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  1. Pakl

    Ask Pakl

    I know I am famous and infamous.... My DBZ debates started in 2011 and my rampage on DBZF in 2012... This place gave me a bad name for no reason.... So here you can ask everything you want about me.... Feel free to ask
  2. Pakl

    Anime Namek Arc Gohan And Krillin

    In the Anime Zarbon says Gohan and Krillin are somewhat stronger than the Namekians so they are 3.5k??
  3. Pakl

    Movie 10 LSSjin Broli vs SSjin 2 Goku

    Who wins? Is it going to be an easy win for either who you say is stronger? I can see Broli being stronger but not by much... its debatable I have SSjin 2 Goku a little bit stronger
  4. Pakl

    Pakl-sama's Super Duper Incredible Battle Powers

    Saiyan arc Battle with Raditz Farmer -full power : 5 Piccolo -with weights=322 -full power=408 -1st Makankosappo=1,330 -2nd Makankosappo=1,485 Son Goku -with weights=334 -full power=416 -Kamehameha=924 Son Gohan -afraid=1 -angry=710 -enraged=1,307 Raditz full power=1,250 Pre preparation...
  5. Pakl

    Dabura vs Cell Games SSjin Goku

    Who wins?
  6. Pakl

    BOZ Goku + Z Senshi's Ki

    How strong would Goku be if he was to absorb the power of Piccolo, Kami, Popo, Tenshinhan, Krillin, Chaozu and Roshi Kami and Popo too Battle power
  7. Pakl

    Koyama's thoughts on "Battle Of Gods

    Even though the truth of new movie villains being stronger than the last ones was revealed (something I always said) there are still newboobs who try to twist it because of their bias. That comes especially to Broli. People deny the fact that Bojack > M8 Broli and discredit it as an excuse of...
  8. Pakl

    Akkuman vs Tao Pai Pai

  9. Pakl

    Movie 8 Goku

    Alright, If Goku was CG Goku, explain why he was identical to his natural MSSjin state and not his FPSSjin in the CG The design also copied 10 days/warmed up Goku
  10. Pakl

    M8 LSSjin Broli vs Perfect Cell (vs Goku)

    Who wins? :OP:
  11. Pakl

    Boo Arc Base Goku vs Android 17

    Who wins?
  12. Pakl

    Banan And Sui vs BoZ Piccolo and Goku

    Piccolo and Goku cant amp
  13. Pakl

    M10 SSjin Broli vs SSjin Goku (Boo Arc)

    Who wins?
  14. Pakl

    SSjin God SSjin Vegetto vs SSjin 4 Gogeta

    Who wins? Gogeta easily imo
  15. Pakl

    SSjin 2

    I noticed that when someone goes SSjin 2, there is always some deep audio echo.... Gohan also has it in movie 10 which proves he was SSjin 2... Watch all the SSjin 2 in Japanese
  16. Pakl

    Movie 3 Tenshinhan vs Nappa

    Who wins?
  17. Pakl

    SSjin 4 Vegetto (BOG) vs Beerus

  18. Pakl

    Krillin (FNF) vs 2nd Form Freeza

    Who wins? Boo Arc Krillin is weaker than Cell Arc Krillin imo
  19. Pakl

    M8 RSSjin Broli vs SSjinG 3 Trunks

    Trunks has no speed loss P.S: M8 Goku ~ CG Goku people go away, this is for the people who know about M8 :CC
  20. Pakl

    Beerus vs Gokuhan

    Lets say Ultimate Gohan uses potara with BOG Goku.. he would be waay ahead of Vegetto Would he be able to beat Beerus.. Base, SSjin, SSjin 2, SSjin 3?

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.