So, we know Goku was not going all out there according to Piccolo's own words. Getting into specifics, what was he doing? Suppressing himself? Pulling his punches? Just not trying to kill Boo?
Manga versions of both. Is Dabra really stronger than his present self in the future? Him beating a Post Z Sword Trunks is already pretty impressive, and it's even more impressive when you consider it's the same Trunks who was a bit stronger than Post God Goku in equal forms.
If Future Dabra...
He knocks Trunks out claiming he's the only one who can hope to defeat the twins. And then he takes off to kill them and is really confident he can do so.
What the fuck.
Are they really on pair with Pre Rosat Super Saiyans? Cell says Piccolo is the only one who can match the androids, even though Trunks said he can hold his own against both of them. So either:
A) Cell knew Present > Future
B) Future twins were holding back on Trunks and possibly are = Present...
So, Gohan knocks out Trunks and goes fight the twins, but 17 does not raise his power like he did in canon and fights on his <50% level. Can Gohan take out both?
So, Trunks told Goku everything he knew about the Androids. He was utterly powerless against them, and would be monsters even for Yardrat Goku. The Z Fighters can have a shot if they train for 3 years though.
But how strong did the Z Fighters expect the Artificial Humans to be? Did they all had...
So it's well known that albeit on the same league, Piccolo falls behind compared to the Super Saiyans. But how big is the gap between Piccolo and the weakest Super Saiyan?
So we all know sick Goku is >> Yardrat Goku based on Tenshinhan's coments. However, Tenshinhan noted Goku was not alright after they arrived at the island, he was out of breath from traveling a distance even Tenshinhan could.
Could that mean due to his poor stamina Sick Goku's effective power...
As SSJ2 challenged me, i'm doing a thread on Super section.
So, every arc of Super (Including movies, anime and manga) will be rated. Here are the rules:
~ One Arc per day
~ Arcs are rated from 0 to 10
~ An analysis must be provided alonside them.
Once the day has passed, I'll tally up the...
As :CC challenged me to do so.
Someone told be once Gogeta would beat Goku based on some feat from Base Goku shaking the universe or some shit. Who wins?
What if time shenanigans didn't affect the main timeline as much, and #17 and #18 indeed appeared on the island to fight the trained Z Fighters?
Scenario A: Only #17 and #18
Scenario B: #18, #17 and #16.