with shotgun stop monaka trespassing rampage? :idk :idk
  13. Ultimate Cell

    Gohkan Mecha Saga Powerlevels

    Heres are my Powerlevel to the Mecha Saga(Im on mobile so excuse me) Here we go. Trunks(Suppressed)5,(Base Full Power)3,300,000.(SSJ)165,000,000. Goku(Base)4,010,000.(SSJ)200,500,000. King Cold 105,000,000. Mecha Freiza(Suppressed 70%)117,000,000. (Max 100%)...
  14. Ultimate Cell

    The Gap between Ssj Goku and 100% Namek Freiza

    Where do u place the gap between them. Do u use the official 150 and 120 number or do u use different numbers? Just Curious.
  15. Ultimate Cell

    King Cold vs Freiza(70% of Full Power)

    Freiza decides to rebel agaisnt his father and take the throne for himself. He is using only 70% of his power agaisnt King Cold. Who would win?
  16. Ultimate Cell

    Ssj Vegito vs Buuhan(Super Janemba,Ssj Gogeta Absorbed)

    Buuhan trying to escape vegito, rips a hole through time and arrives during Janemba and Gogeta fight. He absorbs them and now faces off agaisnt against Ssj Vegito. Can he fare much better or still lose?
  17. Ultimate Cell

    Ssj Vegeta(Buu Saga Pre Majin)Vs Perfect Cell

    Vegeta before the day of the tournament uses the pendulum room to see how strong hes gotten and fights perfect cell in the past.Can Vegeta win or is cell still stronger?
  18. Ultimate Cell

    Hello guys.

    Im Gohkan. I was a user on neoseeker Dbz Forum who decided to come here. I hope we can get along.

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸