We all know that the show is garbage and doesn't belong in the level of holy trinity (DB, DBZ and DBS) but let's talk about who is the best character that GT ever produced?
Since we're 1 episode away from the 100th episodes, I guess this is the best time to come our conclusion on which character that got your attention and became your favorite? I'll have a poll of each characters that made a huge impact in the series and also please post your reasoning as well.
I think it's ok to post it here and if not then move it somewhere it fits too. Anyway let's have another Zeta Watch so we can have a good time something that interesting and we're all familiar with! :bitch
No Negative Posts!
I feel like this arc is one of the most underrated of all time and rarely mentioned its quality as one of the best. So Zetards, let's say nice things about this arc shall we?
I'll start first, one of the best thing I like from this arc is how they handled Vegeta. He went...
Either it is DB, DBZ, GT and Super characters.
To me it's M12 Gogeta, that guy gives no fuck and fuck Janemba hard in a short amount of time. That's why he's better than Vegito but sadly, GT ruined him by making more like adult Gotenks the person that I despised. :cry
Most of the fans consider Cell VS Goku as the best fight in the series. So is there any fight that can topped it? I would like to chose some fights on Super but it hasn't dubbed yet by FuniDub so I won't. But the only fight that comes to my mind is Goku VS Pure Buu. Your thoughts?