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  1. SSJ3 Gothic

    The Origin

    Has anyone seen this yet? It's an anime, from what I can see. I just came across it for the first time and it looks awesome. Obviously it is a bit of a redo using the red/blu take on the material. I was wondering how different is it overall? I mean, this looks like it could be gold, but its...
  2. SSJ3 Gothic

    Final Shine Attack

    Is this the most wasted attack ever or what??? :'( :'( :'( It never worked at all!
  3. SSJ3 Gothic

    Super 17 (post absorbsion) vs 80% SSJG Goku

    Who wins?
  4. SSJ3 Gothic

    M10 Videl Battle Power

    Videl in M10 showed some insane durability and stamina in her brief fight with SSJ Broli. Considering the difference in power, I find it to be damn impressive. What level you guys put her on here? She still can't manipulate energy, but as I said, I think her anime counterpart would have been...
  5. SSJ3 Gothic

    Your team vs.

    Surely you've played this game. Slightly roleplayin. Pick a team of five to defend the world. Your "Ultimate Team" face an unknown threat. Personally I always pictured the aliens from ID4 as my generic enemy, but it can be anything. Ever talked about this with your friends? Who's your team of...
  6. SSJ3 Gothic

    Podcast 3 sign ups

    It's time to begin a headcount for our 3rd edition of the DBZeta podcast! We are again looking for 3-5 members to participate! It will be held at 9pm Eastern time, this Saturday. As with before, should there be any hold ups, we will push the event to the following Saturday. So far our...
  7. SSJ3 Gothic

    MCU Iron Man vs TDK Batman

    Iron Man is from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Batman is from The Dark Knight. Match starts off with Batman in The Tumbler as the two meet in the middle of the city.
  8. SSJ3 Gothic

    4th Form Freeza (FnF) vs GT Trunks

    This is Trunks from the Shadow Dragon Saga. Is he strong enougn to take down Freeza in his fourth form?
  9. SSJ3 Gothic

    Freeza vs Cooler?

    Who do you prefer as a character, Freeza or Cooler? To go along with our podcast discussion, we are passing along one of our topics here, to share with our members. Who is your favorite member of the Freeza clan? Our panel was unanimously in favor...
  10. SSJ3 Gothic

    2 things about Yo!

    Yesterday my copy of Yo! came in the mail. I'm watching it now, and I noticed something new. When Tarble arrives, he is described as having a huge ki. Which I must have missed because I have been putting him much lower. Not only that, but it is 18 who says this. She's not suppose to be able...
  11. SSJ3 Gothic

    Anyone here read AF?

    I've got a couple of the original Doujinshi. The ones with Ize by YoungJiji, I believe. They are still in Japanese. Bought them mostly for the artwork. But I see now that the English versions are now on ebay, done by Herms. And for much, much cheaper. Was thinking about giving it a read...
  12. SSJ3 Gothic

    Transformed Zarbon vs Gohan (power unlocked)

    Zarbon in his monster form squares off against Gohan after a trip to Super Kami Guru's. The fight takes place immediately after having his inner power drawn out. I believe Zarbon pulls off a big win here. Gohan's reluctance to fight and inexperience aside, their powers are relatively close...
  13. SSJ3 Gothic

    GT Piccolo vs M10 Broli

    Does Piccolo come close to this level by the time GT rolls around? While we know he hit a wall post CG, he always trains. At least according to Toriyama, so lets ride with that for now.
  14. SSJ3 Gothic

    Super Saiyan 5

    Before all the new material came out, what did you imagine SSJ5 to be like? Doesn't matter if the idea was used in some fan art or even DBAF. Just whatever you saw fit at the time. I always pictured it similar to SSJ4 but with yellow hair like the previous forms. I've seen some bad fan art...
  15. SSJ3 Gothic

    What's your dream battle?

    If you could watch any two Pokemon square off in real life, what battle would you choose? I'll start: Onyx vs Charizard, just for the size and scope of that fight. A huge ass Onyx and a fire breathing dragon? Hell Yeah!
  16. SSJ3 Gothic

    Broli 1.4 Billion

    Yay or Nay on this number? I will take opinions on Cooler as well ;) <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"></div>
  17. SSJ3 Gothic

    Predictions for Champa

    What's this guys story? I know that info is scarce right now, but what did you all have in mind. Two possibilities come to my attention. 1) Champa is related to Beerus, and that's why they appear similar. 2) Champa is the alternate universe version of Beerus, where everything is slightly...
  18. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJG Multiplier

    What kind of boost do you guys have for Super Saiyan God?
  19. SSJ3 Gothic

    Hi! Pretend I'm interesting!

    Ask me stuff!
  20. SSJ3 Gothic

    Sheer Khan vs Mufasa

    King of the Jungle Death Match! Sheer Khan (The Jungle Book) vs Mufasa (The Lion King) Who wins? Personally, I want to see Mufasa go down. Sheer Khan had the mind of Scar, but with way more muscle. Plus, he had superior strength to Baloo, a much larger animal.

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.