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  1. ahill1

    Gohan in GT

    Was Gohan as strong as his Ultimate self from the battle vs Super Boo? Or did he lose power? Why?
  2. ahill1

    Jon Jones vs Poatan

    JJ called Poatan after the Miocic fight and Alex gave the yes sign, saying it'd be the biggest fight of his career. I honestly hope they make it in LHW... Tom Aspinall is the interim champion and having it in HW would be hugely unfair with him who is calling form this fight for more than a...
  3. ahill1

    Why did Guts make his best to show he did not care for the old fella?

    The dude that was a physician from the castle and was tortured then later killed by the count. Guts made the point he didn't care, that a rat should know his place and live like a rat. However, that wasn't true. He cared, but tried to disguise it. Puck stated he feared that he was just like...
  4. ahill1

    Ouki vs Mou Bu

    When Mou Bu in the coalition arc defeated after a heavy struggle that brute strength powerhouse from Qi... Do you think he could defeat Ouki in a head to head clash? I got the impression that he surpassed Ouki in h2h but then I wasn't so sure anymore...
  5. ahill1

    Monster -- question

    Would you say Johan is a psychopath? Cold blooded? Or still someone that, rather than deriving pleasures from his actions, was taking all the hatred he had in him? Might be kinda stupid question, it's been a while I've watched it so I'm not so on point with Monster.
  6. ahill1

    Piccolo in Super

    How do you think he was dealt with? Most talk about Goku and Vegeta, what would be your opinions on Piccolo?
  7. ahill1

    Why are Goten and Trunks not interested in fighting?

    They seemed to really like it as kids, as if they were natural Saiyan warriors with an exciting vision of fighting, though without the malice. They'd play heavy sparring, they were really excited in competing and when in their first real battle they weren't shown to be afraid... That screamed to...
  8. ahill1

    Do you think Vegeta was...

    Factoring Piccolo when saying that fighting in base in the tournament would not change his superior position? Or was he just factoring the ones who were in the plane and did not know Piccolo was participating? If he were factoring in Piccolo, then is his base strong enough to defeat Piccolo...
  9. ahill1

    Do you see SSJ2 as the right way to access grade 3 kinda power?

    I think some people, me included, see SSJ2 from Gohan in the CGs, the right path to access the grade 2 power from Trunks, though without getting the muscles disadvantage. Basically, he hitting on that kind of a boost but utilizing it in an effective way, being a byproduct of a powered up MSSJ...
  10. ahill1

    Would you take Super's take...

    ... On the kids power? Like, there in the manga there was a strong suggestion they were on the Cell Juniors' level. Vegeta stated his kid was as good as CGs Trunks. Would you let that make you reinterpret whatever take you had of their power from the original manga?
  11. ahill1

    Lucci still standing after Zoro

    Do you think Lucci was about to fall there and that hadn't Jimbei prevented Zoro, the outcome would just have been Lucci being defeated once Lucci, already very injured, rushed into Zoro? Jimbei stated Zoro already won the fight so I guess so. Still though, I didn't think Lucci would still...
  12. ahill1

    Can Mr. Boo (the one who fought kid) be = Fat Boo?

    Instead of Good Boo, the one who was less than half of fat Boo. I mean, Goku didn't know Fat Boo lost power as he hadn't watched it happening while on Shin's realm and Vegeta informed him about that, but he did not go in specifics like fat Boo losing power. And yet Goku didn't find it strange...
  13. ahill1

    Kyo vs a hill

    @Kyo accepted my challenge to debate about any topic DB or manga/anime related. Start!
  14. ahill1

    Dragon Ball joyful memories

    What are the best memories you can think of when reading DB or watching it? It can be feelings of certain scenes too ofc.
  15. ahill1

    Goku's gi color

    It was red in the anime and orange in the colored manga, right? Would orange shirt be more official here? At least in the black and white manga I don't remember anyone referencing it. Also, if I'm not mistaken, as I don't pay much attention to artwork details, did Goku's logo of Kaio-sama...
  16. ahill1

    What do you use to read mangas?

    A tablet? Cell phone? Computer? I'd use a desktop before but it was kinda uncomfortable but tablet may lead to bad habits since it's comfortable enough you end up reading in the bed which isn't nice.
  17. ahill1

    Boo saga Tenshinhan is a hell of a fighter!!!

    Boo called Tenshinhan a legendary fighter and used the fact he felled with a kick as a way to show Goku that, whatever he does, he won't be able to scratch his skin. He's on par with Boo saga Goku! But seriously now, we know Tenshinhan can't be that strong as he's, most likely, below Kuririn...
  18. ahill1

    Piccolo reading Shin's mind and forfeiting

    Letting aside whether Shin is above or below Piccolo, the Daizenshuu stated Piccolo withdrew from the fight realizing there was a big gap between their powers after Shin read his mind. Would you guys agree such take from the guide is completely out of context? Why would reading one's mind...
  19. ahill1

    ahill reading Kingdom

    So, I'm up to chapter 370. The Coalition arc was one of the best ones, I think in terms of overall tension and unpredictably it surpassed the Wei 2nd war enjoyment wise. I was so stuck reading it, that I legit had read for 5 hours straight yesterday. It was huge, battles all very well written...
  20. ahill1

    Inoue vs Jones (LHW) --- boxing only

    Despite the heavy reach, height and weight disadvantage, the fact Jones if far from a boxer and his stand up relies way more on Muay Thai with kicks, elbows and clinching, could someone way smaller but a genius in boxing like Inoue manage something or light heavyweight Jones, from the time he...

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.