Luffy is made of rubber and many ppl in the series showed curiosity the instances Luffy was affected by physical attacks. Yet Lucci's attacks clearly had an affect on him, specially the Six King Pistol (Rokuogan)... how? Maybe the Rokushiki emulates, slightly, Haki?
Oars with Luffy's shadow, ofc. While Oars' body was stronger and the combination of a strong body plus a strong shadow produces stronger warriors, he couldn't access techniques like Gear 2 and his body was overall more susceptible to attacks.
Right after Ace's final exchange with Black Beard Ace said he'd make Whitebeatd the king of the pirates.
But then once dying Ace told Luffy he's only sad that he didn't see him fulfilling his (Luffy's) dream.
So what do you think?
Kaku's measurement ability with Fukurou (when all the CP9's members hit him) was underrated since he's a swordsman, and techniques with the swords count, therefore, more than striking ability? Mihawk for instance may not have that big of a striking ability when compared to foes that are ranked...
So how strong is he? He was having a hard time against Blueno in base alone, but then managed to hold his own somewhat well against Lucci... did he get stronger between this time space?
So, if they hadn't traveled there and gone through that hardship, do you think they'd succeed in the Davy Back Fight, that happened shortly after?
Remember Zoro and Sanji sustained some considerable damage and Luffy hadn't that easy of a time with all the tricks Foxy played on him.
Goku and Gohan and presumably company mastered it, but old Kai said it shortens their life spam and shouldn't be used too much.
Guess it still has a bigger effect than base.
It's informed in the manga through Charlotte that he raised mysteriously and subdued his enemies and put an end to the decaying and warring lands of midland.
Guts or someone else said he looks like Griffith in this aspect. What do you imagine his background to be? We obviously didn't get a...
What's your top 10 mangas?
I'm looking to expand my repertoire, so I suggest recommendations on the best mangas out there. Some I may have already read.