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  1. SSJ3 Gothic

    Favorite gym battle?

    As in, who's ass did you enjoy kicking the most? I actually have the fondest memories of taking on Brock. It was sort of like a right of passage to the rest of the game. Plus, yellow was always my favorite. I would grind out Pikachu to lvl 20 and then take out Brock with double team/quick attack.
  2. SSJ3 Gothic

    How strong was Monster Garlic jr?

    If you had to put a number on it. Without doing any research I want to say 900-950 BP. That puts him below Raditz, which I don't have a problem with. It is, however, hard for me to picture him being a jabroni to the Saibamen.
  3. SSJ3 Gothic

    In theory

    If SSJB Vegeta got hit with the Blutz waves, would he become an SSJ4? Or Goku for that matter? I don't see why not, unless I am missing something.
  4. SSJ3 Gothic


    Above, below, or dead even with Vegeta? My heart says slightly below, but that's only because it's Kiwi, and he's a squishy mofo.
  5. SSJ3 Gothic

    Yakon vs Pocus

    Battle of the Boobs. Pocus always seemed inferior, but I don't know how much Yakons light eating ability was smoke and mirrors.
  6. SSJ3 Gothic

    Question about Gurd vs Gohan and Krillin

    Would throwing a tree at them really have been effective? I guess Vegeta coming in answers that, but these guys can tank bullets without paying attention. The idea of a big spear never seemed very threatening.
  7. SSJ3 Gothic

    Ginyu vs Recoome, Burta, Jeese and Gurd

    Are the four underlings enough to take out the Captain? Gurd's time stop is applicable.
  8. SSJ3 Gothic

    If Trunks went SSJ4...

    Would his hair be black? Legitimate question.
  9. SSJ3 Gothic

    Trunk's Kamehameha (Bio Broli)

    :wat :wat :wat Never got a proper explenation for this.
  10. SSJ3 Gothic

    GT Pan vs Yakon and Pocus

    Handicap match fools! Who wins?
  11. SSJ3 Gothic

    One Punch Man Crossover?

    Some news from about a month ago, probably already got around but I'll post it up here. Seems to be from the rumor mill.
  12. SSJ3 Gothic

    Pikkon vs RSSJ Broli

    Who wins?
  13. SSJ3 Gothic

    Most Unnecessary Type?

    Fire, water electric. These made sense. Later on I could roll with dark, steel, et cetera. When did types get too silly and "jump the shark?"
  14. SSJ3 Gothic

    DBZ Project Fusion Some info on a new dbz game supposedly for the 3DS. Enjoy!
  15. SSJ3 Gothic

    Yakon vs RSSJ Broli

    Who wins? Broli can't use LSSJ in this fight.
  16. SSJ3 Gothic

    Tournament fighters

    Who are the fighters in the new tournament for Champa? I've seen some pictures and stuff but I don't have the full story. Do we know who they are yet, or just light speculation???
  17. SSJ3 Gothic

    Why no new dbz games :(

    It seems like since Xenoverse, no more dbz games are in major development. Is that because they don't want to distract from the MMO, or are there just no good ideas for games right now?
  18. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJ4 vs Golden Oozaru

    Is Golden Oozaru the stronger form, or is that just me who thinks that? Baby seemed to have a slight upper hand in the fight, and Goku's power didn't seem to drop leading up to that. Is the form superior, power wise, or is it that Baby with the form just happens to be the stronger of the...
  19. SSJ3 Gothic

    Baby (@Goten) vs SSJ3 Vegetto (Boo Saga)

    Baby is the same strength as when he fought Goten. Who wins?
  20. SSJ3 Gothic

    Worst battle in the anime?

    Did any end up really dissapointing you, or just be really anticlimactic? I know it always bugged me that Ash beat Brock by sprinkler system. Why insist on using Pikachu anyway? :wat Besides, in the game, electric doesn't work on rock at all. Ever. So it was a tease to begin with.

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