I think we should establish the top tiers of the arc then we can work with the other tiers.
1. Mastered UI Goku
2. Jiren
3. Normal UI Goku
4. SSjin Kefla
5. SSjinB beyond Vegeta
6. Hakaishin Toppo
7. KKx beyond Goku
8. Hit
9. Freeza/Gohan/Dyspo/Toppo/SSjinB Vegeta/Goku
10. Android 17
Well Trunks was surprised that Gero is Android #20 implying that Gero didn't turned himself into an Android in the future but at the same time he was a baby back then and I doubt that Bulma met Android #20 in the future as well. What do you guys think?
We know that Basil is a lot weaker than Fat Boo who is probably as strong as SSjin3 Goku or weaker than Grey Boo but still Basil should strong enough to fight any SSjin2 tiers IMO. Can he take them all? 1 on 1 of course!
What do you guy think about it? It seems Vegeta doesn't really talk about their old Saiyan race anymore in Super since they're starting a new one, a strong race just like Goku said in the Dub version. I think it was a cool foreshadowing. :troll
Does is multiply his strength or just a mere addition? His absorption through the Androids is not a mere addition at all but I'm curious about the others like him absorbing the humans?
A lot of fans are really tired of seeing Goku in the spotlight where the show revolves around him unlike how he was used in Z. And others suggest that it its time to take a new leap with Goten, Trunks, Pan and Uub as the main lead of the show in other words a new generation.
In my opinion...
Toriyama continues, though, saying:
In chapter 515 (originally published 18 April 1995), we see various old friends donating to Goku’s Genki-Dama: Snow, Hatchan, and No. 17! Curiously, 17’s dialog makes little sense:
No. 17 never actually met Goku in the course of the original series...
I just forgot where I used to rank his power to the canon characters... But we all know that he's definitely stronger than Fat Boo in his fat form and his final form destroyed a haxed SSjin3 Goku.
Goku was trained by the best teachers that we've seen but there's only one that seems to be deserved be called Goku's best master. Who do you think it should be?