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  1. ahill1

    Young Roshi and Tsuru-Sennin

    When Roshi was speaking about the terror of the demon king Piccolo, he said: "In our younger days, not only Tsuru-sennin and I, but even our master Mutaito-sama was no match for him..." This places a hierarchy of Mutaito > young Roshi >=< young Tsuru But would this dialogue also extend to...
  2. ahill1

    Height in Dragon Ball

    I think Vegeta was as tall as Freeza's last form. I had the impression, ever since recently actually, that Freeza increased in size after going 100% but it seems he only buffed up and remained the same size. Weird. AT did seem to draw Vegeta taller looking as the story progressed. He seemed...
  3. ahill1

    Is there a site with a faithful DB and mangas translations?

    It's being tough discussing things since if we get in depth too much, VIZ doesn't quite cut it because despite underlining the main message, some liberties may imply different approaches... Is there in any or knowledge some fanslation from a good and big DB site whose translations are trying to...
  4. ahill1

    Another perspective on kid Gohan's rage boost.

    It could be that the anger Gohan got in the CGs allowed him to fully tap into the potential of SSJ2, utilizing it to its utmost capacity, with the SSJ2 transformation there and its multiplier being the peak of Gohan's rage... ... While in the Boo saga, his lack of intense anger as a driving...
  5. ahill1

    Netero and his drive to insanity

    When Meruem was assessing his Budha powers and the speed he could bring his hands together and punch, he theorized Netero likely trained that in a situation he was drove by insanity, to achieve that peak of human power. Would you say that this drive to insanity could be in regards to despair in...
  6. ahill1

    Are DBZ characters faster than light (no Super) ?

    What do you think?
  7. ahill1

    Would you say Vegeta's character regressed in earlier Boo arc?

    Some ppl are of the opinion that Vegeta wasn't portrayed consistently with letting Bobbidi take control of him. Though I think it still shows the emphasis his rivalry with Goku had.
  8. ahill1

    Gogeta vs Boo-Gohan

    If Goku and Vegeta did the fusion dance instead, how do you imagine they'd fare Vs Boo-Gohan? Would SSJ also be enough? Or would they need higher level? Or even that wouldn't be enough?
  9. ahill1

    Why the fuck is Tenshinhan partying, having a barbecue in Bulma's house and all?

    I mean, Super is all friendly, everyone too close and partying and all, this silly friendly assemble (silly for the series it once was... I love gathering with my friends lulz)... But Tenshinhan is a lone wolf type. After the whole Cell thing, he announced he'd likely not see them again forever...
  10. ahill1

    Part 1 battle powers

    This will be a list not following the given scouter number from BoZ due to limited spacing that doesn't align with the earlier statements. I could write the "many times stronger" lines as hyperboles, but I decide not to, except with old Piccolo stating Tambourine is many times stronger than...
  11. ahill1

    When did Super Boo devise his plan?

    He stated to Gohan that he sensed his power far, far away and started to devise this plan... That if he were to absorb 'Super' Gotenks, he'd be unstoppable. When Gohan powered up upon being angry thinking Elder Kaioshin was wasting his time, right after, the scene was cut to Boo and he was...
  12. ahill1

    Cell's quote regarding Vegeta and Trunks vs the Cell Juniors

    So according to Herms, what Cell stated was more like: Cell : Take a look. Vegeta and Trunks are barely holding their own With the "ya", being a non-exhaustive term, possibly indicating Vegeta and Trunks weren't necessarily the only ones holding their own, just the first examples to come to...
  13. ahill1

    Looking at those pictures alone...

    Solely based in those visuals, would you say Piccolo had it worse than Vegeta and Trunks?
  14. ahill1

    If Goku and Piccolo capped at 400...

    As given in the scouters, Goku and Piccolo seemed around the 400s mark and it's kinda a stretch, though it'd make more sense of things, to assume their overall level was way above that. If that's so, how strong do you imagine Kami-Sama and Mr. Popo? Even 300 may be too big for Kami. Though the...
  15. ahill1

    Content and intent

    Do you think sometimes valuing intent over content, may be justifiable or even the best approach? For example, Toriyama thought the SSJ, or at least he had a feeling of SSJ, being more like a 10x boost, though the overall story implication (which iirc from the interview had Toriyama himself...
  16. ahill1

    Was Tenshinhan little explored?

    For the way he was introduced in the 22nd Budokai, with Kame-Sennin noticing his potential by learning the KMHMH quickly (which funnily enough was noticed as a shock when Goku saw Boo doing that) and his rivalry with Goku then... Do you think his follow up was kinda meh and could be done more...
  17. ahill1

    Are Goku and Vegeta even rivals?

    Or is that misplaced? Elder Kai said that but he hadn't much basis for that beyond their dialogue. I mean, Goku isn't obsessed in surpassing Vegeta... He doesn't see Vegeta as a benchmark mostly. While Vegeta does, generally. So it'd be more one sided. Or maybe it's still rivalry but in a...
  18. ahill1

    Anthony Joshua vs Francis Ngannou

    Fight scheduled to happen in boxing. Who wins? I put my money on Ngannou.
  19. ahill1

    Was Cell a good and complex villain?

    Or do you find him kinda overrated as a villain?
  20. ahill1

    Cell's speed increase

    What was the extent of the speed increase vs Gohan in your opinion? Did Gohan, maybe, held the same speed advantage vs Cell as Cell vs did Goku? Maybe a little more as Goku could still hit Cell sometimes? And was there a power up to complement the speed increase post it? I think there may very...

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.