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  1. ahill1

    Boo saga Goku (base form) vs Android #16

    Goku can't transform... Who has got this?
  2. ahill1

    Trunks and his sword -- a miscalculation on Cold's part

    So it seems to be common sense here that the sword was NOT the reason for Freeza's death as per his exchange with Cold. But some people seem to think that because Cold outted "You can't defeat ME with this sword!!!" and that Trunks stopped the sword swiftly adding "another miscalculation", the...
  3. ahill1

    Goku Post three years training for the androids

    So, as said in the title, do you think Goku has gotten good gains post the three years training? Some people think he didn't change that much due to the mention of a wall and the necessity to surpass SSJ once the androids enter into the escene.
  4. ahill1

    An alternate Universe in which Vegeta kills Freeza on Namek

    Pretend that 3rd form Freeza was his last one on Namek... and that Vegeta, post being fatally injured by Kuririn, handled him and killed the tyrant once and for all... how would the events unfold since then, with the imminent threat being eliminated by Vegeta? Bear in mind that Vegeta might not...
  5. ahill1

    Piccolo coming out of the RoSaT -- dialogue with Vegeta (filler)

    So, in an extra scene from the anime, there's an instance in which Piccolo emerges from the Room and the anime showcases both Trunks and Vegeta's reactions to the new Piccolo: BmGL4GtD2Dg We can see that Trunks was sweatting bullets and impressed with Piccolo's improvement, whereas Vegeta poke...
  6. ahill1

    Death Note

    Do you think DN tries to convey some message? If so, what do you think it's trying to get accross?
  7. ahill1

    How would Law help Luffy?

    Like you can see in the image, Law said he'd take Luffy from there on and that every moment counts... but I didn't understand what he meant by that. Would he use his powers so Luffy would recover faster? Or maybe his help was just restricted to teleporting Luffy to the battlefield?
  8. ahill1

    Why did Griffith as a God Hand rape Casca?

    Was it to show he still had dominamce over Guts or...?
  9. ahill1

    Do you think the Kuma vs Zoro scene seemed kinda forced?

    Cool as hell though it was, Kuma trying to kill Zoro in a way that would put his resistance to test seems an awfully convenient way for Zoro to escape death, don't you guys think? Unless Kuma wanted to test Luffy's companions and I missed his true intentions?
  10. ahill1

    Can the Ginyu mid tier fighters ba placed at 36,000?

    Most ppl seem to place them at 40,000. But considering that Vegeta seemed more dominant against Cui with such a gap, and that Recoome, although obviously stronger, didn't display such impressive fashion as Vegeta basically oneshotting Cui, canwe assume they are still somewhat weaker than 40,000?
  11. ahill1

    Are Goten and Trunks mastered SSJs?

    Since Goten at least appears pretty relaxed while using SSJs, with the round eyes that was only characteristic to Goku once he mastered it, I assume they were. Though they seemingly didn't train to attain this level... what do you think?
  12. ahill1


    Do you think AT had only planned up such state amidst the story (as Goku seems to ignore it entirely when saying he can't defeat Fat Boo) or he had it already planned from the beginning, but decided to keep it unmentioned to build up the drama?
  13. ahill1

    The Trunks vs Dabura sequence in the Super manga

    Does that add to the SSJ2 side (Gohan was a SSJ2 when fighting Dabura), as Trunks post Z sword couldn't compete with Dabura using simply the SSJ, whereas their Z sword wielding proves Trunks is at least stronger than Boo arc Goku?
  14. ahill1

    Was Grade 2.5 faster than Grade 2 and consequently the SSJ?

    We saw that when Kuririn was getting Vegeta so Trunks could fight freely, Trunks still dodged a kick from Cell. So is that state Trunks was using to battle Cell and quickly exchange attacks a faster state then Grade 2?
  15. ahill1


    I think I've brought this before, but it's still an interesting topic to discuss about. We have a Trunks coming from the future and killing Freeza and his father. It's then revealed by this Trunks later on that he came from 20 years in the future. 3 years later, we also get to know about how...
  16. ahill1

    Dai Kaioshin

    This may be already asked, so sorry, but what is with that last page of the DBS manga? Are they implying that Dai Kaioshin is an enemy?
  17. ahill1

    Freeza killing the Saiyajins

    Vegeta, at the verge of his life, stated that Freeza killed the Saiyajins in fear of the SSJ appearing among them. Wouldn't it make more sense killing Vegeta then, as he was the one alongside them (forget Goku) with the most potential? Vegeta even stated that if the legend were true, he'd be the...
  18. ahill1

    ahill's battle powers

    Fight against Furiza-Sama!!! Piccolo (post Nail) -- 1,250,000 - (Non weights) -- 1,500,000 Freeza (3rd form) -- 2,000,000 Vegeta (final Zenkai) -- 2,700,000 Freeza final form (initially) -- 3,000,000 - (Tooling Vegeta) -- 4,050,000 - (Underestimating base Goku) -- 3,000,000 - (Warm up, vs...
  19. ahill1

    A new outlook in the androids saga

    Those point were raised by a debater fellow. If you disagree so hard with this, leave in the comments why. First of all, no one needs to indicate that sick Goku is weaker than his Yardrat or Namek-self in order for it to be the case, since no one has said that he isn't that weak. All that...
  20. ahill1

    Proof base > Freeza

    Vegeta accepted to fight in the tournament in base, saying he'll still have the upper hand, and #18 was there. No reason for him to not include her, specially when she was in the spaceship when Vegeta agreed to such. Later, Kaioshin stated every one of them could defeat Freeza with one blow...

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