the King of Saiyans (if he taught Cabba how to fight & the Galick-Gun & looks like him & all) in Universe 6 are Vegeta’s counter-part, who is Goku’s counter-part? & why have they still not been introduced?
Episode 190 - some-where around 07 minutes when Cell’s flash-back occurs it is shown how #17 defeats Dr. Gero in the original time-line & also it also shows Dr. Gero as a cyborg. What gives? Were #19 & #20 also in the future?
I was wondering. Outside of first appearances of-course.
#3 - Another fellow evil Saiya-Jin? WTF?!?!?! Evil Goku at that (before even Bardock or even Ginyu-Goku in the Manga)?! WHAAAAAT?!?!?!
#4 - Evil Namekian?!?!?! OK. I don’t think that was supposed to be known at the time of marketing but...
Did I ask this before? For some-reason I feel like I have. Any-way, do you consider them canon? I do since they were 100% (I believe) written by AT, where-as the TV-series was written by tons of people with-out even a head-writer IIRC & they were mostly filling in the gaps according to what AT...
I've thought about this for a-while, but only now because of some-thing I saw today related to this.
There's No-Face from Spirited-Away:
Noh-Mask in Inu-Yasha:
Even from Digimon-Tamers slightly, but a different context & way, but at-least how it looks & maybe acts:
Is there a lore or...
Future Gohan - John Connor
Trunks - Kyle Reese
Jinzo-Ningen/Cell - Terminators (they even turn good later like in Terminator 2)
It even works if you look at Gohan as being a John Connor like character, because in the end he saves every-one from the cyborg attack by defeating Cell.
Look at this (if you can & want to) it's long & I don't think any-one here will read it but I was surprised (I didn't care about the 2nd DB-Super part so I didn't read that):
^OP is essentially saying that it's the paradoxes that split...