I'm reading the story so I'll be posting my thoughts here as I go along. It's 180 chapters long, I'm on chapter 80..I think there's a while I haven't read a long story like this, last one was Lone Wolf.
I'm enjoying it considerably thus far. I think they should have explored more of the...
That's the first impression I had when reading for the first time after watching the anime whole. I missed Goku's train to the 22nd and 23rd Budokai, his power seemed less earned. Gohan's development from a crybaby to someone who'd eat dinosaurs seemed from one second to the other, and I also...
Some ppl say after Cell's arc, others say after Freeza, others after Boo...
While some think GT would be the best ending and some even say the 23rd Budokai would be a nice wrap up lol.
What about you?
Does that mean the admirals are simply way above that commander tier? I thought the commanders could put up a good struggle against an admiral, but it seems not.
Not in later arcs, but the initial ones like Pilaf's, and specially Roshi's training to the 21st Budokai... it was light-hearted, kinda, many gags, and simple in the plot but at the same time captivating. I just liked the characters and wanted to see them faring off against another well worked...
Monster Zarbon did something similar and totally incapacitated Vegeta. Vegeta still had energy left in him when Recoome smashed him into the ground.
And even tho Recoome was more in the playing mentality, the fight Vegeta put up against him was more impressive.
Vegeta 24,000
Monster Zarbon...
The build up on Gohan's hidden powers being unlocked was big. Kuririn said he could be as strong as Vegeta (even tho he didn't really believe that, that shows he held Gohan post unlock in very high regard). Saichoro was impressed with his dormant power. Vegeta was impressed with the sudden...
What do you think? I think he showed to be at first a likeable character and had some good attributes like team work, humbleness and desire to better himself, as well as some good techniques. Him stooping against Ten's trash talk was also cool despite ending beated up. I think that from the 23rd...
It's weird when you look at it. Ppl infer from Trunks' surprise at Vegeta already going SSJg2 that he was on par with initial Semi Cell or perhaps even above as SSJ1... yet 16 is the only one to notice an increase from Vegeta while he's in SSJ. Piccolo looked at Vegeta SSJ and merely said for...
After the Freeza Saga, Shenlong stated that Goku wasn't brought back because he refused... and the same thing is applied in Super when Bardock refuses the Mutaito's Dragon wish... but in the Freeza Saga, Vegeta and co. were brought to Earth without being checked first. And Goku made a point to...
"Oh but the story shows otherwise"
The story is ambiguous anyway. Vegeta affirms he can defeat Dabura and the thought of Vegeta having ssj2 only pops up in Goku's head when he actually demonstrates that. If Gohan and Dabura were fighting at a level of ssj2, then the idea would have already...