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  1. SSJ3 Gothic

    Where the FnF is Bra?!?

    I mean really Toriyama. Is she just gone forever now? Some people, like me, wanted to see something done with her character. That is all. :troll
  2. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJ3 Gotenks (post) vs Oob (Baby pre merge)

    SSJ3 Gotenks post versus Oob right before his merge with Mr. Boo. Who wins? I'm not quite sure about battle power, but if the two are relatively close, then I give this to Oob. He was able to fight on par with Base Goku going all out. I find this to be a more impressive skill feat rather than...
  3. SSJ3 Gothic

    Shisami vs Android 16

    I am entirely unsure where to place big red Shisami. So let's have some fun. Who wins?
  4. SSJ3 Gothic

    USSJ Trunks vs Piccolo (Cell Games)

    Trunks is before his second RoSaT trip, using his USSJ form at the same maximum he fought Cell. Piccolo here is post RoSaT, as he was during the Cell Games. So they each have only been in once. How do you guys see this going down? Trunks has power, but does his speed drop enough for Piccolo...
  5. SSJ3 Gothic

    4th Form Cooler vs King Cold

    Cooler before his final form vs big papa King Cold. Who wins? :omg
  6. SSJ3 Gothic

    Lui Xing Long vs SSJ Goku (powers absorbed BoG)

    Goku after his first attempt at becoming a Super Saiyan God versus Lui Xing Long/Oceanus from the Shadow Dragon Saga. Who wins?
  7. SSJ3 Gothic

    Ultimate Gohan vs Ledgic

    Who wins this slobberknocker???
  8. SSJ3 Gothic

    Most underused attack?

    Which attacks or techniques do you like that shoukd have been used more? The Big Bang attack comes to mind. It was really only effective against #19. Though I suppose it is just an amped energy ball l0l. He used it against Cooler too, I think, but nothing happened. And the Kaioken. I would...
  9. SSJ3 Gothic

    Tenshinhan Boo Saga

    Gimme some thoughts on Ten's battle power in the Boo Saga. He damaged Boo, and even if Boo was distracted, I can't help but think there has to be a minimum battle power capable of doing as such. I want to start him off at 10 million, hovering around around initial Final Form Freeza, which I...
  10. SSJ3 Gothic

    Bardock vs Ten & Yamucha (Kaio's planet)

    Tenshinhan and Yamucha have been on Kaio's planet for the same amount of time as Piccolo, before he was wished to Namek. Bardock is from the original special. Who wins?
  11. SSJ3 Gothic

    Captain Ginyu vs Turles post fruit

    This is Turles after his first bite of the Tree of Might fruit on Earth. Who wins?
  12. SSJ3 Gothic

    1st Form Freeza (FnF) vs Gohan (@Super 17)

    This is the Gohan who fought General Rild. Who wins?
  13. SSJ3 Gothic

    Kibito vs Piccolo

    Kibito from the Budukai goes up against Piccolo from the Cell Games. Who wins in this fight???
  14. SSJ3 Gothic

    Cui, Dodoria, and Zarbon vs Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz

    Cui, Dodoria and Zarbon vs Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz. If the Saiyans trained up and equaled out with the Freeza goons, who would win? No transformations. Set everyone at 24,000.
  15. SSJ3 Gothic

    FnF cracks American Top 10 all time anime list FnF, or Ressurection F, has now cracked the top ten all time grossing anime totals in the United States. It now sits at #9 for an anime release in America. Good news for Dragon Ball fans everywhere.
  16. SSJ3 Gothic

    Darth Nihilus respect thread

    Darth Nihilus SPECIES: HUMAN SEX: MALE OCCUPATION: SITH LORD SUMMARY: Darth Nihilus was a Sith Lord, who fought and died during the era of the Jedi Civil war. Not much is known about his life prior to his journey to the dark side. Having survived the cataclysmic event which brought an end...
  17. SSJ3 Gothic

    Why no GT on blu ray?

    :'( Same goes for all those who want the original DB. I've had to watch all these dozens of versions of Z come out over the years, but GT got one box set from ten years ago. They have so many other parts of the series that deserve attention. The blu ray prices have come down enough that I...
  18. SSJ3 Gothic

    Bio Broli vs Dabra

    Two jobbers, with an unimpressive win streak. That comes to an end tonight, as one must emerge victorious! Who would win? I've taken Dabra's side on many arguments, but not this day. I don't see him doing much damage in the long run. His sword would have about as much effect as the Kienzan...
  19. SSJ3 Gothic

    Do they even need the Dragonballs anymore?

    I know it's the name of the show and all. But they have an Earth set that grants several wishes, and the Namek set which can grant three. These dragons have rules, yet the rules of one dragon are often counteracted by the rules of the other. And they have a God who can turn back time. I'm...
  20. SSJ3 Gothic

    BoG Vegeta (Enraged) vs SSJ3 Goku GT (no tail)

    Vegeta in his enraged mode battles SSJ3 Kid Goku from GT. Goku does not have his tail here, and Vegeta's rage lasts only as long as it did in BoG. So both are on a time limit as far as their power boost is concerned. Who wins?

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