Search results

  1. ahill1

    What did Kuroro mean?

    Gon asked how can he kill people who have no connection to him and he responded. It seems VIZ fugged his response a little, as in the original the dialogue goes more like this: Gon: How can you kill so many people with no connection to you? Kuroro: Like the face of the fighter who has raised...
  2. ahill1

    Whitebeard vs Netero

    Whitebeard from Marineford vs Netero from the moment he fought Meruem. Both are past their primes.
  3. ahill1


    Who's the villain in One Piece who stands out the most for you, among the ones shown thus far? I'd say that Doflamingo to me. He has just a charisma that I haven't seen on any other villain. I like how he laughs anything off, him keeping his cool generally, his design, his ability... And his...
  4. ahill1

    "We are no match for his strength like this"

    This is what Goku stated once Vegeta said they should rush out from Super Bop's body. Boo had weakened, but Goku still didn't want a piece of him. What do you think about the argument that the "like this" referred to their size, diminute size, as Goku shows surprise they returned to their normal...
  5. ahill1

    Goku vs Gon

    Round 1 : Goku (search for the DBs) vs Gon (hunter exam); Round 2 : Goku (21st TB) vs Gon (post Heaven arena training); Round 3 : Goku (22nd Budokai) vs Gon (post Greed Island); Round 4 Goku (post Choushinsui) vs Gon (as adult, using the power of his life).
  6. ahill1

    Near vs L vs Light vs Mello

    Rate them from the smarter to the least smart.
  7. ahill1

    Manga female character

    Has any female manga character turned you on?
  8. ahill1

    Current One Piece

    How's current One Piece? Has it been decent after the disappointment (at least for the majority) that Dressrosa and Cake Island were?
  9. ahill1

    Base Gotenks vs Majin Vegeta SSJ2

    Pre RoSaT, guys.
  10. ahill1

    Zoro vs Crocodile

    Let's say Zoro knows croc's weakness and puts water on his swords. Can he take it? Alabasta version of Zoro.
  11. ahill1

    The Universal Genki-Dama runs a Super gauntlet

    That amazing GD Goku performed against that evil dragon faces off Super characters... How far can it get?
  12. ahill1

    Is Goku dumber in Super?

    Do you think that Goku suffered from flanderization in the Super series? I honestly see Goku in Super and just can't picture him as the same character portrayed in the latest arcs of the original manga... he seems more stupid, immature, silly, whereas his manga self seemed to suffer more from...
  13. ahill1

    SSJ vs SSJ2 -- Gohan vs Dabura

    Which side are you on?
  14. ahill1

    Zeta watches Legend of The Galactic Heroes

    Is anyone down to it? Once we gather 6 members, I am thinking of creating a new thread with the members interested in watching it and participating. We'll set up a number of episodes we are going to watch until a certain day and review them in the own thread.
  15. ahill1

    The Promised Neverland

    Would you recommend it? Have seen quite a few ppl talking about it.
  16. ahill1

    Broly Movie -- Goku not teleporting to Kaioshin's world

    So we know that in the most recent movie, Goku chose to teleport to where Piccolo was and perform the steps to achieve the Metamorian fusion... But an easier alternative (one that didn't suffer from the burden of needing to perform the steps) would be teleporting to Kaioshin's world and getting...
  17. ahill1

    Dragon Ball Super -- Broly

    So I've watched the movie. 1-- King Cold was the former commander of the army, and Freeza joined later. Makes sense, I guess. In the manga it's clear that Vegeta didn't know King Cold; 2 -- King Vegeta seemed to respect King Cold, but was immediately afraid at Freeza over a first gaze at...
  18. ahill1

    Best Tenkaichi Budokai

    What was the best Tournament displayed in the series in your opinion? If you will, leave a reason as well. I honestly enjoyed the 22nd one (2nd displayed in the series) more... Not only did it feature a good rivalry between different schools of martial arts, culminating in a great final match...
  19. ahill1

    Cell (power used to battle Goku) vs Paikuhan

    Who wins?
  20. ahill1

    Vegeta wishing the Earthlings to solve things in the end

    Do you think it was forced? I mean, Vegeta's basically the reason Boo was allowed to run wild... and yet he wished the earthlings to sort things out?

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.