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  1. KyuubiAhri

    Broly ripoff!

    Not even the earrings did they forget
  2. KyuubiAhri

    Did Vegeta keep the Majin power up?

    What do you guys think?The fact that Babidi's potential unlock and Majin seal spell are not related makes me think that vegeta did keep the power up
  3. KyuubiAhri

    New emoticon request?

  4. KyuubiAhri

    Majin vegeta's self destruct

    How big is the multiplier for this attack?
  5. KyuubiAhri

    Ssj blue Gotenks

    where would you put him?
  6. KyuubiAhri

    Tfs popo in Db super 91

    Popo said to vegeta with a menacious glance that he will be banned if he breaks the room again.Popo is OP
  7. KyuubiAhri

    Goku and Merged zamasu beam struggle

    Toei could have made pretty decent and memorable work out of this.They could have had goku use the Kaioken during the beam struggle and made it glorious moment.Would have been much better than what we got.
  8. KyuubiAhri

    Future Zamasu vs base goku black

    who wins?
  9. KyuubiAhri

    SsjB goku-initial merged Zamasu Gap

    In the manga how big was it?
  10. KyuubiAhri

    What was vegetto referring to?

    His Actual full power (ssj3) or was he suppressed as a super saiyan?
  11. KyuubiAhri

    50% Frieza< semi perfect cell

    It's actually been proven guys.Freezasmite was right all along.
  12. KyuubiAhri

    Recoome vs merged Cui

    Cui finds another cui and uses potara fusion. For this potara we are using Super multipliers
  13. KyuubiAhri

    50% beerus vs Merged zamasu

    Who will win this match? Beerus can't use his Hakai
  14. KyuubiAhri

    Cell is an idiot

    Dude thinks he can beat Grade 2 Vegeta,get's his ass beat Thinks he can beat Kid gohan ssj with the power he used against goku Think's he can beat Ssj2 kid Gohan,get's horribly mutilated. Is this guy an idiot? Or he can't sense ki?
  15. KyuubiAhri

    Is the gap between Beerus and Whis retconned?

    What do you think? If the gap between Beerus and Goku is retconned,could the same be said for Whis and beerus?
  16. KyuubiAhri

    Z-sword Gohan in comparison to SSj3 goku and Fat buu

    I think Gohan is close to them.Goku is not sure if Gohan can beat Fat buu which means those two could be rivals in power but Gohan losing because of buus regeneration.Fat buu and Ssj3 goku weren't far apart either.Yes,Goku did tank buu's punch to the face but buu was holding back.Still Goku...

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