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  1. SSJ3 Gothic

    Base Goten (GT) vs SSJ Gohan (Boo Saga)

    Goten is pre Baby, and in base form only. Gohan is in MSSJ mode against Dabra. Who wins?
  2. SSJ3 Gothic


    Could Goku and Trunks have defeated Lood if they had gone all out? Lood comes across as pretty tough, but they only go SSJ for a few seconds to shove his foot away, and then go back to base. I try to justify it as the protecting Pan, but it could just be TOEI logic.
  3. SSJ3 Gothic

    Bio Broli vs Android 16 and Imperfect Cell

    This is the same Cell and 16 who fought each other, teaming up against Bio Broli. Who wins?
  4. SSJ3 Gothic

    Vegeta vs Freeza

    As I'm rewatching Vegeta vs Freeza II, after Vegeta's Zenka with Krillin and Dende. This was always a fight I enjoyed watching, and I think it's really underrated. It never makes anyone's top fight list. I understand why, since the battle is extremely one-sided. But as far as lopsided fights are...
  5. SSJ3 Gothic

    Best GT Saga?

    The Super 17 Saga gets all the hate, but it's easily my favorite part of GT. The animation is at its best here (not always), and its rather short and to the point. Less "filler" if you will, for a show that is technically all filler. I always liked 17, and I liked seeing him get the spotlight...
  6. SSJ3 Gothic

    Pre and Post Zenkai Vegeta

    What battle powers do you have for Vegeta, immediately before and after his zenkai with Krillin? :what :Krillin
  7. SSJ3 Gothic

    Vegeta KKx2 vs Recoome

    Saiyan Saga Vegeta uses Kaioken x2. He takes on a healthy Recoome. Regular strain for Kaioken. I have a have Recoome closer to Nail so Vegeta goes down hard. Who wins?
  8. SSJ3 Gothic


    I still like it waaaay more than SSJB. *raises glass to GT* :nice
  9. SSJ3 Gothic

    Gohan (M8) vs Semi-Cell

    I think this Gohan barely wins.
  10. SSJ3 Gothic

    Kid Boo vs New 52 Superman

    Who wins?
  11. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJ4 Broli (Heroes) vs Enraged Vegeta (BoG)

    Vegeta is from BoG movie only. Who wins?
  12. SSJ3 Gothic

    Androids Bombs..

    Did the bombs inside 16,17, and 18 all contain the same amount of destructive force? Or was each one more powerful depending on the battle power of that particular android? This would, obviously, mean that 16 contained the strongest of the three bombs, with 17 coming in next, and then, finally...
  13. SSJ3 Gothic

    Android 18 (self destruct) vs Pikkon

    Pikkon one-shotted Super Perfect Cell. Can he survive the self destruct from one of the androids?
  14. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJ3 Vegeta (EoZ) vs Tagoma (DBS)

    Who wins?
  15. SSJ3 Gothic

    How good are the Dragon Box's?

    I still see them fetch for a high price, even in the era of blu ray. Supposedly its the best viewing experience but I wanted some first had accounts and second opinions before browsing further. Thanks Zeta homies.
  16. SSJ3 Gothic

    Dragonite vs Charizard

    Round 1: From the anime Round 2: In game. In game, both at level 100, I would go with Dragonite, as I would have the option of teaching it several moves from other types, like thunder or ice beam. That might negate the equal resistance to fire from both.
  17. SSJ3 Gothic

    Why can't 18 be stronger than Trunks and Goten??

    She's the hottest character on the show by far (canon). 18 can destroy Namek Freeza, SSJ Vegeta against 19 (canon), and Spider-Man (non-canon). In Yo! The Return of Son Goku and his Friends, it's clear she learned to read power levels (non-canon), meaning she could have gotten stronger along the...
  18. SSJ3 Gothic

    Test tube Baby vs SSJ Goku (Boo's body)

    This is Baby, recently hatched. And this is the SSJ Goku who fought close to even with Ultimate Gohan. :cage2 Who wins?
  19. SSJ3 Gothic

    A couple questions about Candy Beam

    1) Does Boo still have this ability? I don't see a particular reason why he would lose it, but it's possible, I suppose, after undergoing so many changes and transformations in the Boo Saga. 2) Is this move limited by power level? What I mean is, if Boo shot the Candy Beam at someone much...
  20. SSJ3 Gothic

    Piccolo (End of GT) vs Beerus 1% (BoG)

    Piccolo is the curator of HFIL here. Who wins?

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