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  1. TheVocalsmith

    Fat Pikachu VS Skinny Pikachu

    Both are equal weight matters not in Pokémon unless you are using specific moves... Pikachu cannot learn any of those moves. It just depends who goes first
  2. TheVocalsmith

    Gogeta SSJ4 (DBGT) runs the DBS Gauntlet

    SSJ4: I just need 1 finger to beat you! SSGSS: *Smirks* What fingers? *He drops all of SSJ4's fingers on the ground* SSJ4: What the? also SSJ4 Gogeta stops at Megetta
  3. TheVocalsmith

    Movie Broly VS Super Broly

    He did appear in the manga, but his role was just extended from what he did in DBS:SH. Both were okay, DBS Broly is better. Real Life Stage Play Broly is the best
  4. TheVocalsmith

    Movie Broly VS Super Broly

    What? Every version of Broly has appeared in a movie
  5. TheVocalsmith

    I challenge you

    You say FMA... But are we talking bout Brotherhood or the OG? If its the OG then I cant do this... cuz it aint the greatest
  6. TheVocalsmith

    Ask Yoshi Anything

    Who wins? Inner Agent 3 from Splatoon or Namek Frieza?
  7. TheVocalsmith

    Rate the last Anime/Manga you finished out of 10

    The Diary of Ellen: The Witches House 9/10 I would of liked more of it (It ends where the game, The Witches House begins) Other than that its peak
  8. TheVocalsmith

    What have you been watching in the past 7 days?

    Dragon Ball Daima and Hell's Paradise
  9. TheVocalsmith

    SSJ3 and suppression

    I mean, I'm sure Goku can suppress SSJ3... why would he? He wasn't going all out against Fat Buu cuz he didn't want to kill him (He was gonna leave it to Gotenks) but that was the only time I think we really saw a "Supressed" SSJ3 Even in the brief moment in the TOP he was probably using most...
  10. TheVocalsmith

    Grade 3 compared to SSJ2?

    I do not think a hypothetical Grade 3 Goku would have a higher raw power than SSJ2 Goku.
  11. TheVocalsmith

    Cellin VS Tiencha

    Cellin is the Hypothetical form Cell would take if Cell absorbed Krillin
  12. TheVocalsmith

    Grade 3 compared to SSJ2?

    Well yeah... but Cell wasn't at full power vs SSJ Goku...
  13. TheVocalsmith

    Grade 3 compared to SSJ2?

    And? If they were the same power then Cell would of had an equal reaction
  14. TheVocalsmith

    Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee

    Great for getting Alolan Pokemon other than that... ehhh they are Fun.
  15. TheVocalsmith

    Cellin VS Tiencha

    Huh... We could argue that if this is Cell post Ginger Town then Cell is stronger than Yamcha and Tien individually by alot... (Neo Tri Beam was a powerful technique... but it didn't damage Semi-Perfect Cell at all) Cell absorbed Krillin... but that wouldn't make him weaker? If you absorb...
  16. TheVocalsmith

    Grade 3 compared to SSJ2?

    Grade 3's sheer amount of energy was stated to be greater than Cell's SSJ2 had a much greater reaction to the sheer amount of energy by the Z-Fighters and even by Cell... Cell's only comment on Grade 3 was that it gave tremendous strength but no speed.
  17. TheVocalsmith

    Vegeta's Tail Grew Back Against Freeza?

    My bad forgot he starts off in Great Ape... Frieza still blitz's anyway
  18. TheVocalsmith

    Vegeta's Tail Grew Back Against Freeza?

    Also... I dont think Frieza would let Vegeta transform. Great Ape is already something he's seen and clearly hates. He is shooting Vegeta as soon as he forms the Power Ball (Assuming this fight is on Namek... Namek has no moon)
  19. TheVocalsmith

    Vegeta's Tail Grew Back Against Freeza?

    Pretty sure Frieza would just move faster than Vegeta could react... Vegeta gave up against FF Frieza after he saw the difference in their power and speed. Great Ape Vegeta doesn't seem to get any faster than he normally is... so Frieza is still faster. Frieza cuts off Vegeta's tail and then...
  20. TheVocalsmith

    SDB Heroes

    I watched all of SDBH... It was... ok? Cant call it a "Filler Show" while you go figure out what else to watch since its just an Ad for a Now Shut Down Arcade Game... but... it has its moments... (Except the Majin Ozotto shit looks horrendous)

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Who the fuck is this