I dont believe Kaioshin is stronger than Piccolo and he should be no match for Cell Arc tier at least in the CG and he can just one shot Freeza which doesnt make him so strong as even 17 can do so
Who wins?
This thread is for guys like KidBuu55 and Simplexible who spout that SSjin 3 Goku is stronger than Ultimate Gohan... That means they have SSjin Goku > SSjin Gotenks so who wins?? :troll
His RSSjin is in par with SSjinG 3 Trunks.... He tanks Vegeta better than Cell
His SSjin is in par with 50% MSSjin Goku... He powers up like Goku did
His LSSjin is in par with CG FPSSjin Goku as he is his counterpart?
I am going to make this and settle it once and for all with all the evidence... If you keep denying it after that, then you are *bleep*ing biased retards or trolls LOL
Most will be dedicated to Movie 8 Goku as most agree the rest are much weaker than in the Cell Games..
Now let us begin...
Tagoma is not dead in DBS... He is said to train with Freeza and being stronger than Gohan... At least SSjin Gohan.. That proves Shisami being able to match Piccolo in FnF
Frog Ginyu then changes bodies with him
He was shown in episode 19 watching Sorbet's spaceship
You ignored my thread on Lounge so I posted it here :blink:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">New story called "The Inner Power"
Just finished the first episode.... Tell me if its good and if its worth keeping on...
Trunks after 3 years in his time line when he beat Cell
How strong was he? Did he get stronger than his CG self??
I have him higher than a Cell Jr but still below CG Goku
From Daizenshuu 7:
Freeza's older brother
A space invader, like his younger brother Freeza. He's a warrior with greater power than Freeza. He came to Earth to challenger Goku after Goku defeated Freeza, and a fierce battle unfolded between him and Super Saiyan Goku. Previously...