Most manga have an end-game even if it is just their first arc. E.G.: DragonBall (finding the DragonBalls & making the wish)
Manga have an absolute end-game. E.G.: One-Piece (finding the One-Piece), Detective-Conan (taking-down the organization & becoming normal again), Inu-Yasha (defeating...
I don't believe it. People can just write any sheeeeeeeet on the internet with-out a source & it immediately becomes a fact ("Eiichiro Oda said..."), but is there a source for this?
what else makes One-Piece so hard to read.
I said the stuff before, well here’s some-thing else as I’m watching & then reading.
You see Eiichiro Oda draws one big panel and has multiple reactions & dialogue exchanges in the same panel.
You might have noticed.
Person: Yo. What’s-up...
First the first series (as-in how that was in the anime).
Some of mine:
Goku & Kuririn & Muten-Roshi-sama chilling
the afore-mentioned maybe (not the afore-mentioned, but before the afore-mentioned, which I know makes no sense, but if you kept-up with my posts you might know)
Goku &...
...when Goku drinks the water & it's shown how torturous it is, but Goku endures it because (as shown) Goku knows why he has to drink. Showing flash-backs of Goku training with Kuririn & Kame-sen'nin & their days together. He wants to avenge them.
I was watching & hearing in the back-ground whilst doing other stuff the music to the Broly movie & I got to say that motif that shows up in the movie quite a few times is goooooooooood.