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  1. Animelover5487

    Recoome vs Jeice vs Burter

    I had posted this in the XXX vs XXX versus thread before but as of late this has been a match up that has greatly peeked my curiosity so I decided to make a thread. Who would win all three members battle it out in a 3-on-3-on every man for himself fight?
  2. Animelover5487

    Where do you put Manwolf at?

    What we know about Manwolf: - He entered the 22nd TB to take revenge on Jackie Chun for inadvertently condemning him to the life of being a wolf forever by blowing up the moon. Seeing as he he has knowledge on this, it's likely that he saw Goku vs Jackie Chun meaning unless he's just crazy he...
  3. Animelover5487

    23rd Tenkaichi Budokai Fill Out

    Since the gaps in the 23rd Tournament are implied to be very huge I thought it would be fun to list your opinions on the strength gaps Reference Goku (Pre God Water) - - Post God Water - Piccolo Daimao (Old, 40%) - - Old, Full Power - - Young, Initial - - Full Power - Mr. Popo -...
  4. Animelover5487

    Where do you put Kibitoshin at?

    The Elder Kaioshin said he was nothing special and that he would just get in Goku and Vegeta's way so I put him at Super Perfect Cell level. Where do you guys put him?
  5. Animelover5487

    Kamui vs Time Leap

    Which is the better hax?
  6. Animelover5487

    My Completed Power Level List Starting from The Future of Trunks

    This list ignores the events of the new material. in particular Super. The Future Piccolo = 5,000,000 Vegeta = 5,500,000 Gohan = 3,000,000 - SSJ = 150,000,000 - Post Training (Base) = 4,200,000 - SSJ = 210,000,000 Trunks = 65,000 - SSJ = 3,250,000 - Post Training (Base) = 4,400,000...
  7. Animelover5487

    Monaka vs Cell Games SSJ2 Gohan

    Monaka took a punch straight in the face without too much damage besides him balling his eyes a bit while Krillin was sent flying hundreds of miles in the air with a black eye and a broken leg from the same attack so I think Monaka is probably SSJ2 tier which anyone in U6 or 7 would defeat with...
  8. Animelover5487

    Rank these fights by close-ness

    Base Zarbon vs Vegeta Krillin vs Chaozu Weighted Piccolo vs Second Form Freeza (First Power Up) Goku (Post Karin Training) vs Tao Pai Pai Goku vs Cell Goku vs Nappa (Full Power) Rank these fights in order from which had the smallest to largest gaps between each other.
  9. Animelover5487

    Two base powers theory?

    There has been this theory ever since the Champa tournament that Goku and Vegeta can turn off their god ki and fight at the level they were prior to Whis training, so the Goku that stomped Final Form Freeza is supposedly much stronger than the Goku Botamo and Frost fought. The other points I...
  10. Animelover5487

    Which is the better blocking feat: Raditz vs Goku's Kamehameha or Nappa vs Gohan's Masenko?

    I'm trying to determine whether the gap between Nappa (@Z-Fighters minus Goku) and Gohan's 2,800 power level Masenko should be larger than the gap between Raditz (1,250) and Goku's Kamehameha (924). Here we see Nappa punching away Gohan's Masenko, as we can clearly see here Nappa is putting in...
  11. Animelover5487

    Is there really any reason to put Cyborg Tao over Old King Piccolo?

    This is one of the questions I get when I see Tao so high. Is there any reason for it? The only thing he does is one-shot Chaozu (who I see quite a bit of people put at Old Piccolo's level for no reason as well) 23rd Chaozu has no feats or statements to get an accurate power level for and get...
  12. Animelover5487

    Raditz vs The Powerpuff Girls

    Who wins?
  13. Animelover5487

    Ranfan takes the gauntlet

    As of late Ranfan's power level has been a controversial matter among the community. Previously, it had been accepted by the majority of us people here that Ranfan was somewhere between Yamcha and Giran's level due to her causing Nam visible pain however that seems to have been regarded as being...
  14. Animelover5487

    Should the gap between 40% Old Piccolo Daimao vs Goku be larger than Goku vs Tao Pai Pai (First Fight)

    The reason I say this is King Piccolo has the best ki tanking feat in all of DB, and one of the best of the series overall bearing Imperfect Cell (More Humans) tanking Piccolo's special attack which could be explained as Piccolo just being tired from his fight with 17. King Piccolo literally...
  15. Animelover5487

    Garlic Jr. vs Third Form Freeza

    I don't know much about the Garlic Jr. Saga due to hating filler arcs but I decided to take a look at a few clips of the Gohan, Krillin and Piccolo vs Garlic Jr. and Henchmen fights, and from my point of view it seemed like he was much stronger than Gohan or Krillin but still couldn't handle...
  16. Animelover5487

    Spopovich vs Bear Bandit

    Bears are naturally many times stronger than humans and the bear Goku one-shotted looked much bigger than the average bear. So I think it's safe to assume Bear Bandit > Average Bear > Videl. Who takes this match though?
  17. Animelover5487

    Base Goten vs Weighted Kamiccolo

    Weighted Kamiccolo was stated to rival 18/17, and I have the kids about on par with 18 based on their fight and the Daizenshuu stating Base Trunks was on par with 18. Base Trunks ~ 18 >~ Base Goten for me.
  18. Animelover5487

    How do you power scale 2 vs 1 fights?

    What is the maximum gap needed for a weaker fighter to take down a stronger one with the assistance of someone? And, how strong do the two need to be compared to each other to take down their stronger opponent? Do the two need to be rivals or can fighter leagues weaker than the other still...
  19. Animelover5487

    Dragonball Super ROF Power Levels

    This is going by Freeza's 1.3 million estimation for his power level. Which all the statements and feats in Super/ROF seem to support as such I reset the characters power levels such as I gave Krillin his same power level after the Guru unlockment. Pre 4 Months Tagoma = 23,000 Shisami =...
  20. Animelover5487

    Arale (DB Feats Only) vs Drum

    Disregarding Arale's feats of breaking planets with one punch (which would put her at SSJG Goku tier) from the Dr. Slump series and just focusing on her appearences on Dragonball. Toriyama stated that Pre Karin Water Goku would lose to Arale. That said, who would you say takes this? Remember...

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