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  1. Pakl

    East Kaioshin vs Android 16

    I dont believe Kaioshin is stronger than Piccolo and he should be no match for Cell Arc tier at least in the CG and he can just one shot Freeza which doesnt make him so strong as even 17 can do so Who wins?
  2. Pakl

    Piccolo Post Rosat vs Warming Up Perfect Cell

    Ahowins? I think Cellbut not as easily as he beat SSjinG 2 Vegeta
  3. Pakl

    SSjin Blue Goku vs SSjin 4 Goku

    SSjin Blue Goku from Super or RoF take on either SSjin 4 Goku since he made his debut untill his limits surpassed part... Who wins? Who is stronger?
  4. Pakl

    SSjin Goku (Boo Arc) vs SSjin Gotenks (Post ROSAT)

    This thread is for guys like KidBuu55 and Simplexible who spout that SSjin 3 Goku is stronger than Ultimate Gohan... That means they have SSjin Goku > SSjin Gotenks so who wins?? :troll
  5. Pakl

    Movie 8 Broli Level

    His RSSjin is in par with SSjinG 3 Trunks.... He tanks Vegeta better than Cell His SSjin is in par with 50% MSSjin Goku... He powers up like Goku did His LSSjin is in par with CG FPSSjin Goku as he is his counterpart? Thoughts?
  6. Pakl

    Young Slug vs Tullece Post 1st Fruit

    Who wins??
  7. Pakl

    Movie 8 Goku Boosted vs Bojack

    Goku after he absprbed the ki... Was he much stronger than Broli? He fights Bojack... If Base Bojack loses then Super Bojack
  8. Pakl

    Movie 3 Goku vs Recoome

    Goku cant use Kaioken
  9. Pakl

    Toma vs Namekiam

    The Namekian is 3,000 one of the ones who fought Dodoria
  10. Pakl

    Ultimate Gohan vs Buff Boo

  11. Pakl

    General Blue vs Buyon

  12. Pakl

    Gogeta vs Gohan-Boo

    Base Gogeta vs Gohan-Boo SSjin Gogeta vs Gohan-Boo SSjin 2 Gogeta vs Gohan-Boo SSjin 3 Gogeta vs Gohan-Boo
  13. Pakl

    Movie 8 Z Senshi

    I am going to make this and settle it once and for all with all the evidence... If you keep denying it after that, then you are *bleep*ing biased retards or trolls LOL Most will be dedicated to Movie 8 Goku as most agree the rest are much weaker than in the Cell Games.. Now let us begin...
  14. Pakl

    Movie 3 Piccolo vs Tullece's Crusher Crop

    Who wins? Post your battle powers for the crew Mines are: Razun/Rakasei: 8,000 Kakao: 10,000 Daiz: 11,000 Amond: 12,500
  15. Pakl

    M8 SSjin Broli vs Cell Games SSjin Vegeta

    Vegeta got tanked in movie 8 in his 1st RoSaT self Now he is 2nd RoSaT... Who wins??
  16. Pakl

    Gurd vs Nappa

    Who wins?
  17. Pakl


    Tagoma is not dead in DBS... He is said to train with Freeza and being stronger than Gohan... At least SSjin Gohan.. That proves Shisami being able to match Piccolo in FnF Frog Ginyu then changes bodies with him He was shown in episode 19 watching Sorbet's spaceship
  18. Pakl

    The Inner Power: Episode 1

    You ignored my thread on Lounge so I posted it here :blink: <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">New story called "The Inner Power" Just finished the first episode.... Tell me if its good and if its worth keeping on... The...
  19. Pakl

    Future Trunks

    Trunks after 3 years in his time line when he beat Cell How strong was he? Did he get stronger than his CG self?? I have him higher than a Cell Jr but still below CG Goku
  20. Pakl


    From Daizenshuu 7: Coola Freeza's older brother History A space invader, like his younger brother Freeza. He's a warrior with greater power than Freeza. He came to Earth to challenger Goku after Goku defeated Freeza, and a fierce battle unfolded between him and Super Saiyan Goku. Previously...

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