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  1. KyuubiAhri

    Ssj3 Trunkten vs Ultimate Gohan

    Goten and Trunks potara fuse into SSj3 Trunkten and fight Ultimate Gohan.Who wins?
  2. KyuubiAhri

    Do you think we will get to see Potara Gotenks

    Since Potara's unlimited fusion time is reckoned do you think think there will be Potara gotenks.It would be much better for him to be part of the universe 7 team and not Roshi and krillin
  3. KyuubiAhri

    Cui vs saiyan saga Vegeta

    They are rivals so who wins.In my personal opinion i give it to vegeta because he has much more durability feats than cui
  4. KyuubiAhri

    10x kamehameha

    Is it 10x the user power level or 10x the normal kamehameha.The latter would make it over 35x times stronger than the user which is pretty haxed
  5. KyuubiAhri

    Hit's time skip

    It's exactly the same as the skill Obito uses
  6. KyuubiAhri

    Saiyan saga Raditz vs Saiyan saga Nappa

    equal power levels.Who wins?
  7. KyuubiAhri

    The most annoying DB character

    Which one of these do you hate the most?
  8. KyuubiAhri

    Goku and Suppressed Perfect cell gap

    Cell was so much faster than goku that he could barely follow his movement.He was able to counterattack but he wasnt able to hit cell no even once.How big was the gap in your opinion?
  9. KyuubiAhri

    How will DBS manga handle Merged Zamasu

    The anime made the entire thing crappy with goku overpowering zamasu in a beam struggle and later removing his halo with basic kaio-ken.Do you think that the manga will do a better job with him,tanking everything thrown at him till vegito arrives?
  10. KyuubiAhri

    Account suspended

    i tried to ented the website early this morning (i havent logged in or anything) and it said that "accound suspended please contact your supervisor for information". I though that someone banned my IP (and i havent done anything bad yet) but now i can enter the site.Was it just me or did someone...
  11. KyuubiAhri

    Bodyless Zamasu

    Was it Merged Zamasu or just Normal Zamasu?
  12. KyuubiAhri

    Ginyu's speed

    Ginyu remarks that his new body with 23,000 PL is faster than his old body with PL of 120,000.Is it just writing error or does his "real"body speed just sucks that much?
  13. KyuubiAhri

    The lowest possible PL for Recoome Burter and Jeice

    Considering how bad vegeta was beat up and his attacks were doing 0 damage to recoome i'd say that 39,000 is the lowest.What is your estimate?
  14. KyuubiAhri

    Explaining just how powerful beerus is

    You can have 2 Ssj4 gogeta's perform potara fusion and guess what.....The result is much much weaker than beerus.
  15. KyuubiAhri

    Merged Zamasu runs gauntlet

    1.KKx2 goku 2.KKx2 goku's kamehameha 3.Vegeta's final flash 4.SSjB gogeta 5.Combined blast from ASSJ Ripazha and USsj Hesoyam 6.Ultra vandalistic wave from SSj4 Ylteicz
  16. KyuubiAhri

    Saiyan saga vegeta vs Cui

    They are rivals in power but vegeta is much better fighter.Who do you think will win?
  17. KyuubiAhri

    Was cell weakened post Gohan's kamehameha

    After Gohan deflected Cells massive kamehameha with a even bigger one
  18. KyuubiAhri

    Vegeta and 19 gap

    The gap is so large that the inferior piccolo was able to stomp a guy who is somewhat stronger than 19.On the other hand,vegeta cant tank punch from 19. So what do you think?
  19. KyuubiAhri

    If Potara fusion were real

    Would you fuse with another person.Pesonally, i would.I would give mu crush the earring and when she puts it,we are united

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