Piccolo told Vegeta would lose his body and his soul would be used for reincarnation, implying bad guys don't keep their bodies. Heck, Goku keeping his body was an exception. But then there seems to be a hell since a servant mentioned it to Goku right before he took off to Kaio. And then Enma...
He had more nuances to him. His cruelty and sadism were presented in a way ppl would come and say "why is he so evil?"... but then he showed respect and consideration for most of his subordinates. They were family to him. Kaido crying while drunk at Big Mom's downfall doesn't even come close to...
I was used to the anime and got the impression Zoro was really made to be a parallel to Rayleigh mainly post the TS... but the truth is that the anime illustrated some moments that the manga simple didn't have.
Like when Zoro is the first to arrive and sees Rayleigh, who noticing his presence...
And he found a way to get that strong through other means.
Do you think he still would have offered Vegeta a hand post the CGs battle?
Or recognized Vegeta's value at the end of Boo's arc and say "Vegeta doesn't feel like Vegeta!!"? Or he'd be more closed and reserved to things like these?
Current version of everyone. Say every one of them recovers from the injuries they have now.
Well, I think Law and Kid get this with mid-high difficulty. For more impressive that Zoro and Sanji are looking now, and the fact that if both of them decide to cooperate they have a very good...
It's cool that both division commanders stop big names like Kizaru and Mihawk.
Doing some extrapolation, can that maybe show Mihawk and Kizaru are in the same league as the scene shows how amazing the WB pirates are for stopping two heavy weight hitters like them, but at the same time Kizaru >...
Gohan shows surprise at Goku's power and Kibito thinks it's unfathomable for such power to reach there.
Is there something contradicting that only SSJ3+ powers can reach there?
Well, Kid Boo senses Goku and Vegeta while they were in SSJ there and Gohan knows fat Boo is still alive when he's...
At first when it was shot down by Colonel Silver, later Goku found out it couldn't be destroyed like that. But then it didn't come back when Tambourine blasted it away.
Why, do you say? Maybe Tambourine's blast was just too powerful? Or maybe his nature, a demon, goes contrary to Kintoun's...
Post the 22nd Budokai fight exhausting and subsequent Tambourine's beat down... did he get stronger after regaining his strength?
For more that I look at the scene, I get the impression that he didn't. He punched that rock and noticed "I'm back to full power", without mentioning any gain in...
I think I've made this thread before, but always seemed fun to speculate.
The Reject Dial is given as a wayy more powerful impact dial, given in some translations as 10x more powerful, but the Rokuougun (Lucci's attack) is described by Luffy as "it looks like an impact dial, but a lot more...
So we know that 19 absorbed quite a lot from Vegeta's energy, and yet he was completely hopeless once Vegeta disarmed him. Vegeta had more than enough power to wipe him out, yet he had to bluff his way out vs 20. Is the gap between 19 and 20 that large? Something like:
20 pre >> Vegeta >>> 19...