Mewtwo is the best answer we have the most solid evidence for.
Nihilego through absorption became a trainer... so it at least understands how Pokeballs work and what to do with them.
Lucario? I don't think it would want to be a trainer
Zoroark could be a trainer though Illusion if it wanted...
All Pikachu have the same weight, despite how fat they look
Unless you have a specific Game Pikachu you want to use...
Since weight only differs in game... outside the games unless stated otherwise... all Pikachu weigh 13.2 lbs.
It would just boil down to whoever moves first.
I wouldn't mind going back to Unovain Mainland again... but seeing how Blueberry Academy was in Unova... I don't think we are getting a B/W remake anytime soon
SW/SH is far too recent to get a remake... but I wouldn't mind one... now that they did open world better.
S/V... I dunno too recent...
Also if this is Early DB Earthlings... Yamcha was fighting equally with Tien (Who was holding back)
Krillin struggled with Mr Mime
Tien > Mr Mime
Well then... I think we have our answer