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  1. SSJ3 Gothic

    4th Form Freeza (FnF) vs SSJ Goku (S17 saga)

    Who wins in a rematch (sort of) of these fools?
  2. SSJ3 Gothic


    See what I did there ;) This post is all for your boy, SG. If anyone has time, please list all the Boo's that appear in DBZ and set a number for them. Gohan Boo at 100 please.
  3. SSJ3 Gothic

    Revenge Death Ball vs Genki-Dama

    The two attacks collide head on. Equal amounts of energy. Which attack wins?
  4. SSJ3 Gothic

    Bio Broli vs Semi-Perfect Cell

    Two big ugly mugs. Who wins? I maybe take Broli by a hair, for having the better regen.
  5. SSJ3 Gothic

    Chouzu is Maximum

    Just for my own edification, what's the highest battle power you guys allow for Chouzu? The last time I bothered to pay him any mind was the filler on Kaio's planet. From looking at some of the DB power lists here, he isn't a monster, but isn't exactly a total chump in the beginning. I always...
  6. SSJ3 Gothic

    Anyone want more 18?

    We talk a lot about who we want to see relevant again, and I feel like we often gloss over 18. A lot. She's admittedly still stonger than Krillin and much of the Z gang. And she seems to have a decent fanbase. I'm not saiying she should be god level or anything, but all it takes is an episode...
  7. SSJ3 Gothic

    Favorite SSJ form?

    All are applicable. I've always been a sucker for USSJ, even though it was absolutely useless, l0l. Back in the day, I use to read random BP lists, which went to the end of the series, even though I was only on the Saiyan saga. But I use to read them, and see that USSJ Trunkd was listed as...
  8. SSJ3 Gothic

    Yamucha & Chouzu vs Turles

    The two Z fighters are fresh off Kaio's planet. Turles has no fruit. Who wins? (If Turles gets his ass kicked, give him a bite)
  9. SSJ3 Gothic

    Piccolo (EoGT) vs Supressed Beerus (BoG)

    Beerus is at the same level as when he fought Enraged Vegeta. Can Piccolo pull this off, assuming his power exceeds Hellfighter 17 after taking over HFIL?
  10. SSJ3 Gothic

    Enraged Vegeta (BoG/DBS) vs Super 17

    This is the same fight from the Super 17 saga, only we are switching GT Vegeta for Enraged Vegeta. Does BoG/DBS Vegeta stand a better chance against Super 17?
  11. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJ4 Goku (limits surpassed) vs Golden Freeza (FnF)

    Stipulation: Freeza is in the exact same condition as when Vegeta stepped in to fight. Who wins? I think Goku can do it ;)
  12. SSJ3 Gothic

    Dr. Gero

    Why did he make himself the weakest of all the artificial humans? Especially if you include the non canon movies, he was seriously overpowered by his own creations, and by a wide margin. Not to smart for a scientific genius.
  13. SSJ3 Gothic

    Dr. Gero & 19 vs Androids 14 & 15

    Battlebots. Who wins? The SSJ's in M7 always seemed extremely nerfed to me, so I can't put those artificial humans on a high level. But I give the edge to 14 and 15 here anyway, since they don't need to absorb power.
  14. SSJ3 Gothic

    Goten & Trunks (Baby Saga) vs Gogeta (M12)

    I think Goten and Trunks take this here, just through inflation, but not sure how easily. Thoughts?
  15. SSJ3 Gothic

    Metal Cooler (post repair) vs Cell

    See, I can do better! This is Cell upon his first appearance. Who wins?
  16. SSJ3 Gothic

    Young Slug vs Android 19

    Who wins???
  17. SSJ3 Gothic


    Weak sauce? A little bit of power? Or pretty damn powerful? I sort of don't want to put him on, say, Raditz level, but I have no reason to put him high at all. Just a vibe, that he should be maybe around full power Nappa. He probably got a few decent Zenkai boosts just to push him along.
  18. SSJ3 Gothic

    Lord Enma vs Phantom Saiyans

    Enma faces off against the the "ghost" Saiyans from Kami's lookout. Who wins?
  19. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJGSSJ Vegetto

    Anyone else think he will make an appearance towards the end of Super? If the story plays out the same through the F retelling, Whis will continue to push the idea of Goku and Vegeta working together. Especially considering all the near falls they took fighting Freeza, I can easily see the two...
  20. SSJ3 Gothic

    Kaioshin vs USSJ Trunks

    Who wins?

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