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  1. TheVocalsmith

    Kratos Vs Asura!

    Death Battle is rigged as all shit They made Frieza struggle vs Megatron They made Bardock lose to Omni-Man... Death Battle also picks and chooses what feats they want to use...
  2. TheVocalsmith

    Kratos Vs Asura!

    Kratos is a Shovel Knight victim Asura from Asura's Wrath is decently impressive
  3. TheVocalsmith

    Bulma was never essential to the story of Dragon Ball.

    Wildly wrong thread there is no convincing that you're wrong... you view Bulma only though a shitty random artical
  4. TheVocalsmith

    Anime Subtitle Findings

    In the Manga, they never have Goku throwing a rock at Roshi's House, nor making any statement about Goku being the same power as he was a few years ago Tho please do post interesting things
  5. TheVocalsmith

    What's your interpretation of this instances?

    I take this as they are surprised by an attacks Power... They look down on the other Universes so its stupid to think anything other than they are surprised that other Universes are that strong
  6. TheVocalsmith

    Bulma was never essential to the story of Dragon Ball.

    Pilaf would of NOT replaced Bulma because guess what he is... A VILLAIN He's not gonna be traveling with Goku and would try to kill him and either succeed in doing so or they would take his Dragon Ball and Goku would wind up dead either way. But ignoring that... Pilaf would have 0 reason to...
  7. TheVocalsmith

    How did Gecko Moria turn an island into a ship?

    I am reading it I am trying to avoid spoilers on older stuff (The things Ill be running into instead of the most recent things) I know Kaido and Big Mom will come along, Blackbeard, Garp and what not... Imu gonna do some shit. But I dont want any more spoilers than that
  8. TheVocalsmith

    How did Gecko Moria turn an island into a ship?

    One Piece Magic... and by going up Reverse Mountain I dunno Im not even close to that part... Im on the Little Garden
  9. TheVocalsmith

    Which Character Is The Most Timid?

    Crona (Soul Eater)
  10. TheVocalsmith

    We are currently ahead of DBZF's pace.

    I think we may be ahead then
  11. TheVocalsmith

    We are currently ahead of DBZF's pace.

    The link needs to be fixed... if the place even exists anymore... It's now a link to 3 links to an online Casino
  12. TheVocalsmith

    Bora vs General Blue

    Blue only really becasue the Tao vs Bora fight cant be any indicator for Blue vs Bora... since Tao easily was stronger than the 2 of them combined
  13. TheVocalsmith

    Launch vs Ranfan

    1. No killing rule, but can win by ring-out: Launch shoots Ranfan in the leg, then throws her out of the arena 2. No killing rule, can't win by ring-out: Launch hits her with the back of her gun, knocking her out 3. Can kill, can't win by ring-out, Shoots Ranfan in the face 4. Same as 3, but...
  14. TheVocalsmith

    Would Moro have been a better villain in Z?

    People just hate Super Moro is a fine villian where he is
  15. TheVocalsmith

    Do you think General Blue's shotgun would have killed Son-kun?

    Dies to the shotgun, dies to Episode 1 Bulma Gun Its not the type of Gun General Blue is using. its the fact that Goku cant literally do anything to block/Dodge/Defend Himself.
  16. TheVocalsmith

    Does Frieza's Death Beams have been improved w/time?

    Moves evolve along with the user... That's why we have 100000 versions of the Kamehameha and not just the base one
  17. TheVocalsmith

    SSJ Vegeta, SSJ Trunks, Piccolo, Frieza, Tenshinhan & Krillin vs 17 & 18

    I doubt 18 would need to fight either it happens like it does in the canon (Though everyone dies) Or 17 kills them all after Frieza pisses him off
  18. TheVocalsmith

    SSJ Vegetto (Sick) vs Buuhan

    Sick Vegito ask's Buu to hold on as he takes a nap
  19. TheVocalsmith

    SSJ Vegeta, SSJ Trunks, Piccolo, Frieza, Tenshinhan & Krillin vs 17 & 18

    Frieza blows up Krillin Tien also gets killed by Frieza 18 kills everyone else while 17 observes the trees

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.