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  1. TheVocalsmith

    Geralt of Rivia Vs. Fierce Deity Link

    My god what a stomp Link can kill cows without getting jumped by a Cow Demon
  2. TheVocalsmith

    Zelda vs pink power ranger

    Can the Pink Power Ranger survive 1 minute against Zelda?
  3. TheVocalsmith

    Favorite Legendary Pokemon?

    I see nothing but Legendary hate in the 2nd page of this thread... Origin Form Palkia is fun
  4. TheVocalsmith

    Gandalph vs Dumbledore

    Gandalf wins either way
  5. TheVocalsmith

    Favorite Legendary Pokemon?

  6. TheVocalsmith

    Piccolo VS Kibito

    In the World Martial Arts tournament? Kibito more than likely In a real fight? Piccolo easily In DBS? Oh no
  7. TheVocalsmith

    Link (Zelda) vs Obi Won Kenobi

    This means nothing... what Link are we using? (I assume we're using Movie Obi won)
  8. TheVocalsmith

    Which pokemon would be the best trainer?

    Mewtwo is the best answer we have the most solid evidence for. Nihilego through absorption became a trainer... so it at least understands how Pokeballs work and what to do with them. Lucario? I don't think it would want to be a trainer Zoroark could be a trainer though Illusion if it wanted...
  9. TheVocalsmith

    Fat Pikachu VS Skinny Pikachu

    All Pikachu have the same weight, despite how fat they look Unless you have a specific Game Pikachu you want to use... Since weight only differs in game... outside the games unless stated otherwise... all Pikachu weigh 13.2 lbs. It would just boil down to whoever moves first.
  10. TheVocalsmith

    Toei Animation vs Toei Company; vs battle

    Toei Company has literally nothing dosent matter if a series is milked half to death... Toei Animations has peak after peak
  11. TheVocalsmith

    Fat Pikachu VS Skinny Pikachu

    How fat is Fat Pikachu? How much does it weigh?
  12. TheVocalsmith

    SSjijn 3 Kibito vs MUI Goku

    Goku was not made to think Kibito was strong? Shin just said Kibito fit Zamasu's description Goku stomps
  13. TheVocalsmith

    How would you feel if One Piece was a dream

    Bad It would be so incredibly bad... OP has been going on for 27 years... If Luffy just "Woke Up" since it was a dream... its a waste
  14. TheVocalsmith

    Post a pokemon

  15. TheVocalsmith

    Pokemon Black/White, X/Y, Sword/Shield Remakes

    I wouldn't mind going back to Unovain Mainland again... but seeing how Blueberry Academy was in Unova... I don't think we are getting a B/W remake anytime soon SW/SH is far too recent to get a remake... but I wouldn't mind one... now that they did open world better. S/V... I dunno too recent...
  16. TheVocalsmith

    Krillin VS Yamcha & Tenshinhan

    Tien outhax Mime Krillin got outhaxed by Mime but figured his way around it. Yamcha and Tien still beat Krillin
  17. TheVocalsmith

    Krillin VS Yamcha & Tenshinhan

    Also if this is Early DB Earthlings... Yamcha was fighting equally with Tien (Who was holding back) Krillin struggled with Mr Mime Tien > Mr Mime Well then... I think we have our answer
  18. TheVocalsmith

    Krillin VS Yamcha & Tenshinhan

    Yamcha and Tien should easily take down Krillin
  19. TheVocalsmith

    Fat Pikachu VS Skinny Pikachu

    What moves do these 2 Pikachu have?

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Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.
My friend has incessant suicidal thoughts and he wants them to stop.
Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this