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  1. Animelover5487

    Launch > Mr. Satan

    Mr. Satan failed to KO a normal gunman after several hits while using all of his strength.
  2. Animelover5487

    Nam vs Major Metallitron

    I have Nam slightly stronger but I believe the Metallitron would win due to his robotic durability.
  3. Animelover5487

    Bill Cipher vs Beerus

    Who wins?
  4. Animelover5487

    23rd Chaozu vs Chi-Chi

    In my opinion, Chi-Chi one-shots him as easily as Tao did. I think Chi-Chi making it to the semi-finals and Chaozu not is Toriyama's way of implying that Chi-Chi was far superior. There's also the way her and Cyborg Tao were portrayed. Both were portrayed to be on par with each other as...
  5. Animelover5487

    My New and Improved Dragonball Power Levels

    Since my last list on Dragonball some of my beliefs have changed and I decided to redo most of the list. (Note: The increases Goku gets after the 22nd, Piccolo Daimao, and Junior fights aren't because of any Zenkais because I doubt they really existed in Dragonball but because Goku had such a...
  6. Animelover5487

    Bora vs 21st Krillin

    Who wins?
  7. Animelover5487

    Which do you go by?

    Kaioshin is probably one of the most confusing characters to properly pinpoint on power level lists. On one hand, Piccolo states he's in another league, however on the other hand he's shown to be scared of Pui Pui and Yakon wants to team up with the Base Saiyans against them now I know people...
  8. Animelover5487

    Piccolo > Base Gotenks and Majin Boo, now?

    Videl said after Beerus defeated 18, Tenshinhan and Piccolo. That even Piccolo couldn't defeat Beerus despite Boo and Gotenks losing to Beerus as well. So I guess Piccolo most of done some secret training to surpass them or something during the 5 year time skip. SSJ Goku apparently rivals Freeza...
  9. Animelover5487

    Giran [Piccolo Daimao arc, Anime] vs Karin Tower Goku

    Giran stomps by my point of view. Giran did much better against Tambourine than Krillin surviving tons of kicks and attacks from Tambourine and even landed a hit of his own that made Tambourine mildly frustrated to the point of using a ki amplified strike to finally kill him off that's a lot...
  10. Animelover5487

    General White vs Mr. Satan

    Unlike many of the other humans in Dragonball, White showed no real superhuman feats but how do you think the fight goes? Who wins?
  11. Animelover5487

    My DBZ Power Levels

    Saiyan arc Raditz = 1,250 Farmer = 5 Goku Weighted = 334 - Unweighted = 416 - Kamehameha = 924 Piccolo Weighted = 322 - Unweighted = 408 - Maankasappo = 1,330 Gohan = 1 - Frustrated = 710 - Enraged = 1,307 - Oozaru = 13,070 Master Roshi = 139 Krillin = 206 Yamcha = 177...
  12. Animelover5487

    King Yemma vs Saiyan arc Humans

    1. King Yemma vs Yamcha 2. King Yemma vs Kuririn 3. King Yemma vs Tenshinhan Do any of the humans defeat him?
  13. Animelover5487

    Has Master Roshi really surpassed Yamcha?

    I haven't watched the new movie but I decided to do some research on it and it turns out Ten thought Freeza's army would be too much for Yamcha and Chaozu and told them to stay on the farm but no one had any problem with Roshi tagging along. So is it true Roshi > Yamcha. I mean Roshi could have...
  14. Animelover5487

    Bacterian vs Mr. Satan

    Location: World Tournament Stadium Restrictions: Bacterian's Stench You want my honest opinion? Bacterian shit stomps. He was beating Krillin up and down the tournament albeit his stench had something to do with it but even then if he was weaker than Mr. Satan his hits would do zero damage to...

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Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.
My friend has incessant suicidal thoughts and he wants them to stop.
Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this