Toei could have made pretty decent and memorable work out of this.They could have had goku use the Kaioken during the beam struggle and made it glorious moment.Would have been much better than what we got.
Dude thinks he can beat Grade 2 Vegeta,get's his ass beat
Thinks he can beat Kid gohan ssj with the power he used against goku
Think's he can beat Ssj2 kid Gohan,get's horribly mutilated.
Is this guy an idiot? Or he can't sense ki?
I think Gohan is close to them.Goku is not sure if Gohan can beat Fat buu which means those two could be rivals in power but Gohan losing because of buus regeneration.Fat buu and Ssj3 goku weren't far apart either.Yes,Goku did tank buu's punch to the face but buu was holding back.Still Goku...