Search results

  1. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJ Bardock battle power

    Whats your best guess for SSJ Bardock's battle power, from Episode of Bardock? I have him at 1 million. I figure pretty low. He didn't train nearly as much as Goku or Vegeta, and transformed with what I figure is a pretty weak base form. 20, 000 base x50 SSJ 1,000,000 Pure guesswork...
  2. SSJ3 Gothic

    GT Freeza Respect Thread

    - Freeza's first appearance in GT takes plae during episode 42 of the series only a few minutes before the closing credits, after operation "Seal Up Goku" is set into motion. Having been dead for many years, Freeza is confined to Hell, where he chooses to stay and remain behind in order to...
  3. SSJ3 Gothic

    4th Form Freeza (GT) vs Super Janemba

    I believe GT Freeza would take this with a fair amount of difficulty. He stated he was training in hell, and I believe he and Cell trained together, giving him a fair amount of gains. He also shows more intelligence than in some of his other appearances, orchestrating a plan that almost...
  4. SSJ3 Gothic

    Jaco the Galactic Patrolman

    Got it in my Ebay shopping cart right now. Do I pull the trigger? Couple questions. Does this connect to Dragonball? Is this 100% Toriyama's work? I want something of his on my shelf, reading wise. How is the story?
  5. SSJ3 Gothic

    Plastic Man Respect Thread

    *This thread will focus on Plastic Man from the Earth 31 Universe, the same universe that depicted the events of The Dark Knight Strikes Again. I am using this version of the character in order to present him with a simplified history yet still maintain an overall view of the character's...
  6. SSJ3 Gothic

    The Devil's Fruit

    So, whoever eats this gets powers. Does each person get a different ability each time, or do powers repeat themselves? Just wondering how concrete the rules of this fruit are, or if it is flexible for the sake of story.
  7. SSJ3 Gothic

    Pumpkin and Brocco vs King Kai

    King Kai battles the illusion Saiyans who fought Tenshinhan, Chouzu, Yamucha and Krillin. The fight takes place on King Kai's planet. Who wins? I give it to King Kai based on a possible significant advantage in battle power. I don't think the Saiyans go down easy, though. They seemed to be...
  8. SSJ3 Gothic

    Jodo Kast respect thread

    Jodo Kast (Legends) Occupation: Bounty Hunter Gender: Male Hair: Blond Eyes: Blue Died: 5 ABY Summary: Jodo Kast was a bounty hunter who was active during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Infamously, Kast was most known for wearing a suit of modified Mandalorian Armor that was nearly...
  9. SSJ3 Gothic

    Respect Threads

    Place your respect threads here. We are going to try this out and see how it works. Anyone wanting to make a respect thread, just do so and post it in this forum. Either myself of a mod will link it to this thread. This should be a fun way for people to get involved in some of our versus...
  10. SSJ3 Gothic

    Reed Richards vs Luffy

    Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic vs Luffy from One Piece. I earned some respect for Luffy, but I think Reed Richards takes this fight. Luffy might actually be more resilient and have better durability. Reed Richards tho is one of the smartest men in the Marvel Universe. The smartest of those...
  11. SSJ3 Gothic

    Goku in M10

    I have never doubted Goku was present during the beam struggle at the end of Second Coming/M10. Several characters notice him, including Broli and Goten. The dragon balls, despite acting uncharacteristically, do scatter. Others have made an argument for the contrary, and I wanted to hear both...
  12. SSJ3 Gothic

    Oob EoZ vs Oob BoGT

    What kind of growth did Oob get between the two time periods? Both are often compared to some form of Majin Boo. I have my own theories on BoGT Oob, but when it comes to end of Z in general, my knowlage is for the most part shallow.
  13. SSJ3 Gothic

    Wonder Woman vs Superman

    A little unorthodox as this fight happens from time to time. But this is literaly my dream Death Battle and I want opinions. I have always believed Wonder Woman can defeat Superman on 6/10 occasions. Her power is comparable and her speed is sufficient. She can withstand his heat vision and...
  14. SSJ3 Gothic

    Indiana Jones vs John McClain

    Indiana Jones takes on John McClain from Die Hard Indy is armed with his pistol and whip. McClain has one machine gun and one grenade. Who wins?
  15. SSJ3 Gothic

    What level was Pikachu in episode 1?

    This is for the very first episode of season one. When Ash first got Pikachu, and through the next few episodes, I always got the impression that it was suppose to be at a higher level that the average starter Pokemon. Assuming the levels in the show are comparable to the game up to Brock...
  16. SSJ3 Gothic

    Theories on Ultimate Gohan in GT

    What are your theories on Gohan's Ultimate form in GT? Did he lose it? Does he no longer require it? Is SSJ stacked on top of Ultimate? Or alternate between the forms? Something else entirely? Share with me!
  17. SSJ3 Gothic

    Piccolo on King Kai's planet

    How much power did Piccolo gain on King Kai's world? I have raised this topic before and opinions were all over. I originally lowballed him at Saiyan Saga Vegeta's level, but after hearing others speak on the matter, I have since raised it. While I don't have an exact number, I lean towards...
  18. SSJ3 Gothic

    My first DB debate

    This took place when after being with the online DB community for only a few weeks. The tournament ended up failing, but this turned out to be one of the few debates that got fully developed. "Why did Piccolo's power hit a wall after the Cell Games?"
  19. SSJ3 Gothic

    Replaying Emerald.

    Day 1 A Truck arrives in town, and through the power of Game Boy, I am transformed from a normal sized teenage boy into a raisin wearing a baseball cap. I meet Prof Oak...I mean Birch. He asks me my name and I answer ROCKET. It's the name I always use from the days of old. I loved Team...
  20. SSJ3 Gothic

    Favorite anime battle?

    Movies or TV, which Pokemon fight is most memorable for you? I ALWAYS loved Ash vs Gary when they used Pikachu amd Evee. It was a strait forward, one on one battle with no excuses. And seeing Gary kick ass with a plain ol' Evee was simply fantastic.

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.