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  1. GSM123

    Goku and Gohan entered the ROSAT first?

    How would things play out on this scenario? Btw, remember Goku and Gohan spend only 21 hours on the Rosat on the original timeline.
  2. GSM123

    Goku arrived at time?

    Let's say the Z Fighters remembered he'd take time to go back and revived him earlier, so he is on the battlefield with everyone. How would things play out?
  3. GSM123

    Power Levels Gaps

    Well, title pretty much says everything... 100%: Completely even battle. Ex.: SSJ2 Goku vs Majin Vegeta 95%: Advantage is present, but it's hardly clear. Goku vs Nappa 90%: Advantage starts to get clear, weaker fighter may not win.: Goku vs Cell 85%: Weaker fighter starts to get dominated and...
  4. GSM123

    SSjin God Goku (Manga, BoGs Arc) runs the gauntlet

    Manga version for everyone. How far does he get? 1) Final Form Freeza (FnF) 2) FnF Goku (SSjin 1, 2 and 3) 3) Tournament Goku (SSjin 1, 2 and 3) 4) Botamo 5) Cabba 6) Magetta 7) Frost (All forms) It's important to remember this is not on the correct order of power scaling. Tell me who he beats...
  5. GSM123

    Ask GreatSaiyaman

    Well, title pretty much says everything. Gimme your Questions.
  6. GSM123

    My 50% Goku >> Buff Trunks gaps

    Kamiccolo: 2,000 Cyborg 17: 2,000 Cyborg 18: 1,800 Imperfect Cell (Post humans): 5,000 Kamiccolo's Light Grenade: 3,000 Android 16: 4,800 Semi Cell: 7,200 SSJ Vegeta: 7,500 SSJ Trunks: 7,200 SSJ Vegeta (Buffed up): 15,0000 Full Power Semi Cell: 10,800 SSJ Trunks (Buffed up): 14,400 Perfect Cell...
  7. GSM123

    SSJ2 2x multiplier experiment

    I also took the liberty to have Gohan as a SSJ against Dabura and to use the 50/2/4 multipliers on Gotenks. That does not relate to my official numbers though, since i still have a nerfed multiplier for fusions and Gohan as a SSJ2. Warming up Cell/SSJ Goku: 40 FPSSJ Goku: 100 Cell (Powered up)...
  8. GSM123

    Some of Great Saiyaman's numbers

    Organic Freeza: 360 SSJ Goku: 375 Cyborg Freeza: 400 King Cold: 300 SSJ Trunks: 600 SSJ Goku: 675 SSJ Gohan (Two arms): 400 Cyborg 17 (<50%): 500 SSJ Gohan (One arm): 600 Android 19: 600 Android 20: 650 SSJ Goku (Sick): 900 Android 19 (Post): 700 SSJ Goku (Post): 600- Android 19 (Final)...
  9. GSM123

    Why SSJ3 Goku is the only one sensed in thr Other World?

    Goku predicted that Gotenks would be stronger than him, and when Gotenks fuses as a SSJ Piccolo states he "really is incredible", but nobody on the Other World gave a fuck to his power, while everybody went crazy with Goku's power. Same with Super Buu, Base Gotenks Post, and even Chou Gohan, who...
  10. GSM123

    Dragon Ball Super Battle Powers (Manga)

    Z Battle of Gods FnF U6 Tournament Black Arc ToP
  11. GSM123

    SSJ3 Goku and Fat Buu's power

    When Fat Buu first appears, he's a total joke to Vegeta and Gohan says he could beat him with his full power. So SSJ2 Gohan >= Fat Buu. Fat Buu does a 1st power up to fight, and with that power he two shots Dabura and effortlessy beats down SSJ(2) Gohan and Kaioshin, and makes Vegeta accept to...
  12. GSM123

    Fill in

    Assuming: SSJ2 Kid Gohan: 640 Cell (Zenkai): 600 SSJ Kid Gohan: 160 SSJ Goku: 120 SSJ Vegeta: 75 Where we can place: Cell (@Goku) Cell (@Gohan) SSJ Goten and Trunks SSJ/2 Vegeta (Buu Arc, Pre) SSJ/2 Goku (Buu Arc) SSJ/2 Gohan (Buu Arc) Dabura (Assuming Gohan was SSJ2) Kaioshin
  13. GSM123

    DB Super Power Levels

    I'm making a list for the manga, but i'm totally lost. Show me ya numbers, gaps, multipliers, all. Manga only btw.
  14. GSM123

    DB Super Tier List

    So... How would a tier list for the DBS Manga look like? Trying to make one to them make power levels, but i'm totally lost.
  15. GSM123

    GreatSaiyaman's Battle Power List

    WARNING: I do not follow the scouter numbers for Early DB with the exception of the Farmer's 5 as I feel they are extremely inaccurate to the actual feats and statements in the first third of the series. The Z and Super portions of this list however, do follow the scouter numbers. Consider the...
  16. GSM123


    Hi everyone, i'm new here. You all can see my username is GreatSaiyaman123, and i like a lot the character and i got really mad when DBS screwed Gohan. I come from Kanzenshuu, where i use the same username. I wanted to search other DB forums and here i am, but i still around on Kanzenshuu. I'm...

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