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  1. GSM123

    Super Saiyan multipliers

    What are your multipliers for all the transformations? Grades included btw.
  2. GSM123

    Future Gohan went to the past?

    Bulma tells Gohan she's working on a time machine and Gohan goes on Trunks' place to the past. How would things play out?
  3. GSM123

    Warm up Goku

    From the Cell Games. Was he warming up at 50% of his power? If not, why? If yes, why? What percentage of power you think he used while warming up with Perfect :boy??????
  4. GSM123

    Kaioken x3 Goku (Post 100G) vs Kuririn (Vs 1st form Freeza)

    No strain for Galu. Who wins?
  5. GSM123

    Where you think the series should have ended?

    What you think? 22nd Budokai: Without Kuririn's death. The series just ends without the change for a serious tone. 23rd Budokai: It ends with Piccolo alive, like in the original. Goku finally turns into the strongest and wins a Budokai like he dreamed, Kuririn turns into a great martial artist...
  6. GSM123

    Shin runs the Cell gauntlet

    1) Gingertown Cell 2) Post humans Cell 3) Semi Cell (Initial) 4) Semi Cell (Full Power) 5) Perfect Cell (Warming up) 6) Perfect Cell (Vs Galu) 7) Perfect Cell (Speed up) 8.) Full Power Cell 9) Post self destruct Cell Round 1: No magic Round 2: With magic :shin is healed after every match. How...
  7. GSM123

    Dabura's statement about Shin and Kibito

    Why their energy can't be used? Is that they are too weak?
  8. GSM123

    Base >> Kaioshin >> Kamiccolo w/ 50x SSJ experiment

    SSJ Vegeta (Pre Rosat): 1,250 Kamiccolo: 2,000 ~ Light Grenade: 3,000 Android 16: 5,000 Semi Cell: 12,000 SSJ Vegeta: 12,500 SSJG2 Vegeta: 20,000 Perfect Cell: 50,000 SSJG3 Trunks: 60,000 50% SSJ Goku: 100,000 Warm up SSJ Goku/Cell: 50,000 FP SSJ Goku: 200,000 Powered up Cell: 225,000 SSJ...
  9. GSM123

    Manga Multipliers

    Wot multipliers you use on the Super Manga? I'm thinking about going with this: SSJ: 2x SSJ2: 2.5x SSJ3: 5x SSJG: 12.5x SSJB: 25x Sounds good?
  10. GSM123

    Full Power Cell's speed

    Also, Tenshinhan implies it's necessary to use a lot of power to go full speed: So, since Cell was using all of his speed, was he using a power close to his full power against SSJ Gohan, thus his full power isn't worlds above Gohan? Discuss.
  11. GSM123

    SSJ Goku (Yardrat) vs Kim Jong-Un (Post)

    Who wins? No absorbtions for Kim and no Shunkan Ido for Galu. If Kim loses, make him fight SSJ Trunks (Debut).
  12. GSM123

    SSJ3 Goku (BoGs, Manga) vs Chou Gohan

    So it's implied on the movie and stated on the anime that Goku is the top dog by BoGs even before the SSJG Ritual, but what about the manga?
  13. GSM123

    How was Pure Buu able to hold the Spirit Bomb?

    The attack collected Genki from everyone on earth and on Namek, but Buu was able to hold it and needed SSJ Goku's energy to finish the attack and kill Buu. And why the kids didn't power up/fuse to give it energy? Genki is the part related to energy/vigor, so wouldn't a strongest person be more...
  14. GSM123

    Future Dabura runs the gauntlet

    Remember, this Dabura was surviving hits from Z Sword SSJ2 Trunks and needed :shin's intervention to be defeated. How far does he go? 1) Full Power Perfect Cell 2) SSJ2 Teen Gohan 3) Post self destruct Cell 4) Majin Vegeta 5) Good Buu
  15. GSM123

    Tenshinhan sucks

    42HNvl0e26I :alex2 :alex2
  16. GSM123

    Goten and Trunks vs Cell Games Goku

    No Shukan Ido for Goku. If the brats win, have them face Cell (Vs Goku).
  17. GSM123

    Base Gotenks pre vs SSJ2s

    Who's stronger? Discuss, faggots.
  18. GSM123

    Could SSJ Trunks one shot Freeza?

    Before killing him, Trunks told Freeza to power up because he was going to bring him down in a instant. If Freeza powered up, how difficult would the fight be for Trunks? Would he still one shot him?
  19. GSM123

    SSJ Gotenks (Pre) vs Fat Buu

    So we know Gotenks has the power advantage, but by how much? How would this fight look like? Can Fat Buu somehow overcome the gap and beat Gotenks?
  20. GSM123

    SSJ3 Gogeta/Gokhan > Buuhan?

    So Goku asks Elder if he needs to transform before fusing only being familiarized with the Fusion Dance, and the Kids need to turn SSJ in order to have a SSJ Gotenks before the Rosat. So we know Buuhan >> SSJ2 Gogeta/Gokhan > Buutenks. But via scaling Buuhan can't be multifolder above...

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