What happaned to them? Since Zeno was angry and decided to destroy everything they probably died too,agree? Maybe that is why Grand Priest has some evil plot in this arc,planning to overthrow Zeno.
Newtonian Laws state
An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.
An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.
frieza would have to use 100% of his power to throw the ball or lift it and to blast it away and even then it would not...
This is in regards to the Future androids strength .
.Cell thinks that Piccolo is the only one able to put up a bit of a fight against 17 and 18.That is truth,because piccolo was equal to 17 BUT....Cell here was referring to the Future androids as he didn't know that they are different in power
Supposedly, Raditz is considered a weak low-class Saiyan among low-class Saiyans. Still, he was stronger than Goku and Piccolo combined, and he is related to Goku. It seems like the assumption is that he was a really weak guy, but is it possible that he could've reached Goku's level?
Or perhaps...
I find it hard to believe.When goku fights zamasu he goes ssj2 and his power inceases several times over.SSj3 is even greater than that and we all know that SSjgssj>>>ssj3
This would imply that Ssjgssj goku is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SsjG goku which is impossible
can he tank the following attacks:
1.Kamehameha from ssjblue goku
2.final flash from blue vegeta
3.rose black kamehameha
4.Sabaki no yaiba
5.Seinaru Gekirin
6.Final kamehameha