I have changed my mind about Broli's power.. Right now I think M8 Broli woukd stomp any Cell and is a little higher than SSjin 2 Goku whie M10 Broli is as strong as SSJ3 Goku...
What do you think?
Imperfect Cell
Chapter: 366 (DBZ 172), P3.5
Context: after Goku recovers from his illness
Goku: “The way I am now, I definitely can’t beat the androids or this ‘Cell’ guy.”
Imperfect Cell (Pre Humans) > SSjin Vegeta >/~ SSjin Goku.
Chapter: 370 (DBZ 176), P10.1-2
Context: after Cell is...
In the Super Heroes recent episode, Goku tells Vegeta to fuse because he does not know if he will be able to use MUI again so does not that implies MUI is stronger than SSB Gogeta? I have always viewed SSJB Gogeta and MUI as even in strength as the Broli movie never showed anything proving Broli...
A nice Dragon ball fanboy youtuber who decided to interview me after hearing my name over YouTube and Dragon Ball Forums. The interview happened through YouTube messages, so I decided to copy paste it here. The interview is filled up with who I am, my background on the Dragon Ball fandom, my...
We first have Garlic Jrs's henchmen who attack Goku and they they transform into their buff states. Even though, Goku still beats them all but it was not so easy. Piccolo then arrives and stomps Sansho with ease which means weighted Goku and Piccolo are much stronger than either of the minions...
Two questions...
1. How strong are the saiyans (Punpukin and Brocco) who the humans fought in the filler episode when they went back in time?
2. The combined power of Tenshinhan, Krillin, Yamcha and Chaozu was 1,507 when in the BoZ, their combined power was about half of this.. So how strong...