When he was consumed by his own Genki-Dama & every-one thought it was over for him?
Please! It's his own fault for always wanting to fight every-one & getting the tournament started in the first place. I didn't feel bad for him.
We've only seen presumably Freeza's counter-part. Maybe Broly is Kale's counter-part, but what about the others? If they exist & have around the same circumstances why didn't Champa recruit them for the tournament?
Starts-out in that cocoon-form comes-out of it looking like an insect (reverse now that I think about it), so why didn't he become a butter-fly-looking MF?
battle-shōnens decade-long conflicts get solved by out-siders (the protagonists) who have nothing to do with it?
I can only think of 2 series right-now:
DragonBall - Goku defeated Freeza. Granted Goku is a Saiyan, but he was born on earth & wasn’t even under Freeza’s rule like Vegeta or the...
Do you like that? Did that make you cry? I mean all of that after the battle ended. Goku leaving with Shenron. Bulma reminiscing. Visiting old friends & of-course the flash-forward.