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  1. Pakl

    SSjin Blue Goku Kaioken x20 vs Beerus

    Can Beerus beat Goku as easily as Jiren?
  2. Pakl

    What If Jiren Had Kaioken?

    What if Jiren had kaioken and could max out at 20x like Goku? How strong would he be as he is already stronger than a god of a destruction?
  3. Pakl

    Beerus vs Belmod

    Who wins?
  4. Pakl

    Tullece Post Fruit

    How strong was he? Post your power level... He is 450,000 imo
  5. Pakl

    What is this shit?
  6. Pakl

    SSjin Blue Goku Kaioken x10 (Current) vs Jiren

    Who wins? Toppo was losing to SSjin Blue Goku but then showed his full power with Goku using kaioken... Goku used normal kaioken though no?
  7. Pakl

    Message To Broli Fanboys (The Great Darkness Is Over)

    Hey Broli fags... All of you, quit being mprons and cock riders and accept facts.... Its freaking 2017 and most people already know the truth... Broli is nothing to Boo... In movie 8 he is nothing to Cell too... Thats indirectly stated and shown by TOEI.. Get over it you bird brains... The days...
  8. Pakl

    Movie 3 Tenshinhan vs Goku (Saiyan Saga)

    Goku can't use kaioken...
  9. Pakl

    Yamcha (Saiyan Saga) vs Gohan (Saiyan Saga)

    At the time of Nappa and Vegeta... Who wins?
  10. Pakl

    Movie 10 SSjin Broli vs Super Bojack

    Who wins?
  11. Pakl

    Movie 3 Goku

    Howdid Goku use Kaioken x10 if he was just 30k+ when he said he can use it when he was 90k?
  12. Pakl

    Bojack vs Movie 8 Goku Miracle Punch

    Who wins?
  13. Pakl

    Goku vs Vegeta

    Lets say Goku has no Kaioken when he fought Vegeta but he absorbs the power of the z senshi Piccolo Gohan Yamcha Tenshinhan Krillin Chaotzu and Yajirobe.. Can he win? Post power levels
  14. Pakl

    SSjin Blue Vegetto vs Beerus

    If Vegetto loses then he fuses in this last episode and if he still loses then he uses Kaioken x10
  15. Pakl

    Initial Bojack vs M9 SSjin Gohan

  16. Pakl

    Burtcoome vs....

    A fusion of Recoome and Burter fight each of this guys one by one recieving a zenkai each fight if needed 1. Ginyu 2. 1st form Freeza 3. 2nd form Freeza 4. 3rd form Freeza 5. Vegeta (Initial 4rth form Freeza) 6. Goku (3 million) 7. 50% 4rth form Freeza 8. 100% Freeza 9 SSjin Goku Who wins?
  17. Pakl

    Goccolo vs Raditz

    Goku and Piccolo use the fusion dance vs Raditz How easily can they win and whats their power?
  18. Pakl

    Gods Of Destruction Image

  19. Pakl

    Universal Survival Saga New Leaks

    This image
  20. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Super New Arc: Survival Space Arc

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.