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  1. ahill1

    No desire to kill -- SSJ?

    Chapter: 279 (DBZ 85), P14.1 Context: as Goku prepares to fight Recoom Vegeta: “Th-this really is strange…He’s oddly calm…Doesn’t he know his opponent’s true strength?...I can’t feel any desire to kill from him at all…” Right after this, Vegeta wonders if Goku is the SSJ!!! If he felt no...
  2. ahill1

    Boo saga Goten and Trunks ~ CGs Trunks and Vegeta

    Is that lowballing or an ok placement?
  3. ahill1

    How would you try making reason of characters talking through others minds? And reading them?

    I see that the telepathy reasoning was never thought up by Toriyama, but if you were forced to come up with just some little reasoning as to how they could do it, what would it be? And what about reading minds? For example, Goku talked in Kuririn's mind not to kill Vegeta, Piccolo called Gohan...
  4. ahill1

    2 different topics that caught my attention

    1 -- it's very likely that, although close, SPC is still below SSJ2 kid Gohan... yet l, when being unguarded, it damaged Gohan a lot, making him lose more than half his power. Most assume Raditz < 1307 because the attack from Gohan heavily damaged him. But couldn't the same logic be applied...
  5. ahill1

    Tao Pai Pai (1st appearence) vs Yamcha (22nd Budokai)

    For real now, who wins this? Serious thread.
  6. ahill1

    Best battle powers ever

    Well, in advance, I say, be prepared for this is the best list you will ever find. Like, almost flawless... close to perfection... crafted after years and years fighting in the trenches, debating all kind of crazy power levelers, figuring the level of effort put into each fight analysing the...
  7. ahill1

    22nd Budokai Goku's improvement -- compared to post Karin

    How do you measure his improvement? It was a massive one if we follow all the suppressed and layers of powers implied. Goku surprised everyone defeating Chappa and Kuririn thought he would gass out going all out, so: Goku (vs Chappa) >> Goku (post Karin) Then in the midst of the fight vs...
  8. ahill1

    Gohan (original manga wise) -- well handled character or wasted potential?

    Thoughts? I think he was a well handled and consistent character for the most part.
  9. ahill1

    When Goku takes off to train Oob...

    Do you think he only intends to make Oob use his power more properly, bringing him effectively to Kid Boo's level? Or do you think he intends to push him way farther than that?
  10. ahill1

    Would you find early DB Roshi's gag as funny?

    Or do you think it grew up to the point it's just cringe and in bad taste nowadays? Won't deny it, I found them funny when I firstly watched it as a kid and as a teenager... But it's just cringe and in bad taste to me now when I see them. Roshi wanting to see Bulma's pants, who was 16 years old...
  11. ahill1

    What were 18's expectations for the SSJ boost?

    For us that think 18 was fighting somewhat close to her FP, or even using her FP, does she expect the boost to be really low? And with the boost Goten and Trunks got, did she still perceive them as way below her? Because when the blast is shown to be slightly above her power (she still can...
  12. ahill1

    another perspective on Grey Boo and Good Boo

    Grey Boo completely pummeled Good Boo. The latter couldn't connect a hit and was smashed. As for his fight Vs Kid Boo, there was at least more of a resistance put, as Good Boo could headbutt Kid, fire a blast taking his shoulder off and could get out of the strangle and toss Kid Boo on the...
  13. ahill1

    Was 18 holding back when fighting Goten and Trunks as Mighty Mask?

    Was she? Or do you think she was going all out? Main gripe I've with her going all out is that she still seems easy going when she sees they went SSJ and became considerably more powerful. If they were already fighting almost evenly with her unrestricted powers, wouldn't going levels above with...
  14. ahill1

    new DB Power levels

    This will be a semi conservative list, in which I don't see the need to blow the gaps all that much, all while not seeing the need to to squeeze them down below necessity... And will be adotping a 10x SSJ gap post SSJ mastering after the RoSaT, as a way to have the base kids on part with 18 more...
  15. ahill1

    Big hint that Vegeta (trunks saga) was considerably >> Piccolo (trunks saga)?

    Kuririn had yet to know Vegeta had SSJ and similarly hadn't seen Piccolo's improvements... And still seem to treat Vegeta as a bigger deal (even Vegeta got killed).
  16. ahill1

    Would you guys say Yamcha, Chaozu and Kuririn have all definitely surpassed Tao Pai Pai by the 22nd Budokai?

    I think they did. Tao Pai seemed to be treated in high regard more due to respect Ten and Tsuru once had for him. Roshi is already surprised Goku defeated Chappa that way, despite seeing his old powers vs Karin... And that level proved to be on equal footing with Kuririn initially... Who is...
  17. ahill1

    Shuzo Oshimi mangas

    So I've read Flowers of Evil and Chi no Wadachi and have enjoyed both greatly. I've enjoyed Inside Mari too, mainly the final moments, though I was a little indifferent in the beginning part of the series. The vampire kids story parody (forgot the name) was kinda cool but I felt it lacked a...
  18. ahill1

    Toriyama isn't that forgetful

    He remembered some minor but nice traits in moments of the story before, like: ---> Yamcha being the only one to react when Grandpa Gohan caught on Goku's tail weakness, adding that he, Puar and Chi-Chi should be the only ones to note that. ---> Tenshinhan and Yamcha reacted in a very...
  19. ahill1

    Yajirobe vs 22nd Budokai Tenshinhan

    Yajirobe @ his 1st show up. Who has got this?
  20. ahill1

    Who's the weakest character from Dragon Ball who could clear the One Piece world?

    Well, maybe those in verse match ups may seem silly, but I still find them funny to speculate sometimes. What would you say? For me, BoZ Piccolo may be enough considering he had enough power to blow up the moon, while 23rd Budokai Piccolo already likely scaled up to island's level, similar to...

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Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.
My friend has incessant suicidal thoughts and he wants them to stop.
Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this